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Third person's POV

They are on their way to the company of Jisung's and Jieun's real Father. The twins are both staring nowhere, like they are on their right minds. It's either they are nervous and excited or they want to get mad at their Father once they saw him.

Jaehyun looked at his wife, he is worried about her. She looks so nervous, he wants to read her mind but as a promise, he won't ever do that. He wants to respect his wife's decision. His right hand let go of the steering wheel, and let his left hand drive. 

He held Jieun's hand "You okay?" 

Jieun was startled but she calmed down as soon as she saw his face "Yeah" 

"Are you sure? You can-" Jaehyun stopped talking when Jieun held his hand tighter "Alright" 

"Are we almost there?" Jisung asked boredly, he doesn't show any expression nor emotions

"Yup" Jaehyun answered and still holding her hand tightly 

Jieun finally calmed down, but she's still holding Jaehyun's hand. She never thought of letting his hand go even if they arrive at that company. She felt relieved, this is not the first time that Jaheyun calmed her down. The first time was when she's going to meet the ranker, and now. 

As they arrived at the place, Jaehyun parked the car and the three of them got out of the car. They all entered the company and went straight to the floor where they Father is. But then, a girl stopped them. 

"Do you have any appointment with Mr. Park?" she asked

Jaehyun nodded and smiled "Jung Jaehyun" 

The girl was shocked and vowed "I'm sorry, Sir. I didn't recognized you. You can now enter his office. He is waiting for you there" 

Jaehyun just ignored her and went straight to the old man's office. The twins followed him quietly, Jieun is nervous but doesn't show it, Jisung is following them like he never wants to meet his real Father. As soon as they entered the office, the old man vowed to Jaehyun. 

"You must be the representative of Azreal Incorp. ?"
he asked

Jaehyun vowed and nodded "I am not here for any business meeting. I am here for an important reason" he said and step back to show the twins

The old man was froze as soon as he saw the twins in front of him. The twins he always wanted to meet and spend time with. He never thought that he will see them right in front of his face, on that day. His tears started falling when he met Jisung and Jieun's gaze. 

Jieun looked at Jaehyun as a sign that she's nervous. 

He smiled at Jieun, signalling her that it's okay. 

Mr. Park hurriedly ran and hugged his son "J-Jisung" 

Jisung never expected that once his Father hugged him, it'll be the reason of his tears. He promised not to cry and look like a baby but damn. That never happened. His tears continued falling. He hugged him back. 

Jaehyun went to Jieun "I'll leave. You have to spend time with your Father. You'll be fine, wife" 

Jieun nodded "Thank you" 

He smiled and finally left the office, leaving the three. 

After Jisung, the old man quickly hugged Jieun as fast as he can "J-Jieun" 

Jieun smiled and hugged her Father back "Yes, Father, it's me" 

Mr. Park smiled and hugged them both "He knows how much I wanted to see you both. I've always wanted to spend time with you two and watch you both grow. Your Mom won't let me, she always use you two to get money from me" he cried

It broke Jisung and Jieun's heart, to hear their Father cry over them. They never thought that their Mom would always ask me and will use them as an excuse. They thought their Father left their Mom but they were wrong. 

The three of them sat as soon as Mr. Park calmed down. He is smiling as he watched the twins, and analyze every moves. He is mesmerized by how the two looks so identical. They really look like each other. 

"How are you?" Jieun asked, trying to break the silence

"I'm fine, but I feel better, seeing you two here, finally"
Mr. Park smiled 

Jieun and Jisung smiled.

"How about you two? How are you?"
Mr. Park asked them back 

Jisung sighed "Not fine. We left the house because of something. Our step dad, whom we thought is our real Father. He tried to rape Jieun-"

"That asshole?!" their Father shouted out of anger

Jieun dropped her jaw "Y-Yes" she was so shocked by her Father's boldness

"But before that, Mom and that asshole tried to use Jieun so their company will be debt free. They used her and sold her to a cult, luckily, a guy saved Jieun, but then I paid the guy so he will stop bothering Jieun. But that doesn't stop there, they sold Jieun to Mr. Leeteuk's nephew so they will be debt free again" Jisung said

"Leeteuk? the owner of Azreal Inc.?" Mr. Park looks confused

Jisung nodded "We left the house and we're currently living with Jieun's husband's apartment. It's their home, it means I'm the only one who's living there temporarily" 

"Jieun is married?" Mr. Park asked

"Yes, the guy earlier is her husband" Jisung added and smiled

"That guys is Leeteuk's nephew?" Mr. Park's expression suddenly became dark that the twins never expected "Your Mom sold you to Leeteuk's nephew?"

Jieun nodded.

"Alright, I'll pay the money they gave to your Mom, leave that guy alone" Mr. Park said

Jieun was shocked and gulped down "H-Huh?"

"I want you to leave that guy. You two will live in my house from now on" Mr. Park

She can't do anything. It's her Father. Her real Father. 

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