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Jaehyun's POV

We are currently at the rooftop of Stonehill University. I drove them here. Jieun and Jisung took all of their things and stayed at the apartment with me last night. Jisung said it doesn't matter if he is not their Father but he did something disgusting to Jieun. He said he would never forgive him even if he kneeled in front of him.

Jieun didn't even had enough sleep last night. I am a vampire and I can stay up until anytime I want. So, I stayed with her and waited for her to fall asleep. She is in our room while I am at the living room. Jisung will be sleeping in the guest room for the meantime. Jieun kept apologizing to me last night for bothering them. Actually, they didn't bothered me. It was my choice to go there and I accidentally saw everything. I was supposed to be glad because Jieun will be living with me from now on but I hate the fact that she can be traumatized for what happened.

She is quiet the whole time we got here. She didn't even cried nor shout to let go of her feelings. She's just quiet staring somewhere. She's not even talking to me. I badly want to read her mind but I think she needs some time for herself. Also, I promised myself not to read her mind or invade her privacy.

The bell rang but she's not even moving a bit. I wonder if she's okay. I want to hug her but I can't. I want to make her feel better but how? I don't have any idea what to do.

Also, I want tell her something.


"You can go. I'll stay here. Thank you" she said while not looking at me

"No, I'm not leaving you here. I am not going to leave you anymore. I will stay beside you forever. I will make sure you are not going to be in danger like what happened last night"

"It's not your duty-" Jieun

"It's one of our vows as a vampire. Once we got married and signed the contract. From that day, it's our duty to protect our wife. That's my duty and also..." I said and stopped, she looked at me "My choice"

"It's your choice to protect me?" Jieun smirked

I nodded "I want to be honest with you" I walked and stood beside her "When I first saw you. I just thought you are some typical human, who hates vampires. Yes, I did kissed you for the second time but the first time is really an accident. I didn't meant to do that. But after that accident kiss, I kept following you. Your blood kept making me addicted"

"You mean, blood lust?" she asked

"Yes, whatever you call that. I kept calling you sweet blood. At first, I want to tease Jungwoo because I know he chose this University because you are here. This is not the first time we met. I was there when Jungwoo tried to save you from the cults. I helped him. You looked at me with an emotionless eyes. I never thought I will be seeing a girl with such eyes. All I know is human are good at expressing their emotions through their eyes but you are different"

"Is it because I am beautiful?" she smiled

I smiled back "I think so"

"You think so? What does that mean?" she raised her eyebrow

"I don't know, there's just something that tells me you are not beautiful and you are. You didn't understand, right?" I chuckled

"Can I tell you something?" she asked


"You are handsome. Should I say that you, the Jaehyun I met here on his first day, the clingy, talkative and friendly Jaehyun is my ideal type? I don't really like someone who acts cool, has a cold personality and whatever" Jieun

"So, Kun is not your ideal type?"

"He is-" Jieun

"You are already married"

"Are you jealous?" she smiled at me

"Vampires never feel jealous"

"You are just mad? Aside from being mad or angry, are there more?" Jieun

I shook my head "Nothing. That's it. That's what we can only feel. Anger."

"I know this is going to be hard-" Jieun

"But the side effects of the drugs that was injected to us has side effects. It's for us, so we can go out even if it's day, we will be able to control to drink humans' bloods. The side effects is to feel different emotions like humans. We just don't know how to figure what it is or control it"

"Since we are living together and you said we are married. I will help you figure out those emotions. I will be your teacher for emotion subject. What do you think?" Jieun smiled at me

Is this it? The feeling Hwang Hyunjin felt when he started to date Min Ye-eun?


"Sure. I just hope you won't ask for payment"

"That's free but you need to promise me one thing" Jieun smirked playfully

I am really curious when she's showing different expression. She's good at mixing her expression and emotions. When she's sad, she smiles. When she's hurt, she smiles. When she's scared, she smiles. She's really good at that.


"Can you promise me not to leave?" Jieun looked at my eyes

I smiled "Of course, I won't leave you but can you also promise me one thing?"

She nodded.

"Can you not hide your feelings anymore? When you feel like crying, just cry. When you are hurt, don't smile. When you are sad, show it. When you are scared, tell me"

"H-Huh?" she looked away

"I am always here, Jieun. Let's learn the emotions and expression together" I held her cheeks and made her face me "I am not going to leave so don't worry"

As soon as we met each others' gaze. Her tears started falling.

But then, she fainted.

She is not well.

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