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Third person's POV

Yoojin's eyes were getting teary as she heard those words from Jieun. She doesn't want to believe her but there's something that's pushing her to believe Jieun. She longed for them and suffered a lot from the fact that Eynol killed them. She blamed herself for a long time and can't get over it. It was her fault why they were gone. It was all her fault...

"W-What are you saying? That can't be. They are dead"
Heize asked instead of Yoojin who's dumb founded

Jieun sighed "I-I know i-it's a bit hard to believe it since it's coming from a human. I really don't know the story but when Mom tried to kill me that night. I thought I was g-going to die but three guys came. I don't know them, I've never seen them before. They brought me to where they are staying and told me everything. They are the one who told me that Heize is going to be in danger and I need to keep an eye on her. Also, it wasn't just me who knew about it..."

"Who?" Yoojin asked as she pulled her strength

"Lee Yoonah, my best friend, she's Amaya, Minho and Claire's adopted child"

Yoojin lost her strength when she heard Yoonah's name. Ever since the school started, she's really close towards Yoonah. She doesn't know what's happening but she's really attached to her. She adores her so much not knowing that Yoonah knows everything and she's Amaya.

"A-Are you saying that Y-Yoonah knows everything?" Yoojin asked

Jieun nodded "Yes, she's always visiting them whenever she needed to. When I heard the story I badly want to tell Jaehyun or you. I can't because they asked me to be quiet. They have a reason why they are doing this. I-I guess you need t-to hear it form t-them..."

Yoojin nodded a few times "L-Let's go"

"Mom, are you sure?"
Heize asked worriedly

"Let's trust her" Yoojin said and left them, she went to her car and there, her tears started flowing like a river. She's not sad, she's not happy. There's an unexplainable feeling that kept bothering her. It was like a feeling of seeing someone whom you wished that we're still alive.

Jieun and Heize got in the car and kept their silence. Jieun just gave the address to Yoojin and stayed quiet as well. Yoojin started driving, she stopped from crying and calmed herself. Her eyes were full of hope that Jieun is telling them the truth. If there's someone who needs to cry like a river once they saw them, it was Yoojin. 

After an hour of driving, they finally arrived at the place where they are hiding. The three of them got out of the car. Jieun was overthinking if what she's doing was right or not. Heize is excited to see them but also worried about her Mom. While Yoojin is just following the two.

Jieun knocked on the door "It's Jieun" she said

The door opened.

"Oh, Jieun. We're worried about you yesterday" Jeongin said

Yoojin can't believe what she just heard and what she's seeing right now. 

"I-I have some visitors that you all need to see" Jieun said and looked at the car where Yoojin and Heize were standing

Jeongin's eyes widened when he saw the girl "Yoojin?"

Yoojin ran and hugged Jeongin "Ya! I thought you're all dead!" she said between her sobs

Everyone in the house were curious who is Jeongin talking to. They all went downstairs to where Jeongin is, their eyes widened as they saw a figure of a woman whom they kept hiding from, all the years. 

"Yoojin" Ye-eun called and smiled at the girl

Yoojin quickly hugged her Mom as tight as she can "M-Mom..." she whispered

"How did she know?"
Yeji asked Jisung

"I don't know. Why are you asking me?"
Jisung asked back sarcastically

Yeji hit his forehead.

Jieun and Heize both entered the house, watching Yoojin having a dramatic moment with Ye-eun and Hyunjin.

"You told her?" Felix asked Jieun

Jieun nodded "Y-Yes, I just thought that it's going to be easier if we will all keep an eye on what will happen to Heize"

Hyunjin is smiling at Yoojin "You still look the same"

"You too, Dad" Yoojin smiled at him 

"So, what's our plan?" Chan asked

"I-I don't understand. Why would Heize be in danger?" Yoojin asked

"Remember the vampire who died because of you? Eynol's daughter. He found out that you will be having a dhampir daughter. He said that he will make your daughter the sacrifice to his ancestors and to get some more power as he continue to be the highest god rank"
Master Bang explained

Minho nodded "When we successfully escaped that place. We found Amaya and asked for her help. She's studying at Stonehill University to keep an eye on Heize and she kept updating us. But as the time goes by, she's receiving a lot of information. That another vampire is involved with a human" 

"We're just trying to look after Jieun but we accidentally saved her and told her about us" Changbin 

Jieun was quiet the whole time and kept gathering her information. She doesn't care if she will be in danger, she just wants to help Heize, especially Jaehyun. She remembered what Suho told her. If the bracelet belongs to the previous highest god rank, Jung Jihwan, Jaehyun's Father. That means the only way to remove Eynol form his position to avoid making Heize the sacrifice, then she needs to make Jaehyun the highest god rank. 

That only means one thing...

She really needs to leave him.

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