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Yoonah's POV

"Lee Yoonah!!!!" Mom shouted and kicked the door

I quickly opened my eyes "Mom, please. My head hurts so much"

"How can you drink that much?! You should thank Jisung for bringing you home-" Mom

I fell on the floor as I felt shocked by what I heard "J-Jisung? You mean Jaemin? Not Jisung"

"Ya, I'm not that old. I still can recognize faces! Jaemin and Jisung are different. I know them both" Mom

I am with Jaemin last night, we drank together and how come Jisung brought me home?! N-No. I didn't drunk called him, right?! Oh my gosh!!!

"Mom! Leave my room"

"You should move fast. You need to help me" Mom said and left my room

I quickly opened my phone and saw a lot of messages that I sent to Jisung last night. Oh my gosh.

calling Jaemin...

"Ya! Na Jaemin!"

[What? Shit. I think someone hit my head. It hurts so bad.]

"You brought me home last night, right? Tell me you did!"

[You don't remember anything? Jisung brought you home last night]

"Ya! Go here! Make it fast! Or I'll break your head!" I ended the call and started rolling on my bed

What if I started saying nonsense last night?! What if I did something terrible?! What if I confessed to him?! Oh my gosh. I want to cry!!!

I took a quick bath, wore my clothes and went downstairs. I am still worried about what I did last night. I don't have any idea if I did something embarrassing. I saw my preparing thr breakfast.


"Eat, I cooked you a soup for your damn hangover" Mom smiled

"Stop cursing, Mom"

"Oooops, my bad" Mom smirked and sat

We both started eating but what I heard from Mom still on my head. Did he really brought me home? How? Why? Did Jaemin called him? But damn. I am the one who called him according to my call logs. Shit.

"Mom, did he really brought me home?"

"Jisung? Yes. I think you also vomited, his clothes are covered with disgusting ugh whatever that is" Mom

I sighed "I even vomited"

This is so embarrassing! I vomited, what if I started saying nonsense? I am so embarrassed. I am not going to attend my class this coming Monday. I swear. It'll be the end of me.

"Jisung also stayed here for almost an hour to check and wait if you're fine" Mom

"He stayed? Why?"

"Didn't you heard me? He stayed to check if you're fine or not. What's so hard about understanding what I said?" Mom

"Your pronounciation"

"Ya, to piss you even more. Let me tell you that you started acting like a child and kept asking for his kiss" Mom said

I looked at her and she's smirking at me. No. I didn't do that. I WOULD NEVER- WAAAAAHHH!!! Kill me! I don't want to live anymore! No! This is so embarrassing! Waaaahhh!! Is she really my Mom?! Why does she looks so proud saying those things that embarrassed me in front of my crush?!

"N-No, I would never do that"

"But you did" Mom pouted and continued eating "You even acted like a cute baby, asking a kiss from Daddy. Awww. Cutie"

"Mom, please, stop"

"Why? I am enjoying. You should hear everything you did last night. One more, do you know that you kept saying that you like him? That he rejected you because he doesn't like you anymore? What's that supposed to mean? He likes you before? Wow" Mom smirked again

She's really good at teasing me.

"Do you still have a lot of things to say?"

"Yes, you asked him to marry you and live with him. You even kneeled down to propose to him. Then, for the last embrrassing thing you did, you almost stripped saying that you two should do the honeymoon first! Wow. You're really fast, Yoonah. I think you and I were very alike" Mom said looking so proud of what I did

Why do I feel weak? I should've not drank that much. But damn. Why is he there in the first place?! Who the heck called him last night?!

"Good morning, beautiful ladies!" someone greeted and entered the kitchen, speaking of the devil.

"Good morning, Jaemin! You should eat here, I have a lot of things to say but I need to go somewhere" Mom said and prepared Jaemin's plate

Jaemin sat on my Mom's seat earlier "Thank you, Mrs. Lee"

"Bye, you two!" Mom said and went straight to her room

"Why are you spacing out?" Jaemin asked and started eating

"I acted like a baby and whined in front of Jisung because I want a kiss, I even told him that I like him but he rejected me because he doesn't like me anymore, I asked him to marry me and I even want us to do the honeymoon first. I almost stripped in front of him. Do you have anything to add?"

Jaemin bit the bread "We drank last night, you're okay at first but as soon as the alcohol hits you. You started saying a lot of things like Jisung is a jerk, he is an asshole and a lot of things. You started saying hateful words about him. But that's not all, you called him and you said you like him"

"I- What?!"

Oh my gosh.

Jisung nodded "You confessed to him but one more thing shock everyone at the bar. For your information, he went there, no one called him nor asked for him. When he came there, you acted cute too but-"

"But?! What did I do?!"

"You kissed him in front of a lot of people" Jaemin

No, this is not happening.

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