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Jieun's POV

I opened the door and saw the angry face of my twin brother "Hmm?"

"Are you being serious right now? Can't you pull yourself together? You slept at 4 am and now you woke up late. Do you know what time it is? We are both late" Jisung scolded

"You can go first. I'll just get ready and go to school right away"

"Are you being serious right now? I am scolding you stop trying to get away" Jisung angrily said and pushed the door to open it widely "Sit down"

I sat on my bed "Can you just scold me later? I'm so tired"

Jisung threw a paper to me "You should've read it first before you signed it! Are you kidding me?! I didn't paid the debt of our parents before for nothing! Why are you so hard headed?! I told you not to let them use you to pay their debts! How many times do I have to tell you?! And how many times do I have to save you?!"


"Ya! Do you think this is a joke?! They almost give you to some cults in exchange to be debt free! Do you think this is fun?! And you lived with a guy because he paid the cults to get you! What if I didn't paid them?! What if I wasn't there?! What will happen to you now?" Jisung shouted so loud and kicked the door so hard

"What's wrong with you? This is my destiny. This is the reason why I am alive. Just let them do what they want"

He sighed and looked away "I will find a way to get you out of this trouble, again. You go and get ready. I'll go first" he said and left my room

I pouted and went to the bathroom. I took a very quick bath and wore my uniform. I will probably arrive there around break time. Oh, well. That's better than not attending. I tied my hair and went downstairs.

"Did you and your brother fought again?" our maid asked and gave me some snacks

"He just scolded me. Anyway, I'll go now. Thank you!"

I left the house carrying the snack she gave me. I started eating it when I suddenly received a call from Yoonah.



[Are you going to skip classes again? Where are you?]

"Sorry, I woke up late. I'm on my way there, don't worry"

[Alright. I'll meet you at the cafeteria after this class]

"Hmm" I ended the call and lazily continued walking to Stonehill University

After a couple of minutes, I finally arrived at the University. I entered and saw someone who completely ruined my day.

"Hi, Jieun" he smiled

"I'm not in the mood"

"I'll see you later" Jaehyun winked

I sighed and walked away from him. I went straight to the rooftop. I locked the door and went to the railings where I can see all the students who's currently having their free time. I just hope they didn't do anything important today.

Agh. I forgot. I'm getting married to someone I don't know again. What can I do? That's my destiny.

I went to the stone part of the rooftop and stood there "I just hope I am a bird so I can fly as high as I can bur damn, I am not a b-"

The next thing I knew...

I am on top of Jaehyun...

"Hi, sweet blood" Jaehyun winked at me

"How did you-"

He kissed me "Shhhhh" he smiled

What the hell-


Jungwoo's POV

I looked at the seat behind me, but it's empty. Where is she?

"Jungwoo" Yoonah called

I looked at her "Huh?"

"I forgot. Anyway, I'll go and meet Jieun. Bye!" Yoonah smiled and walked out of the room

I left the room and saw Haechan standing in front of my room while reading something.

"Where are they?"

"They are not in the cafeteria, we can't eat anything there. We found something" Haechan

I quickly followed him as he went somewhere. It's somewhere dark inside this University. I saw my friends doing something.

"What is this place?"

Johnny gave me something "This University is owned by a dhampir"

"The child of human and vampire? How did you-"

"Leeteuk met Hwang Yoojin yesterday. When she heard about us going to attend this school. She recommended this place for us only. This is where she always at when she is still here" Yuta explained and showed me a picture of a girl "She's pretty strong"

"And she's now a fashion designer" Taeyong added

I nodded "Where's Jaehyun?"

"I saw him earlier but I'm not sure if it's him. He suddenly left earlier" Taeil

Doyoung gave me something "Blood"

"Are we allowed to drink that here?"

"This place is for us only even if we kill a human here" Taeyong said

"Ya, we are not allowed to kill here" Haechan

"Leeteuk said it's going to be dangerous if we will try to ignore our thirst. We might end up killing a human, so he put it here" Johnny said and opened a fridge beside him "This is for us all. Just clean yourself after drinking bloods"

I quickly drank the blood and gave the bag to Doyoung "I'll go and find Jaehyun"

"Alright" Taeyong

I fixed myself and left that place. I went to the cafeteria and saw Yoonah with Park Jisung and his friends. I don't think it's okay to go near him. But, I need to know where Jieun is.

I quickly went to them "Yoonah"

"Oh, Jungwoo" Yoonah smiled

"Where's Jieun?"

Jisung slammed the table and stood up as he stared at me "Leave my sister alone. You don't have the right to go near her"

"You can't stop me, Park Jisung"

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