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Third person's POV

(Next Day)

"Shall we bring breakfast in Jaehyun's room?" Taeil asked

"You bring it to him. What if he suddenly throw a pillow to us?" Yuta asked

"Why are you two so coward?" Taeyong asked and took the breakfast tray and gave it to Haechan

"Why me?" Haechan asked

"Doyoung and Mark will go with you"
Taeyong said and sat on the couch

"Me? I don't want to go there" Mark 

"I don't want either" Doyoung 

"Are you two going there with Haechan or I'll tell Yoojin that you two went outside to meet with girls?" Johnny threatened the two

Mark, Jungwoo and Doyoung went outside yesterday. Mark had a date with Maya, the girl who kissed him first. Doyoung also ate with Hida just to thank her for saving him from the embarrassment. Then, Jungwoo visited Hayoon just to make sure she's fine.

Doyoung took the tray from Haechan "I'll go"

"Me too. I really want to give Jaehyun a breakfast" Mark smiled

"What the heck is wrong with you two?" Haechan asked the two

The three of them entered Jaehyun's room and saw him lying down on the bed while staring at his phone soullessly. He didn't even greeted them even though he knows who entered his room. He is still waiting for Jieun's reply.

"Ya, can't you see us here?" Doyoung asked

"We brought you a breakfast" Mark

"Just leave it there" Jaehyun answered and covered his face with the blanket

He kept sighing since last night. There's no update from Yoojin nor Heize about their meeting with Jieun. He almost fell to the ground when he received a message from Jieun...

From : Jieun

Let's meet. I miss you. 

Jaehyun's eyed widened and a smile curved on his lips when he read the last part. The three vampires who's inside his room were all confused about his reaction. They were all shocked to see Jaehyun smiling after three days of whining inside his room. 

"Are you okay?" Haechan asked

He ignored Haechan and just sent Jieun a message. 

To : Jieun

Sure, right now? I'll pick you up. I'll get ready now.

"Are you really okay?" Mark asked him

Jaehyun stood up and happily ate one bread from the tray and went inside the bathroom leaving the three dumb founded.

"What's wrong with him?" Doyoung asked

"I don't know" Haechan answered

Mark took Jaehyun's phone and they read the messages "Jieun replied to his text message. She wants them to meet because she misses him. Does that answers your questions?" 

Doyoung and Haechan covered their mouth and ran outside excitedly. Mark followed them. The two told everyone about what they found out. They want to stop him but they can't. It's been three days since Jaehyun didn't leave his room. They want him to at least get some fresh air and spend time with Jieun. 

As soon as Jaehyun finished taking a bath. He quickly wore his clothes that will suit him better and will show his beauty. He fixed his hair and quickly finished everything he needs to, with himself. He took his phone, wallet and car keys with him as he came out of his room. Everyone is pretending they doesn't know anything. 

"I have a date. I'll go home later" Jaehyun said and smiled at them proudly

"Good for you. I thought you're not going to come out of your room alive" Jungwoo said as he came out his room too

"Bye!" Jaehyun said and quickly left the stay in house

He got in his car and started driving to Jieun's house. He can't stop smiling from the fact that he will see her again after three days of not talking to each other. He kept checking his self on the rear view mirror if he looks fine or not. He can't stop thinking what should they do or where should they go. 

Jieun is waiting in front of her house wearing:

(Credits to the rightful owner of the photo) After almost half an hour of driving

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(Credits to the rightful owner of the photo) 

After almost half an hour of driving. Jaehyun's smile became wider as he saw Jieun waiting in front of the house. He parked the car and opened the door for her "Hi, beautiful" he greeted and smiled showing his dimple

Jieun got in "Where are we going?" 

Jaehyun shrugged his shoulder "Anywhere? Park? Resort? Out of town? You choose"

"I prefer going to the park" Jieun answered

"Alright, then we'll go there" Jaehyun smiled and started driving to the park he know

Jieun saw that Jaehyun is only driving using his left hand while his right hand is just resting. She quickly held it. Jaehyun was shocked by her action but he held her hand tighter, not planning of letting her go.

Jieun promised herself to spend it happily with him and just tell him about the thing he needs to know after spending time with him. She calmed herself and stares at Jaehyun the whole time "Why do you look handsome?" 

"Of course, you said you miss me. so, I prepared a lot" Jaehyun answered as he smiled 

Jieun chuckled. 

They arrived at the park. They both started walking, still holding each others' hand tight. they are both feeling every moment with each other. 

"Oh, let's sit there" Jaehyun said and let go of her hand as he ran to the bench and sat there

"We went here to sit?" Jieun asked

"No, I went here to stare are your beauty" Jaehyun said and smiled cutely that made Jieun's heart beats faster

 "Oh, let's sit there" Jaehyun said and let go of her hand as he ran to the bench and sat there"We went here to sit?" Jieun asked"No, I went here to stare are your beauty" Jaehyun said and smiled cutely that made Jieun's heart beats faster

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(Let's pretend this is a park and he is not holding a phone!!! thanks!)

(Credits to the rightful owner of the photo)

Jaehyun is staring at her "Are you always that beautiful?" 

Jieun chuckled "Stop with the cheesy line, Jung Jaehyun"

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