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Jisung's POV

I got out of the bus and started walking to the apartment. Why aren't they answering my damn calls? I don't know if I should buy our dinner or not. Until now, I can't even believe that Jaehyun and Jieun are married to each other. Is that why Jaehyun kept following my twin sister at school? How about Jungwoo? Why did he save my sister before when he is not the one that will marry my sister? I thought they will end up together but whatever, it doesn't matter. 

I rode the elevator and kept calling Jaehyun and Jieun but they are not answering. I hope they are both fine. I got out of the elevator and went straight to their apartment. I tried to rang the door bell but no one's answering. What the f? Where are they? Shit. I hope they didn't left me here alone. I opened the door, I know the pass code of their apartment, Jaehyun told me about it, he said he won't change it. I entered the apartment and saw no one at the living room. Where the fuck are they? 

I went and open the door of their room and saw Jaehyun on top of Jieun "What the fuck?!"

Jieun quickly pushed Jaehyun "H-Hey" 

"You should've locked the door-"

"We're not doing anything" Jaehyun said

I nodded

"H-He just kissed me!" Jieun shouted 

"So, what? You two are married. The thing is, I am so hungry and I want to ask if you two already ate, so I can just order my food but no one's answering their phones. Also, you two should've locked the door, just to inform you two, I always brag inside the room without knocking" 

"We're just about to do it but luckily you entered" Jaehyun smiled

"Ya! We're not going to do anything! You pervert!" Jieun shouted and threw the pillow to Jaehyun's face

"Oh, you don't have to deny it. I don't really care and I don't have the rights to stop you two"

"What the fuck?! I already told you! We're not going to do anything!" Jieun shouted at me

"Fine, why are you being so defensive?"

"She liked it" Jaehyun said and took a glance of my sister "Aren't you hungry?"

"No! Leave my damn room!" Jieun shouted at Jaehyun

"Stop, Jieun. He is going to tell us something important"

Jaehyun nodded and crossed his arms "It's about your Dad, your real Dad"

"Real what?" Jieun

"Our real Father"

"What about him?" Jieun

"I know where he is, his background profile and who he is" Jaehyun

"We're not even asking about him. How did you found out about him? Do you want to leave this place that's why you searched for him? You don't have to. We can leave this place if you want" Jieun rolled her eyes

"Stop acting like a dumb, Jieun. Let him speak"

"Oh, asshole" Jieun whispered but I clearly heard it

She's so annoying.

"So, your Father's name is Park Gael, he is a rich businessman, he married a woman but unfortunately, they divorced a year after, he is living with his child after that. Your younger brother, Park Jiwoo, he is 15 years old and currently studying. Your Father own's not that big company but I must say he is getting more rich because of that company. Your Mom and Dad divorced when you two are still inside your Mom's womb, due to your Mom's unexplanable drinking hobby and she cheated on your Dad for a lot of times. He knows about you two, he always sends money to your Mom to support your studies, but your Mom never told you two about it" Jaehyun explained

So, Mom is the reason why she and Dad got divorced before we were born? Her drinking habbit and he also cheated on Dad.

"The main reason that one person always cheats is he/she isn't in love with the person he/she is with. I wonder if they got married because it's arranged by their parents" Jieun sighed

"You're right. There's no true love involved. It's their parents, your grandparents, who arranged everything" Jaehyun

"Why tell us about him? He is probably happy living with that Jiwoo" Jieun

"Didn't you heard me earlier? He always sends your Mom money to support you two. That means he cares so much for you and your brother. He loves you two even your Mom, he loves your Mom" Jaehyun

"Where can we meet him?"

"Are you being serious?" Jieun stares at me

I nodded "I'm not going there for money nor a house. I want to to meet our real Father, after that, I won't bother him"

"We'll go tomorrow. I know exactly his whole schedule everyday" Jaehyun

"Thank you. I'll just rest now. You two can continue what you are doing earlier"

"What?!" Jieun

"Yeah, we will" Jaehyun smiled

I nodded and left their room. I went to the guest room where I am staying for the mean time. I quickly changed my clothed and lied down on the bed. i received a lot of notifications and messages from different people. I know some of them, while some are strangers.

I was about to turn off my phone when I saw someone calling...

Yoonah calling...

Seriously? This night? I wonder what's gotten into her mind? Why would she call me? To annoy me? Maybe not.


[Ya! Park Jisung!]



[You are such a pain! Why do you always ignore me?! Huh?! You fucker!]

"I am what? A fucker? Watch you words, Yoonah"

[Why do you always ignore me?! I am also beautiful!]


[Don't you really have any idea why I never rejected Jieun's suggestion of acting to be clingy girlfriend? Huh?!]

"No, why?"

[Because I like you, asshole!]

I clearly know that, baby.

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