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Yoonah's POV

I pinched Jaemin as I saw Jaehyun pulled Jieun's waist "Oh my gosh!"

"Ouch! That hurts!" Jaemin shouted and removed my hands from him

"Isn't that sweet?! I'm going to die!"

"I know that's sweet but damn. Don't pinch me! If you envy why don't you ask Jisung to do that for you" Jaemin rolled his eyes at me

Jisung turned around "What did you say?"

"Look, Yoonah-" Jaemin stopped talking when I gave him a glare "Yoonah is really pretty, isn't she?"

"Pretty? My ass" Jisung said and walked away from us

"What did he just say?"

"He said pretty? My ass. You know if you like him you should confess to him in a nice way. He thought you are playing with him because of his actions. And you just ruined my chance to ask my crush to do the shoot together. I'm so annoyed right now" Jaemin sighed

"I'll treat you dinner"

"Really? Alright. If you just say so, I will join you anytime you ask" Jaemin smirked

"Yeah, right, you hungry monster"

Did he just sarcastically reacted on what Jaemin told me? Am I not pretty enough? That dumb ass! He is so stupid. How can he not see me? Even the students of Stonehill always tells me I'm pretty! What's wrong with him?

"Park Jisung, you are next!" the photographer said

Jisung went to the shooting area, Jaehyun and Jieun quickly left the are. All eyes on Jisung who's doing photoshoot for a long time. He started posing without the signal of the photographer. Then, the photographer continued taking shots of him. He is continuously posing and playing with the camera.

He is so beautiful! What should I do?!

He currently looked at me and smirked...

What the hell is he smirking about?! I quickly looked away trying to keep myself busy.

"You shy? Hahahaha this is so amazing. I think Jisung still likes you" Jaemin whispered

"Y-You think so?"

"Hahahaha that was joke" Jaemin laughed his ass so hard

"You think that was funny?"

"Hahahahaha yeah hahaha you look so full of hope" Jaemin continued laughing

"You dumb ass. I am not going to treat you dinner!"

"Huh? That was a joke" Jaemin pouted

"Just die" I rolled my eyes

"Jisung, please smile" the photographer told him

"I don't have any reason to smile" he said and continued posing with a non expression face, he looks hot- NO! HE IS NOT HOT. OH MY GOSH.

"Are you really not going to treat me?" Jaemin whined

"Shut up"

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