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Jaehyun's POV

"I am your husband and that's my duty..." I smiled at her

She looks so confused right now. Her eyes were opened wide. I can read her  mind cursing nonstop and kept saying not to believe me no matter what happens.

"What the fuck are you saying?!" she shouted and threw the pillow to me "Stay away from me!"

"No matter what you say, I can't do that. We are married and I already told you. I have to protect you and make sure no one will hurt you"

"You stupid dumb ass! Don't you go near me or I will scream as loud as I can!" she shouted and stood up from the bed while holding a pillow to cover her from me "What are you staring at?! Are you trying to hypnotize me?! Huh?! I won't let you!"


"Don't call my name!" she shouted and threw the pillow to me "Let me leave this place and act like nothing happened! Just let me leave! I won't tell anyone!"

"Listen to me-"

"I don't want to listen!" she shouted again and threw another pillow to me "Stay away from me!"

I kneeled and looked at her "Please, calm yourself and let's talk"

"W-What the hell are y-you trying to do?! Are you trying to do a ritual before drinking my blood, you vampire!!!? Come on! Try me!" she shouted and she's also getting ready to fight with me

The door suddenly opened and it showed pouting Doyoung and Haechan "I'm hungry" Doyoung said

"Talk to her and let's eat" Haechan pouted

"Go and I will talk to her"

Haechan and Doyoung left the room. I looked at Jieun and she's so shocked right now.

"A-Are you p-planning to eat m-me?!" she shouted and blinked a few times


She started crying so loud "D-Don't eat me! P-Please! I'm begging you! L-Let me go!" she cried like a child

What the hell?! What is she whining about? Does she think Doyoung and Haechan were referring to her? This is so wrong.

"We're not going to eat you!" I shouted and she stopped crying, she looked at me while her eyes were still teary "Calm down, will you? If we are planning to eat you, we should've done that earlier when you were still sleeping"

Jieun is sobbing "W-What are they t-talking about?"

"They are waiting for me to finish talking to you because we will go to Aersha to drink and eat what we need. I just want you to calm down and I will send you home but you started whining"

"Y-You are not going to eat me?" she asked

She looks cute. Damn.

I nodded "Yes, we never had a plan to eat you. I just want you to calm down and we will leave. If you want, you can stay here and go home after. I will call-"

"I'll call Kun-" Jieun

"You are not going to call that guy. I will just tell your brother to pick you up or Yoonah. I won't leave with any other guy aside from me and Jisung"

She dropped her phone "Can we not live in one roof? You can live here and I will stay at my parents house"

"For the mean time, yes you will stay at that house but you will need to go here. You need to bring everything you need. Didn't you read the contract? I can't let you stay anywhere without me even if it's your house. I need to be with you all the time or have someone to update me"

"This is crazy" she whispered and sat on the bed

"Since you know everything now, us as husband and wife, me and my friends are vampires. I'm grabbing the chance to warn you. Don't let yourself get hurt or anything that will make you bleed. Take care of yourself. Also, you are already married. I want you to stay away from any other guys who doesn't have any special relation with you. That includes my friends, your classmates, your guy friends and especially Kun"

She sighed and looked at me "Do you know that I'm still confuse? I kept telling myself not to believe you but you kept pushing me to believe you"

"It's true, Jieun. Also, I want you to move in as soon as possible. I don't want anyone or anything to harm you while I'm not beside you. If you arw worried about the foods, you don't have to. I just dis the groceries the other day and the fridge is full. We have a lot of foods, ingredients and more. There's no reason for you to go out just to buy. Once you moved in here, I will be informing you about my rules here"

Jieun stood up and nodded "I want to go home"

"I'll drive you home"

"I can go home on my own" she said and left the room while looking at the ground

I quickly left the room, following her. She's not even looking at my friends and she straightly left the apartment. She looks so down. Does she hate the idea of living with me? Who would love living with a vampire, right? Argh.

"What happened to her?" Doyoung

"She's still shock but I think it's better to tell her now"

"Do you think she will tell others about us?" Haechan

"I don't know, did you called Jungwoo and Mark?"

"Yes, I told them what happened" Taeyong

"I hope that she will stay quiet about us" Johnny

"I hope so"

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