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Jieun's POV

I quickly ended the call and didn't wait for him to say anything. I know he won't let me win with this kind of things. I know he is getting curious about what I told him but this is the right thing to do.

"Announcement from our head! There will be no class this week until the investigation is done. We all want to make sure everyone is safe in this kind of situation. Make sure to rest and stay in your houses until another announcement. I know you are all shocked by the incident. Don't be scared and stay at your home. Don't wander around and go home. Thank you!"

"Ooooh! Rest week!" Yoonah shouted excitedly


She looked at me "Hmm?"

"Those vampires didn't do anything, right?"

"What do you mean?" Yoonah

"They are not related with this incident, right?"

"Of course, they won't do anything like this. I know them very well, they once got involved with humans and there's no way they will do this kind of stuffs" Yoonah smiled

I nodded "You should go home"

"Why? We should go and have some fun. You know opportunities like this aren't always happening. We should grab this chance" Yoonah said and dragged me to Jisung and Jaemin

"Let's go home" Jaemin

"Go home? Lets have fun" Yoonah said

"Lee Yoonah-" Jisung

"You're going with me, right?" Yoonah asked him

Jisung sighed and nodded "Fine"

"How about you, Jieun?" Jisung

"I'll just go somewhere first. Then, I'll follow you wherever you guys will go"

"It's dangerous-" Jisung

"I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me"

"But-" Jisung

"Make sure you'll go there" Yoonah said and smiled at me

I nodded and watched the three of them leave the University. I need to know something and since I'm involved. I'll try to find out everything.

I went to Jaehyun's hideout. Wanna know why? I saw Yoojin, the owner of the Unversity followed them. I avoided some students so no one will follow me nor ask me. She never left the hideout when she arrived there earlier. I arrived there and saw her sitting while looking at the wall.

"E-Excuse me"

She looked at me "Park Jieun"

I vowed and walked towards her "I know Jaehyun told you about me. Yes, I know about vampires. I am aware who are who but I want to know something"

"What is it?" Yoojin

"There's no way Jaehyun and his friends did that, right? I mean they are not going to attend today's class if they did that"

Yoojin nodded "I know them and I know they won't do such thing knowing they are in my territory"

"How did you know it wasn't them?"

"I clearly know someone who can do such thing. I know a vampire who can do horrible things to humans. But I am confused, how did he know about this place? I never told him about this nor mentioned anything the last time we met" Yoojin sighed

"Y-You mean, you knew who did that?"

She nodded "He is the only one I know who is capable of doing that. I don't know his reason and I'm sure he is not after me, Heize or the vampires who are staying here"

"Then, if he is not after vampires, he is after humans?"

"Yes, he is after a human. I don't know who but please. Make sure that you are all safe. I promised Jaehyun to protect you and make sure you're safe" Yoojin

I nodded "Thank you for your time. I need to go somewhere" I quickly left the hideout and left the University as well

I rode the cab to Yoonah's secret place where the other vampires were hiding. It's not bad to ask, right? I'm sure they are not that bad. I'm sure that I'm safe. After an hour of riding the cab, I finally arrived at the place. I knocked and Jeongin opened it for me

"What brought you here? They left earlier" he asked

"I can't stay here for that long. I just want to tell you that someone was killed. The main suspect is a vampire and Yoojin clearly knows who did it. All the vampires left the University including Heize, it was Yoojin's order. The killer is after humans. I-I need to go. Jaehyun will probably ask my brother where I am"

I quickly left and rode the cab I rode to go at their place. I gave him the apartment's address. I'll just get my things and will go to my Father's house.

Jaehyun calling...


[I don't know what you know about this but please. Be fine. It's a vampire and it can kill you. I'm not there to protect you, so please.]

"I will. Don't worry about me"



[I love you]

"I do too" I ended the call and turned off my phone

After an hour, I arrived at the apartment. I paid the driver and quickly went upstairs. I got in the apartment as fast as I can and quickly went to our room. I packed some of my clothes and-

The bracelet...

I quickly opened the cabinet and saw the box there but the bracelet wasn't there anymore. Where the hell did I put it? Damn. Of all the time, why now? I'm in a rush!!!

I looked under the bed, everywhere I can possibly put it but there's no bracelet. I took my bag with me and ran out of my room-

"Is this what you're looking for?" an unfamiliar guy asked while holding the bracelet

"W-Who are you? How did you get in here?"

"I guess you're pretty familiar with vampires, right?" he asked

He is a fucking vampire.

"I am asking you" I tried to calm myself

"I am Suho"

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