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Third person's POV

Hayoon is feeling nervous although she's with Winwin. She knows that Winwin experienced a lot of gang fights, she knows he can fight but there's no way he can defeat those four guys in front of them. They have big bodies compared to Winwin. One guy can easily defeat Winwin in one go. 

"What are we going to do?" Hayoon whispered to Winwin

"Just stay behind me"
Winwin whispered back and still looking at the four guys

He knows that there's no possibility that he can bring Hayoon out of that place, he needs to stop the guys and let Hayoon ran away. He is part of a gang but he is not that experienced, he joined the gang because of his friend, Ten. 

"What's taking you so long? It won't last for an hour. I promise we will just have 40 minutes to have fun" the guy said that made Winwin angry

He tightened his fist "Run" he whispered to Hayoon

"I can't leave you here" Hayoon whispered back

"Ask for help" Winwin

"B-But that will take long" Hayoon

"It doesn't fucking matter. You need to run away. I can take care of myself" Winwin

"Fuck it!" the guy shouted

The two first guys attacked Winwin at the same time while the other two were smiling while watching Winwin being attacked. Hayoon is nervous and worried about Winwin, she knows that this is not a good situation. She was about to run when the two guys held her. 

"Where do you think you are going? Hahahaha" the leader laughed

"Please, let me go!" Hayoon shouted trying to fight them but they are way too strong

"No, let's watch your boyfriend's ass gets beaten then we will have fun" the other guy said as he covered Hayoon's mouth and made her face Winwin and the two other guys

Hayoon's eyes became teary as she watched Winwin coughing blood but still fighting. Behind her, she can feel someone caressing her waist that made her cry even more. She started thinking that is it them who will get the thing she's treasuring the most? Her heart is beating fast, her sweat started falling. 

"L-Let go *cough* of h-her!" Winwin shouted and blood came out of his mouth 

"Hahahahaha!" the guy laughed and kicked Winwin that made him unconscious

Hayoon was shocked when she saw Winwin not moving at all. Her body froze when someone pinned her on the wall, while smirking at her. 

"You are crying? We will just have fun" the leader whispered to Hayoon's ears giving her goosebumps

She kept shaking her head signalling them not to do it. 

"Sssshhh" he shushed her and wiped her tears from her cheeks "We will have 40 minutes, promise" and kissed her cheeks

The three guys were watching their leader having fun. 

"P-Please, no..." Hayoon whispered but the guy can't hear her 

The guy is slowly removing the button of her uniform trying to make his own self horny. Hayoon kept crying and her mind is a complete mess because of what is happening. She is froze and doesn't know what to do. 

She closed her eyes and kept thinking someone's name. 


"Why are your eyes closed?" it's a familiar voice 

Hayoon opened her eyes and saw Jungwoo staring at her "J-Jungwoo..." she whispered

Jungwoo covered her using his jacket and hugged her "I'm sorry" 

Her tears started falling again, not because she's scared nor worried, it's because she felt safe when Jungwoo hugged her. She looked behind Jungwoo, she saw the four guys already lying on the ground, there's also a girl standing there. 

The girl walked towards them "I'll bring Winwin, you take care of Hayoon" she said 

Jungwoo faced the girl and nodded "Thank you, Heize" 

Heize just nodded and helped Winwin to stand up and put him inside her ca. She finally drove away, leaving Jungwoo and Hayoon there. 

"H-Heize?" Hayoon asked

Jungwoo nodded "The ssg president. I happen to know her and something came up. I'm sorry for rejecting your invitation. I am really sorry for letting you. I promise I won't let this happen" 

Hayoon looked at his eyes "Jungwoo" 

"Hmm?" Jungwoo

"Y-Your eye color, w-why is i-it like that? W-Why do y-you have f-fangs?" Hayoon asked and gulped down, praying it's not what she think it is

Jungwoo intentionally showed Hayoon him, as a vampire. He knows that someday, Hayoon will find out about him, why not tell her now? Like, Jaehyun, he is hoping that Hayoon, his wife on contract will accept him as a vampire. 

"You are right. I am a vampire, this fangs, bloodshot eyes are true. I am a vampire, not just me, all of us, Jaehyun, Johnny, Yuta, Taeil, Doyoung, Taeyong, Mark, Haechan and me. We don't harm humans, we protect them as much as we could. Your parents signed a contract with us they will be debt free, you are now my wife. We can't do anything about it. I understand that you are scared but you have to accept the fact that you are married with a vampire. Just don't tell anyone about this. This is really a private matter and it will ruin our image. I hope you understand soon. I'll wait for you to be okay, you must be shocked with the sudden announcement I made. You can go home first, I will stay here to make sure no one will follow you" Jungwoo said and started slowly stepping backwards from Hayoon

Hayoon quickly ran and hugged Jungwoo "T-Take me with y-you" 

Jungwoo caressed her head "Do you really want me to take you with me?" 

She nodded

"Fine, let's go home-" Jungwoo

"What do you mean? M-My parents will get mad if they see me with a guy" Hayoon

Jungwoo smiled "Who said we are going to your parents' house? We have our own"

"Already?!" Hayoon looks so shocked as she heard it

He just smiled because of her cute reaction.

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