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Third person's POV

"What are you doing?" Jisung asked as he saw his sister putting something in her bag

"Jisung, you should go first. I'll just follow you. I'm still not feeling well. I'll rest a bit" Jieun smiled at him

Jisung nodded "Are you sure you are okay? I can just exc-"

"I'm fine, just go" Jieun

"Promise me you are not going to do anything stupid" Jisung

Jieun nodded and raised her hand "Promise"

Jisung just smiled a bit and left her room. Even though Jieun promised, he still can't stop getting worried. He knows if something is wrong or not. When he saw Jieun holding the knife last night, there's this heavy feeling he felt. It feels like he will lose her anytime.

Jieun sighed and finally lied down on her bed again. She is already ready to leave but she's hesitating. She doesn't know how to face Jaehyun and the others now "What should I do?" she whispered

There's no reason not to face him or them but she's just getting a heavy feeling when she started to remember Jaehyun. Her heart is beating fast. It's because of yesterday, she saw him entering the school, the way he lowered down his head to be in the same level with Jieun. The way he only greeted her and called her name. He also showed up at the restaurant just to calm her and make her feel better.

Her phone started ringing and saw her first love or should we say her past lover...

Kun calling...


[Where are you? I didn't saw you in your classroom]

"Yup, I'm still resting at home but I'll attend my class today. I'll just see you later"

[Oh, do you want me to pick you up?]

"Nah, I'm fine. Don't worry about me"

[Are you sure?]

"Yes, I'll see you during lunch"

[Okay, text me when you get here. I love you]

"I think it's too early for those words, don't you think?"

[I was just carried away and I thought after you hear me say those words will make you feel better. Are you feeling better?]

She smiled "Much better"

[Alright, bye!]

"Bye" she ended the call and sighed

She kept thinking why did she changed so much? She thought she is really in love with Kun but what is happening? It changed so fast, hearing him say those words doesn't make her excited anymore. But before, she almost screamed so loud when she heard Kun telling I love you to her.

"What the hell is happening to me?!" she shouted and started rolling on her bed

At Stonehill University, Jaehyun is currently standing in front of Jieun's room. He is waiting for her but she is not yet showing up. Until Jungwoo came out of the room.

"If you are here for Jieun, she's not here" Jungwoo

"Ah, my wife is not here yet? I see" Jaehyun nodded trying to provoke Jungwoo

"Wife? You mean my wife? The girl who is supposed to be mine but just because of a small mistake, she became yours on paper. To be honest, she's still mine" Jungwoo smirked and entered the classroom, leaving the annoyed Jaehyun

Jaehyun rolled his eyes and leaned on the wall "Say what he want. Jieun is still mine" he whispered

"Jaehyun!" Taeil called and ran to him together with Johnny

"Our teacher is not here today. Do you want to stay at the hideout?" Johnny asked

Jaehyun nodded and followed them to the hideout "Do you think she believes that what happened is just a dream?"

Taeil looked at him "Why? What happened?"

"She's not yet here. What if she already decided not to attend the class? What if she knew about us? What am I going to do?" Jaehyun continuously asked the two and sighed

"So, what? Isn't that better? She should stay away now that she knows we are vampires" Taeil

"You are really unbelievable. Do you know that Jaehyun is getting attached to her which is really impossible for us vampires. But he is already getting attached now" Johnny

Jaehyun just smirked "Yes, I think you are right"

They finally arrived at the hideout. They sat, Johnny and Taeil were both talking but Jaehyun is currently bothered by Jieun. He wants to know what is happening to her, where she is, and if she hates him. They aren't even talking as husband and wife, they are already going to part ways.

Jieun finally entered the University while scrolling through her phone. She's trying to pretend like she's busy just in case Jaehyun, Taeyong or someone they know will saw her. She's on her way to the classroom when she saw someone at the hallway...


She covered her mouth and quickly ran away. She doesn't even know where is she going but she just wants not to see those faces. She is disgusted and also she envy them because they are good-

Jieun stopped walking when she heard a familisr voice.

"Since you and Jieun are married now. Aren't you going to reveal everything to her?" Johnny asked

"I still don't know. I need more time, I don't want her to be shock. I still want her to get close to me before that happens" Jaehyun answered

Jieun almost drop her phone when she heard his voice.

"Isn't it better to reveal everything now? I mean what if she stays away from you after all the closeness because you are a vampire-" Taeil

"You mean we are a vampire" Johnny said

"I don't know" Jaehyun sighed

"But being a vampire isn't a bad thing" Johnny

"To us, but to humans it's a bad thing" Taeil said

Jieun can't believe what she just heard. She dropped her phone that made a noise.

The three guys quickly checked who that was, they were shock to see Jieun.

"Jieun" Jaehyun called her name

"T-That wasn't a d-dream?" Jieun asked

The next thing they knew, she passed out again...

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