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Third person's POV

Jieun shook her head "Even though you will tell me the truth. I still need to leave you"

"L-Leave me?" Jaehyun looked at her

"I love you but we can't be together" Jieun

"Jieun..." he whispered and held her hand tight "I-Is this a joke? Look if you're mad because you thought I didn't tell you all of my secrets. Then, I'm sorry. Please, I'll tell you everything. J-Just don't do this"

Jieun smiled at him "That's not it, Jaehyun" 

"T-Then, what? Why are you s-suddenly deciding? Is there something bothering you? Please, tell me"
Jaehyun asked in a shaky voice while holding her hand tight

"I have a lot of information. The one who saved me are Minho, Changbin and Felix. They are the one who saved me and brought me to their house. They told me everything, how they escaped and everything they experienced. I also found out that Yoonah knew about vampires. She is Lee Amaya, Minho and Claire's adopted child. They told me to keep an eye on Heize and I shouldn't tell anyone about it. I accepted what they want me to do. I never told anyone about it and kept an eye on Heize. I thought everything will end there but the more I spent time with you, the more I want to dig information. I met Suho at the apartment the day you asked you if you're  a pure vampire. He told me everything..."
Jieun started crying

"T-Told you what?" Jaehyun

"You Father ran away with a human and left his responsibility as the highest god rank. He chose the life with a human. Eynol killed them both and Suho took care of you. He said that you want to run away. That bracelet symbolizes that you are the highest god rank. You ran away because you don't want it. T-They will kill you, J-Jaehyun..."
Jieun whispered while looking down

"You don't have to worry-" Jaehyun

"I'm not scared of dying but I'm scared that you might die because of me. I don't want that to happen, Jaehyun. I don't want you to die. I'd rather suffer forever for leaving you than knowing that you will die because of me"
Jieun added

Jaehyun hugged her as tight as he can "I'm not going to die. I promise nothing is going to happen even if you choose to be with me. Just stay with me and I'll take care of the rest. Just stay with me"

Jieun continued crying and let go of the hug "Jaehyun, ever since you came into my life. Everything became a mess- No. You turned the mess into a beautiful one. You changed my life so much and I'm thankful for that. There's no word to express how thankful I am to have you. Thank you for holding on when I'm trying to let go"

Jaehyun looked down trying to stop his tears.

"I-I want to live a normal life, without you" she whispered that made Jaehyun look at her

"W-What do you mean? P-Please, don't do this-" Jaehyun 

Jieun shook her head "I'm sorry but I think that's better. It's better for us to part ways and go back to where we belong. You deserve someone better than me. We also don't have any reason to be with each other. I ripped the contract and I surrendered the bracelet to Suho" 

Jaehyun nodded and held her hand "I will ask you and will not repeat it, again. Do you really want me to leave you alone and not bother anymore?" 

She was froze by his question. Her eyes were getting teary again trying to ask herself the same question. She's trying to ask herself if this is what she wants. She wants to say no but how? She wants to save him. She wants to protect him. That's what she wants. 

"Yes, I want you to stop bothering me" she whispered trying not to let her voice crack

He smiled and ran far from her. He stopped and there's a few steps between them "Park Jieun" he called

She looked at him.

"Let's do what we did last time you tried to leave me. I know you are confused but I am so desperate to hear that you still want to stay with me" Jaehyun took a deep breath and smiled again "You have to step forward if you want to stay. If you will, I promise I'll remove everything that bothers you. You have to step backward if you want me to stop bothering you"

Jieun calmed herself. She wants to step forward but her goal kept bothering her mind. She's almost there. She's almost there to save him. She can't just let everything be waste because of her selfishness "I-I'm sorry" she said and took a step backwards

Jaehyun smiled "You did well. I want to say thank you for giving me a lot of reasons to stay and be happy. You are the first who changed me a lot. I won't forget the day we first met. I hope you will have a good life. I promise that you won't see me again. Now, I want you to take three steps backward and walk away, Jieun"

"I'm sorry" she whispered while still crying. She slowly took three step backwards and walked away from Jaehyun as fast as she can

Jaehyun watched her walk away "Don't look back. I might not able to stop myself to run towards you and won't let you go" he smiled and that's when a tears escape from his eyes "Go on, I will watch you walk your chosen path, without me, wife"

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