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Third person's POV

                                                                    After 63 years...

"...I walked away" Jieun whispered and closed her eyes

A tears escaped from Hyun-ji's eyes "G-Grandma, why does your story always have to make me cry?" she asked and wiped her tears

Jieun smiled at her granddaughter "It's because you're imagining everything that I tell you"

"You really didn't saw him after that?" Hyun-ji asked while sobbing

"I stayed at home for the whole week trying to make myself busy. Then, my Father wants me and Jisung to study in states. Before we finally leave Korea for good. I went to Aersha trying to see him one more time. There's no traces of them even Yoojin, Heize, everyone. I never saw them after that-" Jieun

"Even him? Jaehyun?" Hyun-ji asked hoping that the same answer that her grandmother always tell her will change

Jieun shook her head and smiled "But I know he is fine. He is doing fine" 

"Hyun-ji stop asking your grandmother about it, okay? You heard the story for a thousand times. Aren't you getting tired of it?" Jihoon said, Jieun's only son with Kun

She met Kun in states and ended up marrying him. They have one son which is Jihoon who got married to a Chinese woman and ended up having Hyun-ji their only daughter. It's been 63 years but the memory is still fresh on her mind. She's 83 years old and she's getting weaker as the time goes by. 

"No, I just love the story so much. Can't you believe it, Dad? You're supposed to be a dhampir if only Grandma ended up with Jaehyun" Hyun-ji said and smiled so wide while imagining how will the story goes if Jieun only ended up with Jaehyun

"You're wrong. Your Father won't be alive if Mom ended up with Jaehyun. You're also not here if that happens and you won't hear the love story" Hyun-ji's Mom said

She pouted and looked at her Grandma "Grandma, aren't you going to drink your medicine?" 

Jieun shook her head "I'm fine. I'll drink it later" 

They went to Korea because Jieun wants to see Aersha for the last time. Jihoon never want her to go on a trip since she's getting old. He wants her to gain her strength at home instead. But Jieun begged him to go to Korea just to see the place for the last time since she's getting older. 

She knows her time to leave is approaching. She knows anytime soon that she will leave them. She wants to see Aersha for the last time. Her last wish is to see Jaehyun before she finally say good bye but she knows how impossible it is. 

Jihoon parked the car "We're here. Is this the place?" he asked

A smile curved on her lips as she looked at the place. It looks really old but the people who stayed there still remains fresh on her mind. She opened the door and got out of the car like she's not that old to ask for help.

"Mom, can I go with Grandma?" Hyun-ji asked her Mom

"Of course, honey. Go on" her Mom answered and smiled at her

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