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Jieun's POV

As soon as the bell rang, Yoonah quickly fixed her things. I did the same but she quickly dragged me out of the room.

"What the hell, Yoonah? I'm not-" 

"Hey, I'm Lee Yoonah, this is my friend-" Yoonah

He looked at me "Park Jieun" 

"Y-You know me?"

"Hahahaha who wouldn't know you? You are the famous guy's twin sister hahahaha" Yoonah started laughing so fake

"Who is her brother?" Jungwoo asked

He is weird. How come he knows me?

"Isn't he the reason why y-you know Jieun?" Yoonah asked

He shook his head as answer "Who is he?"

Lucas called while riding his skateboard, he threw something to me "Hey, that's not yours!" he shouted

Who is he talking to? I looked behind me and saw Jungwoo holding the thing Lucas threw to me.

He opened the notebook "Ah" Jungwoo smirked and threw the notebook to Lucas again "If you want her to have it. Make sure to give it in a nice way, don't throw it" 

Lucas glared at me "I'll see you later, Jieun" he said and left with the notebook

This is not good.

As I turned around to look at Jungwoo, there's already three guys with him. The one on his left is smiling at me. I vowed and smiled back.

"New friends?" the tall guy asked

Jungwoo didn't answered. 

"I am Lee Yoonah, this is my friend Park Jieun. We are in the same class with Jungwoo, are the three of you his friends?"

That guy again, smiled and nodded "I am Doyoung" he introduced

"O-Oh, hey" 

"This is Johnny and Haechan" he added and smiled again

Why does he kept smiling? It's getting weirder and weirder.

"Jieun!" Jisung shouted and signalled me to come to him

"Alright, wait a minute!" 

I quickly went inside and took my things with me. Yoonah quickly followed me outside. I vowed at the four guys outside the classroom whom we talked to, earlier. Yoonah and I quickly ran to Jisung and three of  us went to the cafeteria. 


"Oh, wow" Yoonah whispered to me

"Can you just eat without us, Jisung?" 

Jisung looked at me "Why?"

"I hate being the center of attention"

"I don't have anyone to eat with" Jisung said and sat 

Yoonah and I didn't say anything and just sat with him. 

"Jisung!" Renjun shouted and sat with us, together with Jeno, Jaemin and Chenle

"Say what?" 

Jisung just rolled his eyes at me.

"Yoonah and I will order"

"Order for us too"

"I don't want to. Order for yourself" 

"We're classmates!" Jaemin shouted

Everyone looked at us.

"A-Are you crazy? Shut up. Order for yourself!"

Yoonah and I quickly went to the counter and waited for our turn. There's a lot of students here plus the freshmen this year. This is so annoying. Wait. Do you call it freshman even though those students are in the same age or same class with me? I'm confused.

"You okay?" Yoonah asked

I nodded "I want to tell you something but I'm not sure if I should trust you"

"Am I your best friend for a long time for nothing?" Yoonah glared at me and was about to hit me with the tray

"That's your favorite thing to say to me"

"Of course, but it's pretty good. You always end up telling me your secrets" she winked at me

We quickly ordered our food and went back to our seat. Jisung is glaring at me.


"Where are your friends?" Yoonah asked him

"They ordered our foods" Chenle answered while playing on his phone

"Stay away from the new students" Jisung told me

I looked at Yoonah "He is talking to you"

"Are you jealous? Don't worry, I only love you, okay?" Yoonah said and winked at Jisung

"You" Jisung said

I looked at him and he is staring at me "Me?"

"You heard me, stay away from the new students" Jisung

"What if they are curious about something? I am the-" 

"They can ask me"
Jisung said and wore his ear phones

"I smell danger" Yoonah whispered to my ear 

"Stop, you are the danger"

"Why am I the danger?" she asked but I just glared at her, she winked at me "What is it that you want to tell me? You can always trust me, Jieun"

"I met someone at the rooftop earlier" 

"A guy? Is he handsome? Muscular? Is he the quiet type? Or nah?"
Yoonah kept asking about her ideal type

"Shut up"

"Alright, continue the story" Yoonah said and looked at me

"He is tall like Jungwoo but he is really weird" 

"Why?" Yoonah

"I don't think I can tell you"

"Ya, I'm really getting upset now"
Yoonah rolled her eyes

"Fine, I am shouting at the rooftop earlier then he suddenly popped out of nowhere. He told me to be quiet and let him rest. He is walking towards me and he tripped, he fell on top off me and-"

"And?" Yoonah asked while biting her chopsticks

"H-He accidentally kissed m-me"

Yoonah dropped her chopsticks "W-What did you say?" 


"He accidentally kissed you?!" she shouted

Everyone looked at us. Oh my gosh. She's putting me in danger. Damn it. What if he is around? What if he hears Yoonah? He will probably think that I like it when he kissed me and I even told my friend about it. Argh!

I quickly pulled her to sit "You bitch, I told you to stay quiet"

"You didn't- But did he really?" Yoonah asked once again

"I won't tell you, you are so loud" 

"Fine, I'll stay quiet now. So, what?" Yoonah

"I was about to leave the rooftop but he pulled me and then hugged me tight-"

"He-" Yoonah stopped talking when I covered her mouth

She should be thankful that my brother is wearing an ear phone or we are both dead.

"Shut the hell up"

Yoonah nodded. The whole cafeteria became wild, all of the girls are screaming like crazy and rushing to the entrance of the cafeteria.

"What's happening?"
Yoonah asked

There are guys who entered the cafeteria but someone literally caught my eyes. He is smiling sweetly while walking beside Jungwoo. Damn.


"Why?" Yoonah asked me again

"That's him"

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