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Third person's POV

Mr. Park sat at the couch and sighed "She's so hard headed"

He never thought it'll be like this. He just wants her to be safe but Jieun took it in a wrong way. She thought her Father doesn't want her to be happy. But what can Mr. Park do? Jieun has trust issues because of her Mom who broke her heart for a thousand times.

"Dad" Jiwoo called and looked around "Where are they?"

"Your brother left with Yoonah because he doesn't want her to go home, alone. Your sister-" Mr. Park stopped talking and sighed "What should I do, Jiwoo?" 

Jiwoo sat beside his Father "Did she also left? Where did she go?"

Mr. Park shook his head "I don't know. She was so mad at me, that's why she left. Is it wrong that I care for her? Is it wrong that I want her to be safe?" 

"Is it also wrong to be in love?" Jiwoo askd that shocked Mr. Park 

"Where did you get that question?"
Mr. Park asked

"Jisung told me about the argument between you and Jieun. You two have your reasons, you two were wrong for each other but you two know what you want and the reasons. You want her to be safe but she wants to be happy-"

"Do you even know why I want her to stay away from that guy?" Mr. Park asked

Jiwoo nodded "Jieun is in love with a vampire"

"How did you know? Did someone told you?" Mr. Park

"No, no one told me. I just found out myself. I badly want you and Jieun to be fine and not argue anymore. I was so desperate for the four of us to be happy. When I saw them, I saw how you smiled. I've never seen you like that. I want to help but I don't know how"

"I'm also happy when I saw you for the first time" Mr. Park smiled and messed up Jiwoo's hair

"Dad, Jieun knows that you want her to be safe but she's 20 years old. She knows what's right and wrong. She knows if she's in danger or not. She also knows if Jaehyun is dangerous" Jiwoo said and looked at his Father's eyes  "You once fell in love, right? Oh no, not once. You fell in love for two times but they left you. You felt happy when you knew that they love you too. Why not understand, Jieun? She's in love and she's happy" 

"What do you know about love?"
Mr. Park

"Dad, I still don't have any experience but I'm not stupid" Jiwoo

Mr. Park

"You know, it's not easy to find someone who will love you back" Jiwoo said 

Those words were easy to understand but it has a lot of impact to Mr. Park. He never experienced to be loved back, from her first wife and second wife. But now, he is being loved by his children.

The door bell rang.

"Open the door"
Mr. Park told the maids

As the door opened, the maids were shocked to see someone. 

"What's that?"
Jiwoo asked the maid as he realized the looks on their faces, he stood up to see why are they shocked "W-Who are you?" 

Mr. Park stood up "You..."

"Hey" it's Jieun and Jisung's step Father, he is holding a gun as he entered the house "Long time no see, Mr. billionaire" 

"What do you want? Why are you here?" Mr. Park asked

"I just want the money and the twins" he smirked

"I will give you the money but not the twins" Mr. Park

"Wait- Let me correct what I've said. I want the money and Jieun" Jieun's step Father said and smiled creepily "No one will call a police or guards" 

"I won't give you my daughter" Mr. Park

"Oh, why are you acting like a Father now? They grew up with me. Don't you remember? You left them-"
Jieun's step Father

"He didn't left them! It was their Mom who took them away!"
Jiwoo shouted trying to defend his Father

Mr. Park hid Jiwoo behind him "Yes, they grew up with you but you never made them feel that they have a Father. You are useless"

The guy lost his temper and was about to pull the trigger but...

Jaehyun took the gun from him "You are making me mad. The last thing I remember that you did is, you tried to touch Jieun. Are you wishing for your death?" 

Mr. Park was shocked to see Jaehyun holding Jieun's step Father. 

"Are you okay, sir?" Jaehyun asked

The vampire he hates saved them from danger.


At the Jieun's Mom's house. The gun is still pointing at her. 

"M-Mom, put the gun down" Jieun said

Her Mom smirked "You have to die, Jieun" 

"H-Huh? M-Mom, what a-are you saying?" Jieun started crying as she heard those words from her own Mother

"You are a monster! You don't belong here!" her Mom shouted and started crying

Jieun is trembling in fear that her Mom might pull the trigger "M-Mom"

"You are not my daughter! You're not Jieun. You are different! You are a monster!" Ms. Park continued shouting those hateful words that kept breaking Jieun's heart

Jieun kneeled "Mom, please stop" 

"You will put us in danger! You're going to be end of us!" Ms. Park shouted and walked towards Jieun while still pointing the gun at her 

"If that what makes you happy. Just kill me, Mom. Kill me. Please"
Jieun begged and continued crying 

Her Mom closed her eyes and pull the trigger that made a loud sound of gun. 

"Stop this nonsense" a guy's voice said while holding the gun 

Ms. Park was shocked to see a guy "W-Who are you?" 

"Are you okay?" another guy asked Jieun and helped her stand

"Who a-are you?" Jieun asked while looking at him

"Minho, just call those ranker and let's leave" 

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