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Taeyong's POV

While we are waiting outside the clinic, Yuta kept tapping the pen onto the wall. I swear. This is getting weird. He never acted like this before. It feels like something is bothering him.

"Look at him" Mark said pointing at Yuta

"I know. Let him"

"Let's go to Haechan's classroom" Mark

I shook my head as an answer "I don't want to see that dumb ass. He gave my number to Miyeon"

"So, what? She is your girl-" Mark

"She would never be my girlfriend. We just pretended to be in a relationship in front of her boyfriend. That was all an act"

"If you will kept on staying away from her. Her boyfriend will bother her even more knowing that you two were just pretending" Mark

"Just go and pick him up"

"Alright. Wait here" Mark said

The school's doctor got out and walked towards us.

"You came back with a new friend" she said while looking behind us

"Where is she?" Yuta asked

"First, let me introduce myself. I am Dr. Luna of Stonehill University. About Lia, she left yesterday as soon as I finished teating her. I told her to wait for you but looks like she didn't" Dr. Luna

"What happened to her? Why does she have bruises?" Yuta worriedly asked

Dr. Luna sighed "I don't know if I should say this but, let's go inside" she said and entered the clinic

We both follow her inside. She took her phone and showed us a picture.

"What's that?"

"This is Lia's bruises. She has a lot of bruises all over her body. I tried asking her if something is wrong but she kept denying it" Dr. Luna

"I don't know if I should ask this but does someone she knows beat her always?"

Dr. Luna shook her head "No, no one. I also thought that's the reason but she said it's not. Her Mom is the only one she has. Her Father died because of leukemia. I am kinda suspicious but I think..."

"W-What?" Yuta asked

"She has leukemia. I am not a professional doctor but I do know something about that. It easily creates bruises and rashes all over the body" Dr. Luna said and showed us a picture of a bruise caused by leukemia "It looks the same. I tried searching about it if I can have any other clues but Lia should do checkups. She needs to get treated before it gets worse or else, she will die like her Father"

"But leukemia can't be passed down. It's not hereditary"

"Yes, it's not hereditary but there are something that can be passed down and runs in families, that can be caused to have such disease. Maybe she did inherit something like that, we still doesn't know" Dr. Luna

"What can I do? What should we do?" Yuta

"I will help her. I want to help but for now, we need to confirm if it's really leukemia or not. We need her to agree on getting checkups" Dr. Luna

Yuta shrugged his shoulder "She won't agree, you saw how she hates to get treated yesterday"

"I'll try to convince her" Dr. Luna said and stood up, she faced Yuta "Why do you care for her so much? Do you know each other?"

"No" Yuta answered and was about to go but he stopped in front of the door "I just met her yesterday" he added and left


"Why does he kept acting like a concern boyfriend?" Dr. Luna asked me

"I need to go now. Thank you for sparing us some time. We will update you" I vowed and left the clinic, but I regret getting out of the clinic as soon as I closed the door

"Hi, Taeyong" she smiled and winked at me

"What do you want? Leave me alone"

She held my hand "Let's eat together. I am not planning to eat but I saw my boyfriend there. He will probably ask where are you. So..."

"I don't want to eat"

"But you have to go with me, please? You can just watch me or do what you want. Just go with me. I'm really hungry" Miyeon pouted

I removed her hand and started walking away. I saved her once and that's enough. If I know, she will just use me to get rid of her ex boyfriend. That's not my fault anymore.

I entered the cafeteria and saw a lot of people. I saw my friends at the left side but when I looked at the right side, I saw Miyeon's ex boyfriend. I guess she's not lying to me. He is smirking at me.

I left the cafeteria and went to the hallway near the clinic where I saw Miyeon earlier but she's not there anymore. I cotinued walking and saw a girl walking lazily while her head is facing down "Miyeon!"

She looked at me "Huh? Taeyong? Why?"

"Let's eat"

"I thought you-" Miyeon stopped talking when I held her hand "What are you doing? Why are you holding my hand?"

"I'm hungry, also, I want us to pretend in front of your boyfriend only. We will stop once he is not around"

I saw Miyeon smiled and nodded to me.

"But he is not here" Miyeon

I quickly let go of her hand. Damn it. Why are you so careless, Taeyong? You are making her feel like you have feelings for her which is not true.

"Let's go" I said and started walking away from her

But there, the world stopped when someone held my hand.

"Let's go" Miyeon smiled

Fuck it.

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