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Third person's POV

Jieun entered the University while reading a novel that Yoonah bought for her last week as a gift for the first time in forever. She never received any gift from Yoonah before that was the first one. The book is all about a human who fell in love with a male vampire.

She's getting into the character, she's getting the feeling of being in love. Her lips curved into a smile as she read the word I love you then they kissed.

"Oh my gosh, this is so..." she whispered and kept smiling as she continued reading the book

"Jieun!" Yoonah called her best friend and waved at her.

Jieun went and sat with Yoonah and Jaemin at the lobby.

"Oh, this is thr first time you read a love story" Jaemin said teasing the girl

Jieun rolled her eyes and hit Jaemin using the book "Shut up"

"Isn't that the book I gave you?" Yoonah asked

"The first give you ever gave me in our whole life as best friends" Jieun sarcastically smiled at Yoonah

"At least I still gave you a gift" Yoonah

Jieun sighed "Yes, I want to thank you for that. This book changed my whole life"

"Hey, you are being sarcastic" Yoonah pouted

Jaemin continued eating the chocolate that Yoonah bought for him. He stopped eating as he saw someone familiar getting everyone's attention.

All the girls kept screaming and rushing to where the familiar figure is, and the boys kept gossiping about the looks and how he changed a lot.

"Argh, they are being annoying again. I am damn reading" Jieun pouted and stopped reading the book "Na Jaemin, check who came"

"It's probably the new students, WayV or my friends" Jaemin answered and shrugged his shoulder

"I said check it" Jieun glared

"I don't want to" Jaemin

Jieun sighed and just watched how the students kept screaming, rushing and taking pictures of whoever came to their University.

Yoonah annoyingly stood up to see but she ended up sitting again because she can't see the face "He is pretty familiar. I just can't see his face"

Jaemin dropped his chocolate as he saw the face "This is amazing"

"Why?" Yoonah

The students give way to the guy who came, Jieun finally take a clear look of the guy who came. Her jaw dropped and her book as well, as she saw the guy walking towards her.

It's Jaehyun, he didn't changed his hair, style of dressing but his personality changed a lot. From the clingy, annoying and talkative Jaehyun to the Prince who is walking with confidence and coolness, there's no smile on his face. Everyone were shock to see how he really changed.

Everyone still taking pictures of him as he walked towards Jieun who's currently sitting at the lobby. Jieun watched him lowered his face to stare at Jieun's eyes. She became nervous because their face is pretty near to each other.

He smiled at her cute reaction, he patted his head carefully "Good morning, Park Jieun"

Jieun was shocked not because of his smile or pat to her head but because of how he called her using her real name and not by how called her, sweer blood. She is just staring at him.

"Aren't you going to say good morning?" Jaehyun asked her

"G-Good morning" Jieun said and quickly looked away, she felt nervous because of how their eyes' met but she's more nervous because of the attention they got

Jaehyun continued walking to his classroom, leaving the speechless Jieun. Everyone jaw dropped as they find the new vibes of Jaehyun so hot. He is like the most hot popular guy in the University.

"Ya, what the hell was that?" Yoonah asked her

Jieun gulped down "L-Let's go"

"Hahahah that was cool" Jaemin said and quickly followed Jieun and Yoonah to their classroom

But before they enter, Jieun dropped her book before she pick it up, someone already did.

"Here" Taeyong said and gave it to Jieun

Jieun smiled "Thank you"

"Can we talk? I want to tell you something" Taeyong

Yoonah and Jaemin were both confused thinking it was another guy who likes Jieun, just like Kun, Jungwoo and Jaehyun who kept putting chaos in Jieun's quiet world.

"Sure" Jieun smiled

"Alright" Yoonah said and dragged Jaemin inside the room

Taeyong started walking, Jieun quietly followed him. The next thing she knew they are already in the rooftop. He quietly locked the door and smiled at Jieun.

"What is it?" Jieun innocently asked

Taeyong smiled "I was just thinking if I already told you something about Jaeyun?"

Jieun shook her head "We never talked before. I mean this is the first time we talked"

He nodded as answer.

"Why? What about him?" Jieun asked as she felt curious about Jaehyun

"Jaehyun is not the Jaehyun you think he is" Taeyong

Jieun's eye brows met "Huh?"

"He is different from you. We are different from you" Taeyong

"Different? I don't get it" Jieun

"Do you want to know why?" Taeyong asked, Jieun just nodded as answer "Look at me"

Jieun stares at him. His eye color changed, and a fang showed up that made Jieun dropped the book she was holding "I-Is this a joke?"

Taeyong smirked and slowly walked towars Jieun, she kept walking backwards "It's true" he answered and finally saw Jieun cornered

Jieun looked back and saw how high the rooftop is. She can see students downstairs. Her heart started beating fast. She started crying because she feels scared.

"Jaehyun is right. You have a sweet blood" Taeyong said and was about to bite and drink her blood

Someone took him from Jieun "Don't dare"

Jieun opened her eyes as she heard the familiar voice that calmed her. She can't believe what she saw as soon as she opened her eyes.

It was Jaehyun, he looks like a vampire.

"What-" Jieun didn't finished and passed out

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