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Jaehyun's POV

I smiled as I turned off my phone. The door suddenly opened, Yuta, Johnny, Mark and Taeil entered the room.

"Where's Jungwoo?" Yuta asked and sat on Jungwoo's bed

"I don't know and I don't really care"

"Oh" Yuta nodded and suddenly lied down

"You are texting Jieun?" Taeil asked

I nodded

"You have her number?" Johnny

I nodded again

"Where did you get it?" Mark

"From Yoonah, her best friend. Just so you know, Yoonah is rooting for me for her best friend"

"Ooooh, you already got one vote" Mark smirked

"Yeah, but can I ask you all a question?"

They all nodded and looked at me, waiting for me to say something. Should I ask them? They might tease me.

"What? We won't tease you" Johnny

"Hey, don't read my mind"

"Just tell us" Mark

"Okay, I had a conversation with Jieun on Instagram. I really enjoyed talking to her. I also find out about her ideal type. She said that she wants a guy who looks cool, hot and someone who has a cold and quiet personality. What should I do?"

"Oh, you want to impress her?" Yuta

I nodded "Something like that"

"You look cool and hot but you are really clingy" Taeil

"What should I do?"

"You should stop approaching everyone first. Can you see Jungwoo and Taeyong? They are calm and they look like they have a cool personality. They are just talking when someon talks to them. They are answering with the answer to the question, they doesn't add anything. They don't smile" Yuta

"Should I follow them?"

"No, it's better to have something different from them" Taeil said and stood up, he is analyzing me from head to toe "You look perfect, you dress so perfect and I am so speechless"

"You should smile but not that wide. Something like a handsome, and perfect smile like a knight in shining armor. Do you get it?" Yuta

"Just stop being so clingy" Johnny

I nodded "What about my clothes?"

"I told you, you are already perfect. Don't need to change it" Taeil

"Also, you should be like the popular, handsome and hot leading male character in some movies. You will need confidence" Mark


"For example, remember what you did to Jieun earlier?" Mark

I nodded "When I pulled her wrist?"

"That's so perfect. You just made her heart beats faster then ever. You should learn something like that" Yuta

"You mean I should watch some movies to learn it all?"

"You got it right" Taeil

I sighed. They didn't even helped me a bit. Looks like I need to help myself. Argh. Why did I even asked for their help?

"Aren't you and Jieun already married?" Yuta

I nodded "She still doesn't know about it"

"I don't get it. I thought we are not allowed to be involved with humans? How come you are married to Jieun?" Taeil

"Jungwoo and I will explain later everything when comes back. All we did was sign the papers and then boom"

Still, I am really okay with Jieun. She's just so perfect. I am not against with us. I can't wait to live with her.


Jungwoo's POV

"You told them?!" Shindong shouted

I nodded "I apologize for my wrong actions"

"It's okay if you just tell them about you and Hayoon because they will think that you are just using such to protect her. But, Hayoon was there. You know you are not allowed to tell her" Shindong signed

"We will be meeting her parents and Jieun's parents tomorrow night-" Heechul

"Jieun's parents?"

Heechul nodded "Now that Hayoon heard about it. She already have an idea who is she going to be married with. You are ruining the rules"

"The two girls will also be there but we aren't going to tell them yet. Let them think who, this is still not the right time to tell them" Eunhyuk

"You will be signing another paper tomorrow. It's the paper where the two signed, that paper is a documents for legalizing marriage between you, Hayoon and Jieun, Jaehyun. The papers you signed here, is the contract that you will protect them no matter what" Siwon

"Are we not allowed to change the names? I mean Jaehyun and I should change"

"Jungwoo, I know you want Jieun but it's already signed. We can't change anything now" Siwon

"Stop bothering Jieun, she already has Jaehyun. You need to protect Hayoon, she's assigned to you. If ever something happened to Hayoon, you will be blamed. I want you to focus on her and don't disappoint us" Eunhyuk

"But you all know that I want Jieun from the start"

"Yes, but as what we've told you just now. Everything is already signed and settled. Leeteuk already signed the papers, there's not taking back" Heechul

"Within a week or two, you will be living with Hayoon in one roof. We will be providing everything, just tell us if you know where you want, or you can leave it to us" Siwon

"That means Jaehyun is going to be in one roof with Jieun? You know he just wants her blood. He won't protect her"

"Then, it'll be the end for him. He needs to avoid drinking her blood. He needs to live with her like normal husband and wife" Heechul

I can't believe this, Jieun is mine from the start. Everything is already planned but Jaehyun got her now. He just ruined everything I did. This sucks.

I need to think of a way to bring her back to me.

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