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This chapter is dedicated to happiness_express for Mark and Maya's part.

Third person's POV

Mark is busy trying to pretend that he is listening when he is really doodling on the back of his notebook. He kept drawing his classmates' faces who looks really bored and sleepy right now. 

"Mark, Jieun is in the clinic" Yuta whispered to him

Mark stopped drawing and looked at Yuta "What happened?"

"Taeyong revealed about us and she saw Taeyong as a vampire, also Jaehyun. She passed out and she's in the clinic right now" Yuta explained while writing what's written on the board

"What did Jungwoo said?" Mark

"He just got mad at Taeyong for revealing then he almost had a fight with Jaehyun. They both wants to take care of Jieun but they can't, only one is allowed inside. You know Jungwoo doesn't have the right towards Jieun because we all know Jieun is now Jaehyun's wife" Yuta added

"What if she tells the others about us?" Mark

"She won't, Jaehyun will take care of her" Yuta said

Mark nodded and suddenly raised his hand. Everyone looked at him and they are all confused because of what he did, even the teacher stopped explaining and looked at him, signalling him to talk "Can I go to the restroom?" 

Taeyong and Yuta smirked at his excuses. They both know that Mark just wants to see if Jieun is fine or not. The teacher nodded at Mark telling him to go.

Mark smirked and left the classroom, his hands inside his pocket while he is whistling like he is enjoying the time of his life. 

Maya is currently hiding at the locker room, trying to avoid the guidance councilor who kept chasing her. She did something terrible again. She put a bubble gum one of her classmates' hair and made fun of him. Yes, he made fun of a guy even though he is a girl. She is feeling uneasy as she felt like she will be found soon. 

Until she saw a figure of a guy walking in the hallway, and some students were outside of the room. She quickly left the locker room and ran to where the guy is. 

Mark was shocked when Maya suddenly pulled and kissed him. His eyes widened and can't move a bit while trying to figure out what was happening. Usually, a vampire is strong but this time. He didn't had the chance to move even a bit. 

He is covering Maya who is currently leaning on the wall while they are still kissing. Mark can feel how their kiss became deeper as the time goes by. 

The guidance councilor kept looking around and looked disgusted as he saw two students making out "Why in the hallway?!" she shouted and ignored them, she continued looking around

Mark's lips started moving this time and it became deeper and deeper. Maya is having fun, she never thought that she will be kissing someone while being chased by the guidance councilor. The bell rang as a sign for a short break time for all the students. 

Maya let go of the kiss and smiled at Mark "Thank you so much for saving me and for making it even fun. I'll see you around..." she said and looked at the name tag "Mark Lee of class 3, nice meeting you" she winked and ran away from him

Mark dropped his pen and still can't believe what just happened. He never kissed anyone before...

He never dared kissing someone, especially a human...


Jieun's POV

I opened my eyes as I felt someone holding my hand tight and it's really cold "J-Jaehyun?" I quickly let go of his hand and moved away from the bed where he is at

"Why? What happened?" Jaehyun asked worriedly and looks confused

"What? You are a v-vampire"

I can feel my hands shaking and the nervous tone of my voice as I see him staring at me. 

"I am a what? A vampire?" Jaehyun raised his eye brow

I nodded nonstop "Y-You and Taeyong, at the r-rooftop, h-he told me you are all a vampire, he was about to b-bite me but y-you came. Y-You also looked like a vampire, t-then, I-I passed out..."

Jaehyun stood up "I am a vampire in your dream? Do I look good with fangs and bloodshot eyes?" 

"N-No, it's true!" 

"You passed out on your way to the rooftop, he saw you and became worried. He told me about it, I quickly carried you here and I've been waiting for almost half an hour and you will accuse me as a vampire? Do you know that their faces were ugly? Are you comparing me to them?" He showed me a book, it's the book I am reading earlier "Stop reading fictional stories, vampires aren't real. You should also rest and go home right away when your brother arrived here. I will tell him about what happened. Also, stop comparing me to vampires. I am too handsome..." he said and was about to go, I quickly held his wrist 

"A-Are you really not a vampire? Then, I am just d-dreaming? T-That was a-a dream?"

"Do you want me to repeat it? Or do you want me to prove it?" Jaehyun asked and crossed his arms, he smiled widely to me "Do I have fangs? Is my eyes bloodshot color?" 

I shook my head slowly "N-No..."

"See? I am not a vampire. You can't see vampire who is handsome like me. You are just tired and you even read a book. Anyway, the book is good but it's a sad ending. They won't end up together, Gabriella will walk away from Kyle after finding out he is a vampire" Jaehyun said and left me alone

I looked at the book. He read the book while I am sleeping? It's okay but...

How dare he spoil me?!!!!

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