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This chapter is dedicated to comic_crush for Haechan and Heize's part.

Third person's POV

Haechan is boredly looking at the clock waiting for the bell to rang. He is bored and he wants to go home. He is tapping the ballpen on his desk.

"Haechan?" Miyeon whispered to get his attention

Haechan looked at her "What?"

"Do you have Taeyong's number?" she asked while raising her phone to Haechan secretly "I was just wondering if you can give me his phone number"

"Why? You know that he never meant to tell your boyfriend that you two are in a relationship. Taeyong is different from any other guys you know. He is completely different from them. So, don't hope of getting his attention drawn to you. You are hurting yourself" Haechan said warning the girl who's hoping to talk to Taeyong again

After what happened, Taeyong never talked or looked at her even once. She tried getting her attention but he is completely ignoring Miyeon. She's hurt and also worried that her ex boyfriend will bother him again. Also, she wants to thank him for saving her from his abusive ex boyfriend. After Taeyong dragged her out of that place, he just stared at her and said get lost. There, she completely lost her mind. She just thinks that Taeyong is so cool.

"I just want to thank him for saving me. If it weren't for him, I would've got a bruise by now" Miyeon pouted trying to make Haechan give her the number "Please?"

"Don't say that I didn't warned you. I did my part, I warned you. Don't tell him that I gave you his number. Don't think about it when he is around or I am dead" Haechan said and gave Miyeon the number she wants "There. Just remember what I told you"

"You are the best" Miyeon smiled at him and gave him thumbs up "Can I help you with something?"

Haechan nodded "I want to get out of here. Can you help me?"

"But it's class hour. You might get caught by our ssg president. She's pretty but she's annoying sometimes. Also, she is strict" Miyeon told him, Haechan just nodded

"Help me" Haechan said

Miyeon nodded and quickly raised her hand "Haechan is not feeling well. He is just shy to say it"

Haechan was shocked but he quickly acted like he is not really okay. He secretly gave Miyeon a thumbs up and whispered "Thanks"

"Can someone please bring him to the clinic?" their teacher said

Haechan quickly stood up "I can go there alone. I don't want to disturb anyone"

"You sure? Okay, go on" she smiled at Haechan

He vowed and left the classroom with a smile on his face. He thought that it's a great thing that he gave Miyeon, his friend's number. He got out of the classroom with Miyeon's help. All thanks to Taeyong's number.

"You" a voice of a girl said coming from behind "Stop" she added

Haechan stopped walking and turned around "Huh?"

She looked at the name tag "You are from class 5. You still have class, how come you are wandering around here?"

"Huh? I was just-" Haechan stopped talking when he met her gaze

"Follow me" she said and started walking, Haechan is following her quietly

They entered the detention/punishment room for students of Stonehill University. She sat at the chair, Haechan also sat but on the opposite side. If someone will see them, they might think there's some interrogation happening inside the room.

"I was just on my way to the bathroom to take a break. What's wrong about that? I'm not trying to skip class. Do you know that I am a valedictorian student-" Haechan stopped talking when she slammed the table "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"You can't fool me" she said glaring at him

Haechan sighed and he doesn't have any choice but to hypnotize her. He stares at her eyes, as soon as he felt that it's fine now he said "You will let me get out of this room, right?"

She nodded slowly "You may now go" she said and was under his hypnotism

"Thanks. You are really beautiful" he whispered and smiled to her, she was about to go when he suddenly dropped his pen out of shock "What the fuck? W-Why are you here?"

She smirked while staring at him "You think you can fool me?"

"I-I hypnotized you!" Haechan shouted

"You think that will work?" she smiled and locked the door

"What are you?" Haechan

"You asked so late" she smirked and reached out her hand to him "I am dhampir, a daughter of female dhampir and male moroi. Does that answer your question?"

Haechan was shocked by what he just heard. He never thought he will meet a dhampir in this place. He just knows that Hwang Yoojin, the owner of Stonehill University is the dhampir.

"Now, go and sit. You need to be punished for trying to skip class" she said and watched Haechan went back to sit, she also went back tonher seat "I know it's not just you. You are 9 vampires who went here, two of you are married and signed a contract involving a human"

"How did you-" Haechan

"How can I not? I am the daughter of a dhampir and moroi. Is there anything I can't do? I sensed everything is wrong as soon as you all stepped inside this place. I must say you and your friends should ba careful. This is not a safe place even if this is owned by my Mom-" she said and stood up

"Your Mom? Hwang Yoojin is your Mom?" Haechan asked

She nodded "I need to go"

She was about to leave the room when Haechan held her hand.

"May I know your name?" he asked

"Hwang Heize" she answered and left him there, alone.

That left Haechan dumb founded. He never thought that Hwang Yoojin has a daughter. They all know she doesn't have any daughter or a husband.

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