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Jaehyun's POV

"We all need to talk" Heize told us

"Let's talk here" Haechan

"This is a private matter" Heize added

Jieun was trying to remove my hand but I held it even tighter "You can go with them. I'll go with Yoonah and Jaemin"


"I'll be fine. I promise" she smiled at me

"I won't leave them. Don't worry" Jaemin said

"Okay, I'll be back"

Jieun smiled at me. I don't want to leave her in this kind of situation. We're not against humans, we're against our co-vampires. Who would do that? I need an explanation. Of all places, why here? Did someone found out about us?

Us, vampires, went to our hideout. This is a serious matter. We need the rankers for this. They need to know about this situation or else it'll be more dangerous.

"Why do you want to talk to us?" Doyoung asked

"I know this is so sudden but you all need to leave Stonehill University" Heize


"The police officers are getting suspicious-" Heize

"She's right" a lady answered and walked towards us "In case you all still doesn't know. I'm Hwang Yoojin, the daughter of Hyunjin and Ye-eun. The owner of this University"

"We don't understand. We never did anything. We don't have any idea what happened" Taeyong

"I know but this is the best for all of us, even me and my daughter will leave this place for the mean time" Yoojin said and looked at me

What now?

"All of you are involved with humans, especially those who are married to humans, Jungwoo and Jaehyun. This is a serious matter. The police officers will look at every place here including this hideout. I will tell someone to clean this up" Yoojin

"We're not even sure if a vampire really did that" Yuta

"I was there when they are investigating. The girls' blood and flesh were all gone. What kind of human would do that? It's obvious. A vampire did that. The police officers got the hint. They are going to investigate this place. So, leave this place now and I'll just tell you all when it's fine" Yoojin

"I can't just leave Jieun in this kind of situation"

"We understand, Jaehyun. You don't have to worry. She's not going to be in trouble" Heize

"Leave now" Yoojin said

We all vowed to her and left the hideout. We went back to the field and I saw Jieun with Yoonah, Jaemin, Jisung, and their other classmates.

"What happened?" she asked

I shook my head "Can we talk?"

She nodded. We both went to a place far from her classmates and friends. Damn. I don't want to leave her here.

"Why?" she asked

"The other vampires and I need to leave this place now. A vampire is the main suspect here. The student can't be undentified because of how dry her body is. I know this so sudden but don't you ever leave Jaemin, Jisung or Yoonah's side. You need to go with them anywhere you want to go. I'll tell your Father to pick you up and stay in his house for the meantime. The classes will be cut anytime soon. Update me always"

She nodded and smiled "You don't have to worry about me. Anyway, I'll see you when everything's fine"

I smiled and hugged her "Please, be fine. Don't let anyone hurt you while I'm gone"

"We have to go" Johnny said

We both got in my car. I looked at the window and waved at Jieun for the last time. I hope she's fine until the investigation is over. She can't be in danger. I started driving away from the University along with the other vampires. Yoojin talked to the guard to let us out. The guard knows about us. He is staying here for a long time and he knows about Heize and Yoojin.

"Did you talked to Luna?"

Johnny nodded "Yup, I told her to call me if ever something happens"

"What will happen now? What if humans got involved here especially those who are really close to us?"

"I know, that's what I'm worried about. They might get involved because of us" Johnny

"Do you have anyone in mind who can do this kind of stuffs?"

"No, I don't have any idea but I clearly know that Yoojin knows something" Johnny

Jieun calling...


[Jaehyun, I know this is so crazy but I want you to protect Heize no matter what happens]

"Heize? What? Why?"

[Just do what I told you]

"Do you know something, Jieun?"

[I'll talk to you when everything is fine. For now, drive away and don't come back. I'd rather make sure you are safe then be selfish and choose to make you stay]


She ended the call.

calling Jieun...

She fucking turned off her phone!!!

"What is she saying?" Johnny asked

"I don't know. I want to come back. I'll just drive-"

"You heard her, Jaehyun. If you will come back there what will happen?! Let's wait for Yoojin's announcement!" Johnny shouted

"What if she means something? What if she knows what is happening? Johnny, she was gone when her Mom tried to kill her. Someone took her. I know she knows something. And you know vampires, if they find out that a humans knows something. They are in danger. I can't let Jieun be in danger"

"I know but let's trust her. She knows what she is doing. Let's trust humans this time" Johnny


"She's trying to protect you, don't ruin her plan, Jaehyun" Johnny

How can I not ruin her plan if it will be the only way to save her?

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