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Jieun's POV

I looked at the mirror in front of me. I didn't even changed a bit. It's still me. The scared and weak Jieun. The girl who kept trying not to fall down. The girl who's trying so hard to be loved by her parents even though there's no chance.

My life is really a mess...

"You are going to be loved and will be happy someday..." I whispered and smiled at myself

The door opened and I saw Mom smiling at me. She entered and closed the door. I looked at the mirror as she sat beside me.

"Why are you looking at the mirror?" Mom asked as she brushed my hair again "You are beautiful"

I nodded and faked a smile "Mom..."

"Hmm? Do you need something?" she asked and continued to brush my hair

"What will happen if I will run away?"

"Run away?" she whispered and suddenly pulled my hair "Why?"

"M-Mom, that hurts"

"Why are you planning to run away? Do you want me and your Dad to be in jail? Huh? What kind of daughter are you?" she whispered while holding tight to my hair

"M-Mom, please..."

"Don't you love us?" Mom whispered

"I-I do"

"Then, do what we want you to do. This is not the right time to play, okay? You are just lucky for last time, someone paid the cult group, then your brother paid that person. If your brother didn't interfer, you are not here anymore. Don't you ever try to run away or we will be in jail. Do you understand?" she asked and let go of my hair, she kissed my cheeks "Good night" and quickly left my room

My tears started falling as soon as the door closed.

How about me? Does she even love me? Did they even tried loving me and making me feel that I am not born for money? I also want to be loved not be used for their money.

They just want me gone...

Yoonah calling...

[Jieun? Your brother asked me to call you. Did something happened? Are you okay?]

I covered my mouth trying not let her hear me crying.

[Jieun, please tell me if something happened. I will go there. Do you want to go out? I'll be in there in 10 minutes]

"I-I'm fine. I am just tired. You don't have to go here. I'll see you tomorrow. Thank you for calling me, Yoonah. Good night!" I quickly ended the call

I am already crying but damn if someone tried asking if I am okay or someone cares for me. I will cry even more. That's what I hate, I always cry even more when my brother or Yoonah tried comforting me.

I lied down on my bed but the tears still falling...

"You'll be fine, Jieun. You are going to be fine" I whispered to myself and tried to caress my cheeks to calm myself

I think I am not fine. I am so tired of everything...


Jungwoo's POV

I entered our classroom and saw everyone there but Jieun isn't there. I sat. I want to ask Yoonah but I am worried she might think I cared for Jieun.

"Na Jaemin! Did you saw Jisung?" Yoonah asked

Jaemin nodded his head "I saw him entering his classroom but alone. Why?"

"I can't contact, Jieun" Yoonah said

"Did something happened?" Winwin asked Yoonah

"Jisung told me to call Jieun last night because he thinks Jieun is not okay. I called her, she answered, but she said she needs to rest. I think she's not okay because I heard her sobbing" Yoonah sighed and kept typing on her phone

"Did you go to her house?" Jaemin asked

"She doesn't want me to go there. I wonder if something happened to her. I'm getting weird feeling" Yoonah

"Please, be quiet! I have an announcement!" our class president shouted as he went to the front

The door suddenly opened, Jieun entered while she's looking down. Her face is covered using her hair. She went straight to her seat but before she passed by. I saw her eyes. She cried. She finally sat beside Yoonah.

"Where did you go?" Yoonah asked

"I just bought something" Jieun answered

"You are going to be fine, Jieun. Just act like you are fine. Smile. Act normal. You can't let them get worried about you. You can do this Jieun" (Jieun's mind)

"Are you sure?" Yoonah asked

"So, our funstagram contest will come again. I will be hoping that there will be more contestants this time" our class president announced and wrote something on the board "Yoonah will be hosting the said contest again. I need you all to participate in voting especially you, Jieun. You never voted"

"I am too busy, I will try to vote and follow this time" Jieun said

"Alright, but the contest this year is more fun. The participants will need to have a photo with their partner or the girl they want to be with in the photo. Then, it'll be the photo that the participants will use and post on their funstagram account. The funstagram King is different, and funstagram couple is also different vote" our president said

I raised my hand "What's the prize? Sorry for asking. I am new so I still don't have any idea"

"Great question! For the funstagram king, it's still the same. You will have a one year modelling contract and for the couple, they will be modelling with each other only, for one year too. So, you all need to participate" our class president said and was about to go but I quickly stood up "Yes?"

"I want to join"

"Do you have any partner?" president


I nodded "Yes, my partner is Jieun"

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