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Jieun's POV

After his announcement of telling me to leave Jaehyun. I never dared to talk nor question him. I don't want to look like I'm disrespecting him nor talking back on our first meeting but- How about Jaehyun? He helped me ever since I met him. He is my own comfort. 

We're on our way to the mansion with our Father. He said he is so excited to introduce us to our younger brother. I will talk to Father, later. I just hope he is calm later, seeing him earlier makes me feel like it'll be the end of me once I tried to insist not making me leave Jaehyun. Wait- Why don't I want to leave Jaehyun? What the hell is wrong with me?! 

"We're here" Dad said and got out of the car

Jisung looked at me "Are you okay?"

I smiled and nodded "Yeah, perfectly fine" 

He just looked away and got out of the car. I quickly followed them inside, there, I saw my youngest brother, he is playing video games. 

"Jiwoo?" Dad called and smiled at him

"Dad!" Jiwoo excitedly called and hugged him, then he looked at us "Good morning" he greeted

"You already know them, right?" Dad asked him

Jiwoo nodded "My older sister and brother" he smiled

I smiled "I'm Jieun"

"I know both of your names, I also learned about your favorites and what you hates. I'm looking forward to meeting you but I never expected it'll be today"
he smiled showing his braces

"The lunch is ready!"
the maid shouted

This early? Wow. Maybe this is their routine, since Dad looks so busy everyday with his company. We went to the kitchen, I sat beside Jiwoo while Jisung sat on the opposite side. We all started eating. 

Should I say it now?


He looked at me "Hmm?"

"Can I talk to you later?" 

"I need to go back to the company after this to take care of the debt your Mom did. Also, I won't be going home since I have a business trip assigned later. Just tell me now" Dad 

"I-It's about Jaehyun"

"Jaehyun? That guy earlier? Your husband?" Dad

I nodded.

"You're already married?" Jiwoo asked me

"Jieun, no matter how many times you talk to me about that. I won't change my mind. Why do you want to continue your marriage with him? Do you like him?" Dad asked that made me stopped eating


"Let's talk" Dad said and left the kitchen

I quickly followed him, to the pool area. He is standing there while both of his hands were inside his pocket. He is staring at me. 


"Answer my question. Do you like him?" Dad asked

I gulped down. 

"For the last time, do you like him?" he asked again

I looked down "I-I think so" 

"Do you even know what is his identity? Do you know that you can be in danger? They are some dangerous-" Dad

"Y-You know that he is a v-vampire?" 

Dad's eyes widened "H-How did you know?" 

"He confessed it to me. He said that, once I signed the contract, it's the start of his duty to protect me. They don't harm humans. They protect us, it's part of their rules, Dad-"

"And you believe him?" Dad


"Vampires can fool you easily, but don't trust their words nor their actions. You're not going to last long with them, Jieun. I don't want to lose you" Dad

"But he never tried-" 

"This will be the last time that you will mention anything about him. I know what's the best for you, and I will always protect you all as possible as I can" Dad

Is this really the end of us? Already? 

"C-Can I at least t-talk to him?" 

"Yes, today will be the last time you will talk to him. Once I saw you hanging out, talking, or even looking at each other. I will reveal to everyone about them. You don't want them to be in danger, don't you?" Dad

I nodded.

"Alright, I guess this is it. I am warning, this will be the last time that you will talk about him" Dad said and left me at the pool area

Why the hell is this happening? I want to be with Jaehyun but I don't want him nor his friends to be in danger. Why me? Why us? Fuck it. 

I went back to the kitchen and I saw Jisung eating, I sat "Where are they?"

"Jiwoo said good bye to Dad" Jisung answered

I nodded. 

"I didn't hear it wrong. I am right. Jaehyun is also a vampire?" Jisung asked

"H-How did you know? What do you mean by also?"

"I heard you and Dad talking to each other. Also, about the cult, Jungwoo saved you, I saw everything. He is a vampire but I never thought that Jaehyun is also a vampire. What is your plan now? Are you really going to end it?"
Jisung asked

I nodded "I don't have any choice. I need to end everything now or else they will be in danger. I think it's better for me and Jaehyun to stop it. This is all just a game, it's just arranged marriage, everything was fake"

"Really? Then your feelings is also fake? I saw how he tried to do everything so you will stay. I saw him going to the restaurant that night to calm you down. I don't want to disturb you two, you look better after talking to him. I just thought he is a good influence to you. That's why I never stopped nor tried to be against your marriage with him. Earlier, I saw how he comforted you. Now, tell me your feelings is also fake" Jisung smirked

"Damn it, this is hard. I don't want them to have a hard time because of my selfishness" 

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