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This chapter is dedicated to JYPNATIONNNNN for Taeil and Jiyeon's part.

Third person's POV

Everyone is staring at Jaehyun who got out of the car and answered "Our car"

They are all shocked especially Jieun. She gulped down and trying to think what she should do to get out of the scene that Jaehyun made. He is cursing at him for a thousand times in her mind which made Jaehyun smile because he find it cute.

"W-Whose car?" Yoonah repeated the question

"I mean my car, I was just driving when I saw Jieun at the way. I told her to get inside so..." Jaehyun answered and shrugged his shoulder "Don't get the wrong idea, Jieun and I are good friends. We are really close to each other" he smirked while staring at Jieun's back view "Very close..."

Jieun tightened her fist and took a deep breath "H-Hahahaha y-yeah. Jaehyun and I-I are getting close because of the funstagram couple for our public image h-hahahaha" she laughed so fake

Jaehyun smiled leaving everyone lose their breath because of his dimple. He really find Jieun so cute. He walked to Jieun and faced her "I'll see you later after class..." he stopped and whispered "Wife" he walked away while playing the key on his right hand and he is currently smiling as a success of teasing his wife

Jieun gulped down and she didn't even count how many times. Her lips turned into a smile but it's really obvious that she is just faking it. He is really mad at Jaehyun for making her nervous.

"Ya, I didn't know you are close to him" Yoonah said and clinged her arms onto Jieun's

"Should I try to get close to him? I badly want to ride that" Jaemin said while looking at the car behind them

"Did I made a sin that will be the reason to make my life like this?" she asked while staring out of nowhere

"Huh?" Yoonah

"What did I do wrong?" she whispered

The three best friends started walking to their classroom. All eyes on Jieun who is becoming the hot topic for today because of the scene that Jaehyun made. She's hoping that will be the last time she will be the hot topic or it'll be the end of her.

Jaehyun entered his classroom with a smile, he saw his friends and some classmates there. They don't have classes before the break time but they all chose to go to school early. Johnny and Taeil were both shocked by Jaehyun's mood.

"What happened?" Taeil asked

Jaehyun just shrugged his shoulder and sat "We can't feel any emotions aside from anger. What is this unfamiliar feeling?"

"What?" Taeil looks confused and he looked at Johnny "What is he saying?"

"Just don't mind him. Crazy guys sometimes blabber nonsense things" Johnny said continued to copy Taeil's home work although they don't have classes that day "Buy some water. I need something"

"Ya, why don't we try to eat? I heard Heechul. He said we can eat humans' foods but it won't fill our hunger or thirst. It's like just a habit we can do" Taeil said

Johnny nodded "And if we throw up?"

"We won't. Let's just try. Who knows? In that way no one will suspect us because we don't eat their foods" Taeil

"Alright" Johnny nodded

Taeil looked at Jaehyun "Do you want something?"

"Yes" Jaehyun smiled and looked at Taeil who's waiting "I need Jieun"

"You are so disgusting" Taeil rolled his eyes and walked out of the classroom

He started walking to the cafeteria. Everyone is busy going to their classrooms while he is walking freely and calmly. As soon as he arrived at the cafeteria, he put his hand inside his pocket so he will look natural, like cool humans. He went to the counter and looked at the menu.

"Taeil!" Haechan called him

"What?" he raised his eye brow

"Luck you, you don't have class for almost a month" Haechan

"No, they will be giving us a temporary teacher but we still don't know when. Maybe this week or next week?" Taeil answered unsurely

Haechan nodded "Why are you here? We don't eat any food here"

"I'll explain later. Why are you still not in you classroom?" Taeil

"I'm about to-" Haechan stopped talking when someone dropped the tray in front of them

They both looked at the girl who's staring at them.

"Are you going to order or not?" Jiyeon asked, a student who volunteered to help the cafeteria

"He will" Haechan said, he tapped Taeil's shoulder and walked out of the cafeteria

Taeil boredly looked at the girl "Wht's the best snack here?"

"Snack?" Jiyeon asked and pointed at the menu "Can't you read that?"

Taeil rolled his eyes and looked at the menu "I'll buy the best and most requested snack here" he said and gave her his credit card

Jiyeon waited for him to sign his card "Aren't you Moon Taeil?"

Taeil just nodded as answer.

"I heard you are looking for a girlfriend?" Jiyeon asked that made Taeil confuse, she quickly showed Taeil what she was talking about "That's you, right? Your friend posted that. I was planning to apply, so what's your ideal type?"

"I never wanted to have a girlfriend. I just wanted my order to finish and I will leave" Taeil glared at her

Jiyeon pouted and put everything in the paper bag with his credit card "Here" she handed the order

Taeil took it but Jiyeon held his hand "What do you need?"

"But if you need one. I am here. You can always find me here during break time" she winked

Taeil just left her. He was shocked by how straightforward she is.

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