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Jungwoo's POV

The bell rang, and our class quickly wrapped up.

"Where do you want to go tomorrow?" Yoonah asked Jieun

"I'm not free tomorrow. I'll call you" Jieun answered

"We only have one classes tomorrow and the photoshoot will happen tomorrow" Yoonah

"I know but still, I'm tired. I reallt want to rest besides it's Saturday. It was supposed to be our rest day but we are going to do a photoshoot" Jieun sighed

I quickly arranged my things and was about to go when I felt Jieun was going to hold me. I faced her "Do you want to say something to me?"

"A-Ah hahaha y-yes, is it okay to talk here?" Jieun asked

I nodded.

"We'll go first" Jaemin said and dragged Yoonah with him

"The thing is-" Jieun stopped when Winwin walked towards us "Why?"

"You need to go home" Winwin told her

"She will go home after we talk"

"You think you are safe? You are really dead later. Say good bye to your friends, Kim Jungwoo" (Winwin's mind)

I smirked. You think so?

He left the room along with the other students.

"I already know everything about you" Jieun

Seriosly, Jaehyun?

"Did Jaehyun asked you to say that?"

"N-No, he didn't. I-I just found out recently" Jieun started stuttering that made her even more cute

"Then, what about me? Tell me. I won't do anything once you mention about what you are saying"

Jieun looked away "I am sorry for lying. I badly don't want to do the couple thing. You know, I've never tried that before. Besides, I don't want me and Kun to be ruined because of that. This is the first time that Jisung accepted me and Kun. I hope you understand, I will follow and vote you. You don't have to worry"

"Really? Good luck to you and to Jaehyun's couple shoot. I will not let this thing happen again" I smiled and left the classroom

I know she said yes and will do the funstagram couple thing with Jaehyun. You are a one lucky guy, Jung Jaehyun. But this will be the last time that you will be doing this. I will really keep Jieun away from you after this. She's mine from the very start.

I started walking out of the University, when someone suddenly bumped into me "Can you look at where you are going?"

"J-Jungwoo..." she called

"Who are you?"

"Just run away. You need to run away" she said and tried pushing me

"Why would I run away? What's wrong with you, human?"

She suddenly dragged me somewhere, I can't help but let her drag me somewhere. Who the hell is this human? How come she knows me? I never met anyone like her. I have a clear memory and I never met her before. We hid somewhere near the University, we can still the entrance.

"I am in the same class with Ten, Yangyang and Lucas, class 3. They are the members of WayV, they always got into trouble. They are like a gang in the school but they always fight fair. They are really classy and handsome, I admit that but I must say they are dangerous" she said

"So, what?"

"I heard them talking about you and Jung Jaehyun. They said they will beat you until you come to your senses. Just so you know, no one dared asking Jieun out because Kun the leader of WayV is in love with her. They are like each others' first love-" she stopped talking when she saw me glaring at her "Huh? Why?"

"Who the hell are you? You suddenly drag me here I don't evem know who you are. I just know you are in the same class with Doyoung"

"Ah, I forgot" she smiled awkwardly and reached out her hand to me "My name is Cha Hayoon from class 3"

Cha Hayoon? The one I am married to? Is this a coincidence or she already knew about it and she approached me first?

"You are Cha Hayoon?"

She nodded and covered my mouth "There they are"

Why the hell is she covering my mouth? Damn it. She's making me thirsty with her blood. I looked at the entrance and exit of the school. It's that group of guys who approached Jieun last time. They are 7 guys and were currently waiting at the very near. I quickly removed her hand.

"Why do we have to hide?"

"I told you, they are dangerous" she repeated

"So? What does that have to do with me?"

A white van suddenly left, it's the Aersha's van. Great. They just left me here with this girl. Damn it.

"What's taking them so long?" Hayoon whispered

"Do you know that my van just left me?"

"You have a van?" Hayoon looked at me, I just sighed at her "Sorry"

I quickly dragged her out of the pkace where we are hiding and walked out of the University. The group of guys suddenly smiled as they saw me and Hayoon walking out of the school.

"Isn't it Hayoon with Jungwoo?" that guy who threw the notebook to Jieun last time

"Hi, Hayoon" one of them greeted

Hayoon suddenly held my uniform so tight. I tried to read her mind but there's a mess happening right now. They are walking towards us and Hayoon kept holding me tighter and tighter.

"You are partnered with Jieun, and now you are with our bar girl, Hayoon?" one of them smirked

I signed on our contract, and it's also part of the rules that, we, male vampires, need to protect those who are married to us.

I pulled his collar "One more time you disrespect my wife. I will kill you"

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