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Jisung's POV

"Class dismissed"
our teacher said and left the classroom

"Congrats, Jisung" Jaehyun said and we did a hand shake 


"So, I guess I'll see you and your sister tomorrow. Tell her that I will call her using another number" he said and quickly left the classroom

I carried my bag and went to the next room where my sister and her friends are. I leaned on the wall while watching the students left the room one by one. 

"Congrats, Jisung!" they all kept saying while leaving the classroom, while me? I am just looking at them. I don't want to be rude but I don't want someone to be jealous because I smiled at them. 

Jieun came out of the room "Are you waiting for me?" 


"You're rude. Why are you here?"

"Just go. They are waiting at the parking lot. Also, Jaehyun will call you later with a different number" 

She nodded and walked away. 

Jungwoo came out of the room but he didn't even looked at me. I don't want to look at him, either. I don't want my mood to be ruined. It's better for him to just leave and not pay attention to me.

Finally, the girl I'm waiting for came out of their classroom. 


She was shocked to see me standing in front of her "Huh?" 

"We have to talk" 

Yoonah shook her head and was about to go but I quickly held her wrist "W-What do you want?"

"I said we need to talk" 

"I don't want to talk with you. Let me go" she said and tried to remove my hand from her wrist "Park Jisung"

"Why are you ignoring me? Is it because of the drunk ca-"

"Stop! I don't want to hear it" Yoonah 

"Are you two having a lovers' quarrel? Why?"
Jaemin asked while looking at me and Yoonah

"We're not even a couple-"

"Yes, we're fighting. I just need to talk to her and we're going to be fine" 

Yoonah glared at me. 


"When did you two started your relationship? wow. I am Yoonah's best friend but she never told me about it. Anyway, good luck! I hope she will forgive you"
Jaemin smiled and started walking away from us

"What the hell?!"
Yoonah shouted

"You will go with me"
I said and started dragging her to the parking lot

"Ya! Let me go!"
she shouted and tried to remove my hand

But she didn't removed it. We arrived at the parking lot. I quickly made her enter the car without saying anything, I quickly sat beside her. 

Jieun looks so shocked to see her best friend "Yoonah? What are you doing here?" 

"Your brother-"

"Ya! What are you planning to do?!" Jieun shouted and pinched my arm "Are you crazy?!" 

"Just shut the hell up. I need to talk to her" 

One of the body guards started driving. 

"Wait- Why are there only one here? I thought there's four?"

"The three remaining body guards were in the other car" Jieun said and pointed at the car behind us 

"Let me go, will you?" Yoonah whispered

"We need to talk"

"Fine, but not here. Are you expecting me to talk to you here?" Yoonah whispered while looking at the body guard and Jieun 

"The body guard doesn't care about us or what he will hear. Also-"

"I will pretend not to hear anything and will mind my own business here. You two take your time, don't mind me"
Jieun said and put her earphones on 


"What?" Yoonah

"Why are you ignoring me?" 

"I am? N-No, I didn't ignored you. When did I? Why would I? Hahaha" Yoonah said and laughed awkwardly

"Yesterday, I tried to go to you, to tell you that Jieun can't go to school but you ran and dragged Jaemin. At the library, you were carrying books, I tried to take and carry the books but you ran away and left the books to Jaemin. During break time, when I'm walking towards  your line, you looked away and pretend to be busy. And after the class, as soon as you saw me, you ran away. Then, today-" 

"Stop! I don't want to hear anything" Yoonah sighed and looked at me "Isn't it obvious? I'm damn embarrassed. After what I did to you, do you think I still have the guts to talk to you nor show my face to you?"

"Why would you be embarrassed? You confessed and always clingy to me almost everyday. I already know that you like me, but I never acted like I knew it. I tried so hard to pretend to hate you because I love how you tease me every morning just because Jieun told you so. Now, are you still going to ignore me-" 

"Yes, I will ignore you as possible as I can!" Yoonah rolled her eyes

"Oh come on-"

"Just leave me alone, will you?" Yoonah

"No, listen to me. For your information, I like you-"

"But Jieun said that was before-" Yoonah

"I like you until now and it never stopped. I like you when you I found out you like me, that even gave me more reasons to like you and not give up. I told myself I will wait and-" 

"I like you, and you like me? What now?" Yoonah asked

What the hell?

"W-What do you mean?"

"Argh! You are so slow! Are you really my brother?!"
Jieun shouted and rolled her eyes "What she mean is what's the next step? Are you going to court her? In a relationship? Marriage?"

"If you will ask me, I will choose the relationship already" Yoonah said and crossed her arms

"I know but-"

"But?" Yoonah

"I want to court you"

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