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Jaehyun's POV

"Thank you for coming here right away"
Mr. Park said and vowed to the police officers

"No worries, Mr. Park. It is our duty" the police officer smiled and vowed as well 

"Do you think you and your children will escape the nightmares? No. You'll wait and see" Jieun's step Father said and finally left the house being dragged by the police officers

"Jaehyun" Leeteuk suddenly arrived along with Shindong and Heechul

"What are you doing here?" 

Leeteuk looked at me "What do you mean? I should be the one asking you do that. You sent us a message from Jieun's Mom's house"

"I- What? I never went there" 

"You sent us a message. You said to bring Jieun's Mom to the jail because she almost killed Jieun-"

"What did you say? Jieun? Where is she?" 

"Aren't you with her?"
Shindong asked

"I told you I just got here when Jieun's step Father was about to kill them. I didn't go there. I didn't met Jieun after class" 

"What is happening?" Mr. Park asked

Shindong and Heechul vowed at the old man. 

"Good evening, Mr. Park" Leeteuk greeted

"What's with the sudden meeting?"
Mr. Park 

"Jieun's Mom is in jail-" Shindong

"For what reason?" Mr. Park

"Someone sent us a message saying that Jieun's Mom almost killed her. We thought it's Jaehyun but he told us that he never left this place ever since he got here-" Heechul

"Where's Jieun?"
Mr. Park

"We arrived there but we didn't see Jieun. We just saw her Mom crying while holding a gun. We brought her to the jail"

"We asked her who went there. She said that it's a guy with a super pale skin came and saved Jieun along with two other pale skin guys"

"I have to find her" 

"No, you aren't going anywhere" Leeteuk

"But my wife is in danger!" 

"Jaehyun, calm down"

"You will stay here and will make sure Mr. Park and Jiwoo are going to be fine. We will find Jieun as soon as possible. We know they didn't went that far" Leeteuk


"It's an order from the ranker, Jaehyun"

"I can't just stay here-"

"I know, Jaehyun"

"You have to stay here and make sure they are safe. We promise we will bring back Jieun"

What if something bad happened to her? What if some vampires took her too? What will happen? I was supposed to save her. Damn it. I don't know but I should've called her instead of going here. 

"We need to leave now"
Leeteuk said and left with Shindong and Heechul

"What happened here?!"
Jisung shouted as soon as he arrived

"Your step Father went here and was planning to kill me and Dad. Good thing Jaehyun came and he saved us"
Jiwoo explained to his older brother

Jisung hugged his Father "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine" Mr. Park

"Where's Jieun?" Jisung asked and walked towards me

"She left when we argued" Mr. Park

"Where is she? She's fine, right?"
Jisung asked me trying to make sure Jieun is fine

"The guy earlier told us that Jieun was almost killed by your Mom-" Jiwoo

"My Mom?" Jisung 

I nodded "Yes, your Mom almost killed Jieun. She went there when she had an argument with your Father. Leeteuk said someone sent them a message and they thought it was me but I never left this house ever since I got here. It was written on the text that your Mom almost killed your sister and they should put her in jail. They arrived there but she's not there anymore"

"A-Aren't you going to look for her?" Jisung asked

I shook my head "I badly want to see her but Leeteuk and the other ranker told me to say here make sure you are all fine. They will look for her" 

Jisung sighed and nodded "She's going to be fine, right?" 

"I think she's fine. Those guys won't save her just to kill her"
Jiwoo said

He is right. They won't save her for nothing. What if they will kill her after saving her? Damn it. I can't fucking take this anymore. I want to make sure she's fine. Shit. 

I was about to go when my phone vibrated. I quickly opened it.

From : Jieun

Jaehyun, don't worry about me. I am fine. I'll just go home when I am ready. I guess Leeteuk and the other ranker told you about what happened. You don't have to worry. I'm safe. Just rest. I'll see you tomorrow. 

To : Jieun

How can I not worry? Where the hell are you?!

But I never received any replies. I quickly turned off my phone as I sat on the couch. Believe her. She's fine. She is not going to lie to you, Jaehyun. Trust her.

"She said she's fine. She'll go home when she's ready" 

"When?" Jisung asked

I shook my head "I don't know. Let's trust her. She will go home" 

"I don't trust Jieun but I trust you Jaehyun. I know you won't let her be in danger. I saw how you protected her heart for a lot of times. I know you are her safe zone. I trust you"
Jisung said and went upstairs

Jiwoo looked at me "Thank you for saving us. No wonder why Jieun chose you. She knows you very well. Don't worry. You and Jieun will be fine" he smiled and walked upstairs as well 

"Go home"
Mr. Park

"I know you're mad at me, at vampires, but I can't just leave. I have to make sure you are all safe here. It's an order from the ranker" 

Mr. Park smiled "Just rest in Jieun's room when you want to rest"

"I'm fine" 

He was about to walk away when he looked at me "I guess you and Jieun won"

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