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Jieun's POV

As I finished taking a bath, I quickly wore my clothes and sat on the chair. I started drying my hair using the towel.

I saw my phone and received a mesaage from Yoonah.

From : Yoonah

You didn't even told me you were in the clinic and you went straight home. I'm so worried.

To : Yoonah

I'm fine. I'm sorry for making you worry. How did you know about it?

From : Yoonah

Jaehyun told me. He said you look so sick so he told the nurse to sent you home.

To : Yoonah

Alright. I'll see you tomorrow. I love you!

I turned off my phone and sighed. He brought me to the clinic, he took care of me and waited for me to wake up. What else? He is so nice to me. There's no way he likes me. He looks so perfect and I am not. I am just the Prince Park Jisung's twin sister. Nothing special.

Why am I worrying about that?! So, what if he did those to me? That means nothing! You are losing your mind, Jieun. Damn it. You accused them of being a vampire. Agh. I think it's because they have pale skin, bloody lips and handsome- No! They are- Argh!

I looked at the study table and saw the pillow hand sized he gave me last night. He even bothered going there to give that to me and calm me. He really did it. He helped a lot. Especially, that pillow. I held the pillow and smiled as I remembered how he smiled and cared for me that night. If he is a vampire, it doesn't matter to me. He is too good to be a vampire. What should I name this pillow? I can't call this pillow hand sized. Jaehyun? Jae? Hyun? Hyunnie? J? Jay? Vampire? Ah. I know now. I should call this Vampy. I-

"The dinner is ready" our maid said as she entered my room "Why are you smiling?"

"I-I am smiling? Hahaha, no I am not smiling" I quickly let go of Vampy and stood up "Jisung is already at home?"

"Not yet, but your Mom and Dad are already at the kitchen. They are waiting for you" she smiled and looked behind me "Smiling at the pillow? You looks suspicious"

"Y-You are really f-funny hahaha why would I-I s-smile at the p-pillow? Hahahaha"

"Because that pillow reminds you of someone?" she smirked and slowly left my room

I took a deep breath and quickly hide Vampy in my drawer "That was close"

I left my room and went to the kitchen. I saw Mom and Dad eating while talking serious. I am really in a good mood I just hope they won't ruin it. I'm seriously happy- I mean good. Not because of Jaehyun!!!

I sat and started eating whitout greeting them. It's better not to greet them. I don't want to be disrespectful but I just think this is really better.

"I heard from the maid you are not feeling well?" Dad asked

I nodded slowly "Yes, the school nurse told me to go home, so I can rest"

"Are you trying to act sick so we aren't going to sent you to your husband?" he smirked

How come I didn't even heard them ask if I am okay? That should be the first question. I guess they are different.

"No, Dad. I am n-not really feeling well"

"If you say so" he said and continued eating

"So, you already know about the plan, right? You will be living with your husband. We were planning to make it happen as soon as possible. It'll be better for you and him to get along" Mom said while eating and not even looking at me

"You never told me about that. Yes, I did let you use me for your debt. But isn't that too much? You are trying to sent me there without knowing if that guy is nice or not. What if he abuse me? What if force me to do things I don't want? What if he kill me? What are you all going to do?"

Mom looked at me with a smile on her face "Honey, you sre overreacting. Also, it doesn't matter if tha happens. You are already under him. We don't have anything to do with you now. Get you work done properly, and we will be debt free"

My tears started falling as I heard those words from my own Mother. She should've been the one to protect me and save me from those happenings. But not. She's even pushing me and forcing me.

"Ya! Park Jieun!" Jisung shouted and removed the knife from my hand

I didn't even know I am holding the knife. Maybe I am planing to kill my Mom without me even noticing. But I can't even talk behind her back. How can I do that?

"What is she up to?" Mom asked boredly

"H-Huh? Mom, you are being too much!" Jisung shouted and helped me stand up "If something happens to her. I will not forgive you two"

Jisung helped me walked to my room. As soon as we entered my room, I felt my body that was trembling earlier, is now calm.

"Are you okay? What happened?" Jisung asked

I nodded and smiled "I'm fine. Just go and eat, then take a rest. I'll see you tomorrow. Thank you for getting me out of there"

I lied down on my bed and covered myself with my blanket. He turned off the lights and I heard Jisung walking out of the room.

As soon as he closed the door, I felt my tears started falling again...

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