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Jaehyun's POV

After Jieun passed out I brought her to our apartment. I can't bring her to the hospital, because of the bloods. Also, the school's clinic is close when I went there. I think this is the best place for her to rest continuously. 

"I hope you're going to be fine" 

I looked at her and she's currently sleeping peacefully. Why is she still beautiful even though she's getting stress over her fake Dad? There's something I want to tell her but how? What if she won't believe me? I hope she will. 

Jisung calling...


[I heard from Yoonah that my sister passed out? Is she okay? What happened?]

"She's fine now, she just needs some rest. You don't have to worry about her. We're already in the apartment"




"I know where your Father is at"

[I don't care about that pervert]

"No, not that one. I mean is, the real one. Your real Father"

[You must be joking me?]

"No, I'm serious" 

[Lets' talk about that later. I'm on my way home]

"Yeah, sure" I ended the call and looked at the girl sleeping

I wonder what is going to be your direction after hearing the good news? I will do everything to make you the happiest human in the world, even though you are married to a vampire. I promise I will protect you no matter what happens. You will always be my first priority from now on.

I was about to go when someone held my hand, it's Jieun, who would it be? 

"A-Are you leaving me?" she asked

I sat on the bed and looked at her "I'm not going to leave"

"Then, where are you going?" Jieun

"Just going to arrange the living room. Why? You miss me already?"

Jieun blinked a lot of times "No! Why would I miss you?" 

"Of course, you do" 

She glared at me "You read my mind, again?! I told you not to!"

"No, I didn't. Your tongue already slipped. So, you already miss me, wife?" I smiled and winked at her

"You look ugly!" she rolled her eyes

"If you say so, wife. Anyway, I'll just go and get you a glass of water. I'll be right back" 

She ignored me. She looks so annoyed right now. Whatever. She still looks cute. I went to the kitchen and got a glass of water for her. I went back to our room, as soon as he met my gaze, she quickly looked away. Cutie. 

"Why are you smiling?" she glared at me again

"I'm not smiling, wife. I was just trying to analyze your face" I sat on the bed and handed her the water "Make sure to drink that" 

She took it and drank the water in one god "Happy?"

"Super" I put the glass on the side table and looked at her "How are you? Do you feel something?"

"You bit me?!" she shouted

"No, I wouldn't do that, stop overreacting, will you?" 

"Then, why are you asking?"

"I want to know if you're fine"

She checked her temperature using the back of her palm on her forehead "I still have high fever but I think I'm pretty fine now" 

"Jungwoo went here to know if you're fine, I said yes and kicked him out" 

"You, what?" she raised her eyebrow

"Hayoon is in danger, he knows it, he is assigned to protect that human. I told him to go. So, now you are fine, I will go and visit them to know if Hayoon is fine" 

"W-Why? D-Do you really h-have to know i-if she's fine?" Jieun

I nodded

"Y-You are going to l-leave me here?" Jieun

I nodded

"Y-You know that t-they are married, r-right?" Jieun

I nodded

"Then, why are you leaving your own wife just to check someone's damn wife?!" she shouted

"I didn't expect that, are you jealous?"

She looked away "Why would I be? Isn't it wrong to visit someone when I am not feeling well?" 

"No, it's not. I'll leave now" 

"Ya!" she shouted and held my hand "Stay, will you?!"

"Give me a reason"

"I am your wife, asshole!" she shouted and held my hand much tighter this time "Stay, you vampire!" 

I smiled and cupped her cheeks "You are such cutie, wife"

She slapped my hands "Shut up"

"You said you still have high fever. That means you can't touch me, I'm too cold for you. You might get cold even more, wife" 

She didn't let go of my hands.


She stayed quiet and looked down "I-I feel better when I am holding your h-hand"


She sighed. 

"Okay, just take a rest and I'll order some foods before your brother comes" 

She nodded and lied down on our bed while still holding my hands "Am I weird? I have high fever but I'm holding a vampire's hand, which is really cold. What can I do? I feel better this way" 

"No, you don't look weird. You look cute" 

She smirked and closed her eyes. 


"Hmm?" Jieun

"Vote for me for funstagram" 

"I already promised to vote for Jungwoo-" Jieun

"See? You're voting for someone's damn husband when you can't even vote for your own husband" 

"Are you jealous?" she opened her eyes and smiled

"No, vampires never feel jealous, not even once, wife" 

She nodded "Then, I should vote for Jungw-"

"Are you really going to keep annoying me? Seriously?"

"Ah, you are annoyed instead of jealous. I understand now"
Jieun smiled and held my hand tighter

"I am not annoyed nor jealous, Jieun"

"Why?" Jieun

"Do you really want to know why? You might regret it" 

"I was just asking why am I going to regret it?" Jieun rolled her eyes

I quickly pinned both of her hands and our face is very near each other "Ask me again"

"H-Huh?" Jieun is staring at my eyes

"I said ask me again or I'll bite you"

Jieun gulped "W-Why aren't you j-jealous?" 

"I am not jealous because you are mine" I kissed her lips and smirked at her "Only mine"

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