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Jaehyun's POV

"Jieun!" I quickly ran to her and tried to wake her up but she's not moving a bit.

"What happened to her?!" Yuta asked as she saw Jieun not moving

"She was shocked"

"Bring her to the clinic" Taeil ordered

I carried Jieun and went to the clinic as fast as I can, Haechan is following me carrying Jieun's bag and a book.

"Oh my gosh. What happened to her?" the school nurse asked as she saw Jieun

I put her on the clinic bed "She passed out"

She quickly took care of her and closed the curtain.

"Do you think she's okay?" Haechan asked

We got out of the clinic.

I nodded "She's going to be fine"

"What happened?" Taeil asked while walking towards us with Yuta and Taeyong

"She passed out after seeing me as a vampire"

"She what?!" Yuta shouted

"Taeyong also showed her about him being a vampire, I came there after I heard from Yoonah that Jieun is talking to Taeyong"

"This is a big mess. I am sure Leeteuk won't let us go because of what happened. We kept bringing Jieun to danger" Taeil sighed

Taeyong crossed his arms "She will also find out about us. What's the purpose of hiding now?"

"Let me ask you. What's the purpose of revealing it to her now?" Taeil also crossed his arms

"What the hell happened?!" Jungwoo asked as he came rushing

"Jieun passed out. Nothing more" Haechan said

"Why?" Jungwoo

"Taeyong revealed to her about us being a vampire. Then, Jaehyun came, she also saw him as a vampire. She passed out" Haechan explained

Jungwoo pulled Taeyong's collar "What the hell are you up to? Why are you doing this?"

"She will also know about us. Why are you all hiding it to her?" Taeyong unbotheredly answered

"You don't have the right to tell her" Jungwoo

"Stop that, it already happened. I will tell her soon, it's up to me. She's mine"

Jungwoo looked at me and let go of Taeyong's collar "You know she is mine, and not yours"

"What will happen now? What if she tells them?" Haechan asked

Taeil pointed at the book that Haechan is holding "Tell her it's just a dream. There's no way there's a vampire here"

"I'll take care of it. You all go back to your classes"

Haechan gave me Jieun's things "Alright"

"I will take care of her" Jungwoo said to me while glaring

"Why don't you mind Hayoon instead of my wife? Jieun already signed rhe contract and I am going to protect her and stay by her side. Do the same to Hayoon" I entered he clinic and closed the door leaving them outside

"Do you have her brother's class now-" the nurse stopped talking as I shook my head as answer

"I'll take care of her instead"

She nodded and went back to her table. I sat beside Jieun's bed, and looked at her face. I can't forget how she looks earlier. She is so scared when I saw Taeyong was about to bite her, but she's more scared to see me.

Yes, we are married to each other but I don't think she will accept me as a vampire. She will probably do everything for me to leave her alone. I expected that to happen. She's a human. I am a vampire. We are both different. We eat different and we sleep differently.

I looked at her face, she's sleeping so peacefully. I wonder what will be her reaction once she saw me sitting here. To be honest, the first time I saw her, I just wanted her blood, nothing else. I kept bothering her because of blood lust. I sighed and the book caught my attention. The book is all about a vampire and human being together. She even put a book mark at the chapter she stopped reading. I opened it and read it.

He showed who really is, his eye color changed, he showed his fang. He stares at the girl who is watching him.

She is staring at him from head to toe "H-How did this happen?"

Kyle smiled at her, there's no expression in his eyes "I am a vampire. I never harmed humans, I just want to live normally. But you came to me. You changed everything. I want to thank you for that, but can you do me a favor?"

Gabriella didn't answered and stared at him...

"Remember our rules? If you are willing to do it, take a step towards me, and if you don't, take a step backward, walk away and don't look back" Kyle asked, Gabriella nodded slowly and still can't believe it "Let's do it, I will ask you three questions please answer it using our rules"

Gabriella tightened her fist trying to gain her strengths.

"Are you scared?" Kyle asked but Gabriella didn't even flinched "Do you want to be with me?" he asked once again but Gabriella didn't even moved "Last one, it's not a question, but please do what you please. It's easy, take a step back if you don't want and forward if you are willing"

Gabriella started crying as she looked away from Kyle "I'm sorry" she whispered and take one step backwards

Kyle nodded and smiled at her "Don't be sorry. I already know it. We are both different, we live in different worlds. From now on, you won't see me anymore. I'm letting you go now..."

Gabriella finally walked away from Kyle...

I closed the book and put it beside her bag. I held her hand and looked at her face. The story is sad.

"Are you also going to walk away from me?"

Blood Lust | Jung Jaehyun |Where stories live. Discover now