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Third person's POV

Jisung, Jieun and Yoonah arrived at the place. As they go near the house, Jieun felt nervous and start to become worried. She doesn't want to be disrespectful to her Father but she badly wants to be with Jaehyun. 

"Jiwoo" Jisung called the youngest as they entered the house

Jiwoo smiled at them "Good evening" he greeted

"Where's Father?" Jisung asked

"In his room but he will go down later to eat dinner with us"
Jiwoo said and hugged his older sister, Jieun. "No matter what happens. Don't hate, Father. He is doing what he thinks is right for you. Don't leave him, again. He will be sad" 

Jieun faked a smile and nodded "I'm not going to leave, don't worry" 

"Dinner is ready!"
the maid shouted

Jisung and Yoonah went to the kitchen followed by Jieun and Jiwoo. They sat and that's when the old man entered the kitchen. 

"Good evening" Yoonah greeted and vowed

"Good evening, young lady" Mr. Park greeted and sat

"She's Yoonah, the girl I'm courting from now on" Jisung introduced

Jieun felt relieved as she realize that her Father isn't against Jisung and Yoonah. That's what she wanted, for her brother to be happy. They all started eating but Jieun doesn't have any appetite. She just wants to talk to her Father and end the problem. 

"So, Yoonah is in the same school with you two?"
Mr. Park asked

"Yes, she's my classmate and my best friend" Jieun answered trying to lessen the awkwardness

"I see" Mr. Park answered

"Dad, do you know that Jisung won something in school? I think it's a contest" Jiwoo bragged about the funstagram contest that Jisung joined

"Really? Congratulations" Mr. Park smiled at his son as he congratulated him and suddenly looked at Jieun "How about you, Jieun? Did you joined any contest?" 

Jieun was hesitating but she needs to answer it "Yes, I joined the funstagram couple" 

"Couple? Who is your partner? Is it Kun?" Mr. Park asked

Jieun stopped eating as she heard Kun's name. She realized something is wrong. She clearly know that Kun is  the one who sent the photo to her Father. Now, her Father even knows Kun. Everything is getting suspicious. 

She chose not to answer the question and continued eating. 

As they finally finished eating dinner.

Jiwoo stood up "Dad, I need to do something. I'll go now!" he said and went straight to his room

"Uhm... Dad, I'll go with Yoonah. It's too dangerous for a girl" Jisung said

"You don't have to. I can take care of myself" Yoonah said and smiled

"No, Jisung should take you home"
Mr. Park said 

Yoonah vowed "Yes, sir. Thank you" 

"Take care" Mr. Park said and watched Jisung and Yoonah leave the house

Jieun felt nervous again as she realized it's just her Father who is left with her. The maids were in their room. 

"Don't you have plans?" Mr. Park

Jieun shook her head "I want to talk to you"

"Great. I also want to talk to you, Jieun" Mr. Park 

Jieun sighed and stayed quiet. 

Mr. Park went to the pool, Jieun quickly followed her Father quietly. 

"Father-" Jieun

"If you will keep on insisting about your relationship with that vampire, you better not say anything. You know my answer, Jieun. I thought we're clear about that? You said that night will be the last meeting with him but you disobeyed me. You skip your school and had a date with him instead? If it's not for Kun, I wouldn't have find out about it. I am not against about you and whoever you want to be with-"
Mr. Park

"Then, why not let me and Jaehyun be together?" Jieun

"Except for him, Jieun. He is a vampire and he can't marry a human. He has a lot of troubles and dangers that might involve you. You and your brother are the first precious gift I've ever had and I would do anything for the two of you to be safe, even if it means to kill myself, I will do it"
Mr. Park said with a sincerity 

"20 years, Mom and that guy were controlling my life. They kept using me for their company and debt. I never experienced the real love I wanted, but when I got here. I am so happy to finally meet you. Also, I told myself that, finally, I will feel loved. Finally, I'm free from being controlled and used. Dad, Jaehyun is the only one who asked if I am okay. He is the one who freed me from Mom. He is my comfort and safe zone" Jieun said with a shaky voice and looked at her Father "I don't want to leave but damn. I badly want to be with Jaehyun. I know he won't put me in danger and he won't let that happen. I know Jaehyun"

Mr. Park's fist tightened

"I'm sorry, but I want to be with him" Jieun's tears fell and she finally walked away from her Father

Mr. Park sighed and felt stressed because of his daughter's decision. 

Jieun finally left the house when she received a text from her Mom. 

From : Mom

Please, help me. I don't have anyone with me now. I need someone. I am hurt.

She didn't hesitate, and quickly rode a cab to her house. She gave the address to the driver and it finally left. She felt worried because of her Mom's message. She never received anything like that from her Mom. Although she sees her as a monster, she still loves her. She's her Mom.

She arrived at the house. She paid the driver and finally got out of the cab. As she entered the house, the lights were off. 

"Mom?" she called trying to make sure she's fine

"Jieun?" her Mom answered

Jieun finally opened the lights but it broke her hear to see her Mom holding a gun. 

It was pointed at her. 

Her Mom is planning to kill her.

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