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This chapter is dedicated to Tch__HAirBand for Taeyong and Miyeon scene.

Third person's POV

Taeyong is currently staring at the window, waiting for the bell to rang. He smirked when he saw a couple fighting "Pathetic" he whispered. He continued to watch the two, suddenly the bell rang. He stood up faster than anyone in the classroom.

"Class dismissed, you may now take your lunch" the teacher said and was about to leave the classroom when he noticed Taeyong "Mr. Lee, you should take notes. Your two friends, Mark and Yuta already passed their notes. Make sure to pass it later, in my office" and quickly left the classroom

"Taeyong!" Yuta shouted and signalled him to go to him

Taeyong went to him "Why?"

Yuta pointed at Mark "Look"

He caught Mark staring out of nowhere while tapping on the desk. Mark suddenly dropped the pen and noticed his friends looking at him "What?" he asked

"The class already ended, aren't you going to the hideout?" Yuta asked

"I'm going" Mark stood up 

"Why are you staring out of nowhere? What's the matter?" Yuta asked him but he just shook his head

"I'm going to visit Jieun first, to apologize and borrow her notebook" Taeyong was about to go when he saw Kun entered the classroom 

Kun stared at him "What did you say? Where's Jieun?"

"Jieun who?" Mark asked

"Who is he talking about?" Yuta asked as well

The two were trying to help Taeyong not to tell Kun where's Jieun. They know that Jieun will tell him once he saw him. 

Taeyong looked straight into his eyes and tried to hypnotize him, and it worked  "You didn't hear anything. Leave this classroom"

Kun vowed and slowly left the classroom. 

"You, Jungwoo and Jaehyun used your hypnotism to humans" Yuta smirked 

"I'll go now" Taeyong said and left the classroom, he went straight to the clinic where Jieun is

He just realized that he needs to apologize to Jieun for what happened although they will pretend it's not true. Still, he shocked her with the sudden revealing of them as vampire and he was about to bite her. He knows what he was doing, he was just thirsty because of Jieun's blood.  

He knocked on the door and opened it. The nurse wasn't there, he saw Jieun lying on the bed while reading a book. He opened the curtain widely "Jieun"

Jieun dropped the book and was shocked to see Taeyong "T-Taeyong, what are y-you doing here?"

"He is not a vampire, Jaehyun already told you it was just a dream. Can you just believe them and don't act like you are suspecting them- But what if they are really vampires? What are you going to do now?" (Jieun's mind) 

"I just want to apologize, although I didn't do anything to you. I still think I need to apologize because I invited you to the rooftop and you look sick. I should've not invited you there. Also, Jaehyun told me that you thought we are vampires. That's not true, I don't even have fangs. I am sincerely apologizing for what happened"
Taeyong apologized and vowed at Jieun 

Jieun gulped down and nodded "I-I also want to a-apologize, we didn't e-even talked because I passed out. I also want to apologize for suspecting you all as vampires which is really crazy" 

Tayeong smiled and shook his head "That happens. Maybe we were to white and pale, that's why you dreamt of us as vampires"

"I think so too. Anyway, we're good now" Jieun smiled back

"Can I borrow your note book? I badly need to copy everything of your adviser's lessons. I will pass it later, so can I?" Taeyong

Jieun nodded and quickly handed Taeyong the notebook "That's not complete. You should borrow Yoonah's, Jungwoo's, Jaemin's or Winwin's notebook. They have completed the notes" 

"This is enough, thank you" Taeyong smiled and vowed at her "I'll go now. I'll see you when I see you" he quickly left the clinic carrying the notebook, when he saw his friends walking towards him "I can't join" he said

Johnny nodded "It's okay. We will see you later. Good luck" 

"Alright, bye!" Taeil said and they finally left Taeyong

He went to the park part of the University and seated at the empty bench. He doesn't want to stay at the lobby because it's crowded and loud. It's a little bit uncomfortable for ordinary students to write without any desk but since he is a vampire. He doesn't care about it. He wore his ear phones and played a song. He started copying Jieun's notes from the very first page. 

Miyeon saw a guy sitting at the bench, alone. She sat beside him, she took the earphone and wore it "The music is good" 

Taeyong looks confused and looked at the girl beside her. He didn't talk and was analyzing Miyeon's moves. He was about to take the earphone from her but Miyeon hit his hand so he can't take it. 

"Your name is Lee Taeyong ,right?" Miyeon asked while smiling at Taeyong but he doesn't show any expression to her "I'm Miyeon, the music is good" 

Taeyong is just looking at her. 

(that kind of look, GOOOOOSH! I'M GOONA DIE!)"Miyeon!" a guy shouted and walked to themMiyeon sighed "Why are you here? Leave me alone, will you?" Taeyong is just watching the two

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(that kind of look, GOOOOOSH! I'M GOONA DIE!)

a guy shouted and walked to them

Miyeon sighed "Why are you here? Leave me alone, will you?" 

Taeyong is just watching the two. He got bored and arranged his things, he stood up and was about to go when Miyeon held him "What?"

"Don't leave me with him"
Miyeon whispered 

He removed her hand and left them. 

"Ya, how come you have the guts to cheat on me?!?" the guy shouted and was about to hit Miyeon but then..

The next thing they knew

Taeyong is already holding the guy's hand preventing him to hit Miyeon "Did no one ever told you not to hit girls?"

"You stay out of this, new guy. This is a matter between me and Miyeon-"
the guy

"Why should I stay out of this when my girlfriend is the you are harassing?" Taeyong glared at him 

His friends who just arrived to talk to him were all shocked to hear what he just told the guy, even Miyeon who's just watching them.

"What did you say? Girlfriend? Hahahaha" the guy started laughing

"This will be the last time you will go near her or I will break your bones"
Taeyong said and dragged Miyeon out of the scene leaving everyone in shock

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