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Jieun's POV

We both decided to go home- I mean to go to our apartment. We just didn't go like that, we asked my Father's permission first. Everything is getting better. I never thought that Father will let me and Jaehyun be together.

"I forgot the code" Jaehyun said

I sighed and insert the code of our apartment. We both got in and he went straight to our room. I went to the living room and lied dow on the sofa.

"Jaehyun, shall we order or nah?"

"You decide, wife" he answered and got out of room topless

What the fuck is wrong with him?! Can't he fucking wear shirts? Oh my gosh. This is so- Whatever. He is my husband now. Why am I overreacting?

"Can't you at least put some robe on?"

"Why?" he asked innocently and looked at his body "I feel comfortable wearing nothing"

"W-What? Nothing? Oh my gosh"

"Ah! I have something to show you" he smiled at me showing his dimple and held my hand "Close your eyes"

"What is it this time?"

"Let me wear some shirt first" he said and ran inside our room

Why- I mean finally!! He decided to wear shirt! Argh. I might die if ever he will continue doing that. Who wouldn't? He is so- Nevermind.

He ran outside wearing a blackshirt and even sprayed some perfume "What do you think?"


"Okay, close your eyes now" he smiled again and held both of my hands

I closed my eyes and held his hand tight. He started guiding me somewhere. I hope he won't push me downstairs because I didn't go home last night. I heard him opened a door and guided me inside.

"Where are we?"

"Wait- There's three steps of stairs" he said and helped me walked upstairs

When did we have a three steps of stairs here in our apartment?! Oh gosh. Where are we now? I hope he is not really planning to push me.

"Are we almost there?"

"Open your eyes, wife" he whispered behind me while still holding my hands

We're still inside our apartment. But we're in a different level. Wait- How do I explain this? Whatever. He prepared a table like in restaurants and there's bouquet of roses and candles on the table.

"Sit down" he said

We both sat and this is fucking awkward. He is smiling at me while looking proud.

"I'm speechless. I never thought a vampire can be this romantic"

He smirked "Of course, I'm Jung Jaehyun"

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