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Jieun's POV

I want to run away...

....with him.

I quickly let go of the hug when my phone suddenly started vibrating. I looked at it and saw who's calling.

Park Jisung calling...

[What is wrong with you? I've been texting you for a thousand times. Go here]

"I'm sorry. I didn't noticed"

[Are you really fine? I can't leave this damn restaurant. They told me to pretend to order but signalled me to call you]

"Much better"

[You sure?]



"Can I- Nothing. I'll go there now. Bye" I ended the call and faced Jaehyun "I need to go now"

"Yeah, sure. I'll see you tomorrow" Jaehyun smiled at me

Am I really going inside?

I nodded and started walking to the restaurant.

From : Park Jisung

I don't know what's happening to you but pull yourself together. Try to make a decision on your own. You are free to drive that car away, I will take care of them.

I turned off my phone and finally entered the restaurant. I saw Mom fake smiled at me and waved like she saw me the first time. Like she adore me so much. How I wish.

I smiled and walked to them. All eyes on me. I saw how everyone paid attention to me. Is this why she told me to wear this damn black dress? To impress and show them that I am from a rich family? How I wish I can tell them that we are in debt and they are trying to pay it using me.

Can someone help me?

I vowed at them "It was nice seeing you all here. I am Park Jieun"

"Hi" the guy smiled at me

"They are Shindong, Siwon, Eunhyuk and Leeteuk. They are your husband's relatives" Dad introduced

I vowed once again. The Leeteuk guy signalled me to sit down. I sat beside Jisung. It feels awkward as I saw how Shindong looks at me.

"That's pretty. Where did you get that?" Shindong asked referring to the pillow hand size that I am holding "Sorry for asking, I was just curious. I know someone who has the same size and design who owns something like that too"

"Ah, this is from a close friend"

"I see" Shindong smiled and nodded

"So, I guess you already know why we are here?" Siwon asked me

I nodded "To sign another contract"

"This is not just an ordinary contract. This is more like a life and death contract to us. There are some promises that your husband needs to do. He already signed it. Sorry if we erased the name, we got it wrong" Eunhyuk said and gave me the paper

Yes, they erased it. Someone already signed the paper. I wonder who is my husband. I am getting curious as it's gets near. I signed it and gave it back to him.

"Thank you" Eunhyuk said

I just smiled.

"So, did you tell Jieun that she is going to live with her husband once she met him?" Shindong


"No one told me"

"She doesn't need to know it. She's always okay with everything" Mom smiled

I squeezed the pillow hand sized as tight as I can. This is bullshit. What am I expecting? She never asked for my own decision. I am being controlled by them.

"You okay?" Jisung asked

I nodded "Anyway, thank you"

"Thank you for?" Jisung looks confused

"For telling Jaehyun to go here and comfort me. I am really want to thank you for that"

"I- What?" Jisung

"You told Jaehyun to go here and comfort me. He went to the car, he comforted me, he even gave me this pillow to squeeze when I am mad"

"I never talked to Jaehyun" Jisung


"When did I talked to him?" Jisung asked

If he didn't talked to Jaehyun. How the fuck did he get here? No one knows about this meeting, not even my best friend.

This is getting weird...


Jaehyun's POV

I was about to enter Aersha when the door suddenly shut so loud "Who the hell is playing pranks on me? You are dead"

"You are trying break the rules" Siwon's voice coming from behind

I quickly turned around to face him but then I saw Shindong, Eunhyuk, Siwon and the highest ranker, Leeteuk.

"Where did you go?" Shindong

I smiled "Just around here. I was trying to fin-"

"Your mind says different" Eunhyuk

"Didn't we tell you not suddenly show up to Jieun? Do you know that she's getting a weird feeling. Her brother didn't tell you where they at because he hates you and he doesn't have any reason to tell you. Jieun found out. What are you going to do about that?" Siwon

"I was just-"

"You are trying to destroy the plan we made. We warned you not to do such thing. Do you think I didn't know that you and Jungwoo used hypnotism to humans?" Leeteuk

"I did that because I want to apologize to Jieun for accidentalli kissing her. I also went there earlier to calm her. What if she suddenly wants to run away?"

"I'm warning you, Jaehyun" Leeteuk said and entered together with Shindong, Eunhyuk and Siwon

I also entered and went straight to my room. I didn't saw anyone there. I came out of my room and saw Taeyong walking to my direction.

"Where did they go?"

"How was your plan?" Taeyong asked

"What plan are you saying?"

"I already know it, Jaehyun. Don't deny it" Taeyong


"Is she slowly falling to your trap?" Taeyong smirked


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