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Third person's POV

Jieun looked away as her cheeks became red "A-Ah, I think w-we should also try the f-ferris wheel"

Jaehyun smiled at her cute reaction. He walked to her and put his arm around her shoulder. They both went to, where the ferris wheel is at. They fall in line and waited for their turn.

She still feels awkward. She never expected to heard that from Jaehyun, although she clearly knows that they are already married. But still, that was the first time he said those words to her.

"Are you sure you want to ride?" Jaehyun asked

Jieun nodded "Y-Yes, why?"

Jaehyun shook his head "Nothing"

It's finally their turn. They got inside the cart and it started moving. At first, they were both having fun trying to read all the vandals in the cart.

"We should've brought my pen" Jieun said and sighed

Jaehyun nodded "Yeah, seems like they wrote their promises here. Let's do that next time"

They are sitting beside each other and as soon as they finished talking about the pen. It became awkward between them- Jieun is the only one who's awkward, Jaehyun is having fun with the situation they are at.

Jieun is finally regretting her decision of asking him to ride the ferris wheel. They are finally reaching the top and it shows the beautiful night view "Wow" she whispered

"Amazed? I know a place, it's much better than this" Jaehyun said while looking at the night view too

"I've rode this ferris wheel for a thousand times with my best friends, Jaemin and Yoonah but-" Jieun

"But?" Jaehyun

"It feels different right now that I'm riding this cart alone with a guy or should I say a vampire that I am married to" Jieun smiled thinking how ridiculous it is "I never expected that an arranged marriage would be this great like kdramas I watched. I know a lot of people who got divorced after having an arranged marriage. I wonder if this also happens to them? If they had fun and felt the weird feeling at first? Just like them, I wonder if we will also end up hating each other-"

"Vampires doesn't give up easily. No matter how much you tried to push me away. I will always find my way to you, I will always go back and will try to make you mine again. That's the rules of vampires. Once you showed to me that you want to be with me, I will do the rest. I won't let you go easily" Jaehyun smiled at her, showing his deep dimples and held her hand tight "You said, you watched kdramas, right?

Jieun nodded "Yes, why?"

"I must say you have an idea already?" Jaehyun

Jieun's eyebrows met as she felt confused "Idea? About what?"

"On the very top view of this ferris wheel, night view, we confessed what we feel, we're holding hands right now and it's just us here, alone. What do you think?" Jaehyun asked

Jieun tried to analyze what does Jaehyun means by that. She covered her mouth when she finally realized "What the-"

Jaehyun removed her hand and smiled at her "Baby, this will serve as our promise not to leave each other"

He finally kissed her, passionately...



Jieun woke up but she still feels sleepy, she can't sleep last night because of what happened. She still can feel how sweet and passionate their kiss was. And how Jaehyun made her heart beat faster, that no one ever did.

"Jieun-" Jisung stopped when he saw his sister smiling "Why?"

Jieun finally realize his brother's presence "W-What?"

"Why are you smiling? Are you okay? Did something happened?" Jisung asked

Jieun bit her lower lip and shook her head "H-Hahahaha nothing. I was just happy that you won the funstagram couple with that girl"

"You're weird. Anyway, go downstairs and we will eat" Jisung said and left her room

As soon as the door closed, Jieun squeeled like a dolphin as quiet as she can and started rolling on her bed. She still feels Jaehyun's lips kissing her.

At Aersha, Jaehyun is on his way to the school. He stayed in Aersha just to tell Johnny and the others about the good news he have. He may not able to show the expression of happiness, but he is really happy. It felt like every part of became alive again. He can't forget how Jieun kissed her back. Their kiss will go deeper but it's inappropriate to kiss in the cart knowing there's a kid in the other cart.

As he arrived at the school, he went straight to his classroom. His friends were not there yet, no one is there yet, except for Maya and Lia. He knows them because his friends, Mark and Yuta, were talking about them.

Jieun and Jisung were on their way to the school. The girl is still not on her right mind because of what happened last night.

"Are you really fine?" Jisung asked his sister

Jieun nodded "W-Why? Do I look like a zombie?"

Jisung smirked "Perfect role"

"Gosh!" Jieun quickly fixed her face and hair "I heard you and Yoonah were-"

"Don't even say it" Jisung stopped his sister

They arrived at the school. They both entered and witnessed how students were busy gossiping about something.

"What's happening?" Jisung asked one of the students

"There are two news. Anyway, congrats Jieun" he said and showed them a pic of Jieun and Jaehyun "We never thought you and Jaehyun will look good together"

Jieun gulped down.

"What's the other one?" Jisung asked

"They said vampires are also studying here. We don't know if it's true or not but a lot of students were talking about it" he answered

Jieun tightened her fist and looked at her brother.

They both know who made this mess..

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