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Jieun's POV

"Keep your voices down, vampires" a familiar voice said

"Argh! He kept taking my-" It's Haechan!!

"No, I didn't" Doyoung?

"Can you please be quiet? My wife is resting. If she woke up because of your voices. You are all dead" JAEHYUN?!!!

His wife?! Me?! What the hell is happening right now?! Why am I his wife?! Since when?!!!! I'm already married- No way. Am I married to him? Is he the guy my parents are talking about?!

"Yes, you and Jaehyun are married to each other" Taeil

"She's awake" Taeyong said

I'm dead. They found out. Oh my gosh. What am I going to do now? And how the hell Taeil read my mind?! I knew it! They are some bad spirits-

"We are not bad spirits. We are vampires, wake up" Johnny

Damn. I forgot what I heard earlier. They are vampires. Fuck it. How am I supposed to leave this place? I'm scared.

"We are not going to eat you" Taeyong

"Just leave this room, will you all please do that? I need to talk to my wife" Jaehyun

I heard some footsteps walking away from where I am. Uwaaaaaaaah!! Park Jisung! Lee Yoonah! Na Jaemin! Save me here! I don't want to die! The door suddenly closed.

"It's okay now. They already left, you can open your eyes" Jaehyun said

I didn't moved or opened my eyes. I don't want see him. What if he is just waiting for me to open my eyes and he will drink my blood?! I still want to live!!!

"I'm not going to do that. I just want us to talk" Jaehyun

"Stop reading my mind!"

"Alright, open your eyes and we will talk" Jaehyun

"We can talk like this! I don't have to open my eyes!"

"Jieun, we have to talk with open eyes not like that. I look like I'm talking to a dead person" Jaehyun

"I don't want to open my eyes! What if you hypnotize me like what Jungwoo did to me?!"

"I'm not going to do that. We will just talk, you need to know something. We will talk about it and it's up to you if you will tell anyone you want" Jaehyun

"I still don't want to open my eyes!"

"What do you want me to do? Do you want me to get out of this room and call you so we can talk?" Jaehyun

"Turn around"

I heard him chuckled

"Alright. You can now open your eyes" Jaehyun

What if he is lying? What if he didn't turned around? I want to go home! Mom! Dad! Jisung! Yoonah! Jaemin! I promise I will be good! Just save me here!!

"I swear, I already did. Open your eyes and see for yourself" Jaehyun

There's nothing wrong if I will try, right?

I slowly opened my eyes and saw him, I am facing his back now. Damn. His shoulder is so broad it's wider than I thought- Fuck it! Why am I admiring his back?! I'm in danger!

"Based on your mind you already opened your eyes" Jaehyun said and I heard him chuckled again "You even saw my shoulder that is wider than you thought"

"W-What?! I am not looking at your shoulder! As if!"

"Alright, don't get mad at me. Can you now listen to my explanation? I just want you to stay quiet and you can say everything after I talk. Can you do that?" Jaehyun asked


But where the hell am I?! This is not the school's clinic nor my room! This is not Jisung's or my best friend's room! Where the fuck am I?! Am I really going to die?

"We are married to each other, you heard it right. The reason why I am at the restaurant that night because I want to see you and make you feel better so you will sign the contract. If ever you hear Jungwoo telling you about the small mistake that happened. It's true, you are supposed to marry him and I am supposed to marry Hayoon. We accidentally exchanged the papers and signed without reading it. I'm not regretting what happened, because I am more satistfied to see you everyday than someone I don't know. This room is our room. We are at the apartment that Heechul bought or us as a gift. This is the place we are going to stay for the rest of our lives. Also..." Jaehyun stopped talking and I saw him looked down "I am a vampire, not just me, even Jungwoo, Taeyong, Haechan, Johnny, Taeil, Yuta, Mark, Doyoung and the four guys you met that night. We are all vampires and we are currently living here in your place because we want to have a normal life-"

"But you are vampires! Not humans! You are supposed to stay at your place!"

"I expected you to say that but I hope you understand us. Besides, we don't harm humans, you are all safe with us, rankers are injecting us something to be able to socialize with humans. We can also go out even if there's a sun. We also have separate place to stay and eat at school. You can just meet us during class hours" Jaehyun

"How am I supposed to know if you are saying the truth?! What if I am sleeping and you suddenly thought of drinking my blood?!"

"The last contract you signed is a contract of us vampires protecting and promise not to harm the humans that were involved in this situation..." Jaehyun said and suddenly turned around to face me "I promise I will protect you and will not let anyone harm you"


"I am your husband and that's my duty" he smiled

What the f-

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