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Jaehyun's POV

"Jaehyun!" Taeil called and ran towards me together with Haechan and Yuta

"Hey, why aren't you with Johnny? Where is he?"

"Oh, he is trying to ask Dr. Luna on a date. I wonder if he will succeed or nah?" Haechan smirked

"Let's have a bet!" Taeil

"Luna won't let him date her" Yuta started


"Dr. Luna said that she don't like younger guys. Well, if you look at Johnny he looks like a typical student despite of his age" Yuta smirked

"Yes, I'll go with Yuta" Haechan said

"I'll also go with Yuta" Taeil

I nodded "Alright, I'll be on the opposite side. Just for you all to know, Johnny is really good with. He can make any girls' heart flatter. No wonder she dated a lot of humans. The three of you better stay on that side or else, it'll be the end of you"

"Oh well" Taeil

"Are you and Heize getting married?"

Haechan looks so shocked "No, why would we get married to each other? She's not my type"

"Do you know that you are not Heize's type too? I bet you didn't know? Well, everyone knows in the school" Yuta smirked

"Whatever, I don't really care" Haechan rolled his eyes

"So, what happened? What did Yoojin and the rankers talked about?"

"Just random things. I heard that the whole member of Master Bang's vampire group were killed. It's because they were involved with a human and even had a child. You know the rules. We, vampires, should never get involved with humans. But here we all are, flirting with them while you and Jungwoo are married to humans. I wonder if we will die" Haechan

If Master Bang's whole vampire group were killed because of Yoojin's Mom, Ye-eun. If it's because of a human. Why did Leeteuk and the other rankers let me and Jungwoo let marry humans? And why aren't they stopping Taeyong, Johnny, Taeil, Yuta, Mark, and Doyoung when they are all getting close to humans. What does this supposed to mean? Are they trying to end our vampire group?

"What did Yoojin told you all, aside from that?" Taeil

"The daughter of the highest grand ranker was killed by humans. That's also the reason why he killed the whole group of Master Bang, leaving Yoojin alone. The highest grand ranker said that dhampirs have emotions. That's why he let Yoojin live, to suffer and blame herself" Haechan added

"What happened to the humans? Claire and Chan's son? Minho's wife and adopted daughter? Jeongin's girlfriend? Ye-eun's brother?" Taeil

"I forgot what happened to them but all I know is they are all dead except for Amaya, Minho's adopted daughter" Haechan

"Where's Amaya?" Yuta

"No one knows and Yoojin doesn't want to know. Once she saw someone from that group. It hurts her. The memory of killing those who are close to her were giving her pain." Haechan

"If Chan's son, Seungjin, is already dead. Who is Heize's Father?" Yuta

"A moroi"

"We all know it's a moroi, but damn. What is his name?" Yuta asked again

"No one knows"

"I thought it's Suho?" Taeil asked

"Suho? They didn't even ended up with each other. What are you talking about?"

"Oh, wow. I never thought Yoojin will reject Suho" Yuta

"Are you deaf? Your phone is ringing" Haechan

I quickly took my phone from my pocket and saw who's calling.

Jieun calling...


[Let's meet]

"Where? Right now?"

[You suggest. It doesn't matter where you want]

"Oh, okay. How about the playground near Aersha? Do you want me to pick you up?"

[No, I'll be fine. I know the way]

"Okay" I ended the call

She sound so weird. I wonder what happened there? Oh, whatever. I'll just read her mind. She won't find out about it.

"Who's that?" Haechan


"Oh okay" Yuta smirked

This dirty minded guy. I left Aersha and went to the playground as fast as I can. I arrived there, and as what I've expected. She's not yet here. I sat on the swing.

It's already night when I arrived at Aersha earlier. I went to Stonehill University to fix something also, Heechul talked to me about something. So, this is the place the rankers were talking about? Where everything started between humans and vampires? Or should I say, Hyunjin and Ye-eun's love story. This is fucking weird. It should've been a happy story if only that damn girl stayed inside Aersha and didn't get into trouble.

After almost half an hour, Jieun finally arrived carrying a brown envelope on her right hand. She's not even looking at me like the way she did last night.

What does that supposed to mean?

I can't read her mind. I don't want to know. I want her to tell me. I want to hear everything from her. I think that's better.

"Hey" she greeted

I only nodded "What's the reason?"

"Reason? O-Oh, I just w-want you to sign a contract" Jieun

"A contract? For what?"

Jieun gave it to me "You should see it yourself"

I opened the envelope and saw a contract from Leeteuk. It is the end signing contract means that the contract between me and Jieun will end once I sign this. Leeteuk signed it.

"What if I won't?"

"Y-You have to" Jieun

I stood up and looked at her "Is this because of your Father? If yes, let me talk to-"

"No, this is my choice" Jieun

"Already? You want to end everything already? We're not even starting. What happened last night, what does that supposed to mean? The other day. You said-"

"It was a lie" Jieun smiled and looked straight into my eyes "Sign the contract. I will leave now"

She was about to go but I quickly held her wrist.

"Do you really want to end everything just like this? Be honest, Jieun"

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