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Hayoon's POV

"Hayoon?" Doyoung whispered, he is sitting behind me 

I turned around, not saying anything. He smiled at me and gave me something "What is this-"

"That's a free coupon for a couple at the restaurant near the lake. They gave me that but I don't anyone to go with-" Doyoung

"I don't want to go with you, sorry"

"Huh?" Doyoung looks confused and he blinked a lot of times "I didn't asked you"

"T-Then, why are you giving me that couple coupon?"

"I just thought that you might want to go with someone, it's a waste if I will throw that" Doyoung

Damn. That's so embarrassing. Why did I thought that he wants me to go with him? Dream on, Hayoon. You are a nobody and slut to them.

I quickly took it "Thanks!" 

"Do you have someone in mind?" Doyoung asked

I shrugged my shoulder "I need to go now. Thank you for this!" 

I quickly left the classroom carrying my bag and the coupon. It's really a waste to throw this coupon but damn. I don't have anyone to go with, Yoonah and Jieun are girls, I can't bring them there, I am not close with Jaemin. 

Jungwoo?! Wait- No! There's no way he will go with me. He is so cold towards me and he is so nice to Jieun only. But, I saved him! He owe me- No, he is the one who saved me. I owe him one but this coupon is a nice thing to treat him. Oh, you are such a genius, Hayoon. 

I waited in front of his classroom, they still have a teacher. I looked at the small window and saw Jungwoo tapping the pen on the table while he is looking somewhere. I wonder what he is thinking right now. Also, why does he looks so perfect to me? From head to toe... What the heck are you thinking, Hayoon?! Oh my gosh. This is so not me. 

"Okay, that's all for today. Class dismissed" their teacher said and left the room

I'm so nervous. I hope he will go with me. I hope he will say yes. Waaaah!!! What am I going to do if he rejects me? I'm really going to cry. Agh! Whatever. That's not important. 

I saw Jungwoo walking out of the room "Jungwoo" I called

He looked at me "What?"

"Uhmmm, can I ask you a favor- I mean I want you to do me a favor" 

Why am I nervous?

Jungwoo nodded "It depends"

I showed him the coupon "That's a free coupon that Doyoung gave me. I just want to ask if you want to go with-"

"No, I'm busy" Jungwoo

"But you saved me that night, and I want to pay you back-"

"It's my duty to protect you. I'm sorry I can't go with you" Jungwoo

"I'm hungry, shall we?" Winwin asked and took he coupon from my hand while smiling 


"I'll go now" Jungwoo said and left me and Winwin

He rejected me.

I sighed and faced Winwin "Does everyone hates me?"

"Nope!" Yoonah suddenly appeared with Jaemin

"Something happened to Jieun, that's why Jungwoo is leaving early. I'm sure if nothing just happened to Jieun, he will go with you" Jaemin

I nodded "I understand, it doesn't matter if he wants to go with me or not" 

"So, shall we go now?" Winwin asked and put his arm on my shoulder "We will go now, bye you two!" 

He dragged me out of the school and continued walking to the restaurant. His arm is still wrapped on my shoulder. What the hell?! The other night he is one of the guys who tried to disrespect me, thanks to Jungwoo, they didn't. But now this dumb ass is naturally enjoying his arm on my shoulder!

"Ya, remove your arm" 

He quickly removed it "I'm sorry. I didn't noticed" 

"Are you being serious right now? How come you didn't noticed your own arm is on my shoulder?"

"I was so blank minded. I said I am sorry" Winwin

"Sorry isn't enough, you shit. You and your group disrespected me, not even knowing what is really my job. If I am a slut, selling my body, I won't have the guts to show my face in the University anymore"

"That's why I want to pay you back for what happened. I never disrespected you, it was them. At first maybe I was scared to tell them not to do that but when I saw Jungwoo saved you. I suddenly had the guts to defend you. I just told myself, if you admire Jungwoo for being brave, then I will do the same so you will admire me too-" Winwin

"What the hell are you saying? Admire you? What are you up to, Winwin? Are you playing with me?"

What the f. Don't tell me he likes me. What a perfect night. It's just me and him, walking together while he is fucking confessing. I'm not so ready for this!

"I like you, Hayoon, since the first day you transferred here. I was so scared to approach you, that's why I kept my feelings hidden" Winwin

"I-I uhmmm..."

"You don't have to say anything, I just want to tell you so you will have an idea why am I acting like that around you"
Winwin smiled at me

Damn. Kill me. 

"So, a-are we a-almost t-there?" 

Winwin chuckled "You look cute when you are stuttering" 


"Hey there, my lovely friends" a guy appeared with a smile on his face along with three more guys beside him "Are you two a couple?"

Winwin quickly hid me behind him "Yes, so?"

"Can I borrow your girlfriend for awhile?"
he asked while glancing at me

I just hope this isn't some tragic story, because if it is, please no. I am just starting to have the feeling of being wanted by someone. 

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