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This chapter is dedicated to hanasunjo for Johnny and Luna's part.

Third person's POV

Johnny came out of the cafeteria and saw Yuta dragging someone. He quickly went to them to know what is happening.

"Yuta, what's wrong?" he asked his friend

Yuta sighed "This girl, she has a lot of bruises and it's going to be dangerous once she let it not get treated"

"Bruises? Where did you get those?" Johnny asked Lia but she kept quiet

Lia looked away "Let me go, whoever you are"

"Aren't we classmates? I think I saw you in the classroom" Johnny said while trying to analyze Lia's face and he nodded "Ah, I remember now. You are the most beautiful girl in our room"

"Can you please tell your friend to let me go?" Lia asked Johnny

Johnny shook his head "I'm sorry but I know what he is doing was right. You need to get treated"

"Let's go" Yuta said and continued dragging the girl

Johnny followed them with a smile on his face. He never thought that one by one his friends were getting close to female humans. First was Jaehyun, Jungwoo, Mark, Taeyong, Taeil, Haechan and now Yuta. Who else were left? It's only him and Doyoung.

They stopped walking when Lia removed Yuta's hands from her. Johnny is watching them coolly like he isnwatching a live drama for the first time in forever.

"Don't bring me inside. She will probably ask me where I got these. Please?" Lia begged Yuta

Yuta shook his head "You need to get treated. If she asked, don't answer" he said and pulled Lia inside the clinic

Johnny quickly followed them and saw a girl wearing a white lab coat. Her hair is tied into a ponytail, there's a stethoscope around her neck (I'm not sure how to deliver this sentence but just imagine the doctors hahaha). She is so white, she has a mole near her lips.

"What is going on?" she asked

"She has a lot of bruises and it's really dangerous" Yuta said and signalled Lia to take off her jacket

"He was just-" Lia stopped talking when the doctor removed the jacket

"Where did you get those? You have a lot!" the doctor worriedly said and looked at her body, full of bruises

Lia looked down trying to avoid the question.

"We will go now. I think she feels uncomfortable with us here. I'll come back later" Yuta said and left the clinic

Johnny is still standing there and looking at the girl "Hi, I'm Johnny, you are?"

"I am the school's doctor. If you are trying to hit on me, leave. I am older than you. Your class will start" she said looking at Johnny

He nodded and smiled "For your information, Dr?"

"Luna. Dr. Luna" she answered showing her identification card

"For your information, Dr. Luna, if only you knew. I am much older than you. If you think I am trying to hit up on you, then, yes you are right" Johnny smiled and left the clinic

Luna looks so shocked by how Johnny acted. She knows he is just joking around but who the hell would try to flirt with a Doctor? She sighed and looked at Lia's body. She asked Lia what was going on, then Lia started telling her what happened.

At the cafeteria, Yuta started giving the flyers that Lia was giving earlier. He was trying to help her, Johnny arrived and started giving flyers too.

"What the hell is this?" Johnny asked

"Glee club. It's Lia's job earlier to give these papers before I dragged her to the clinic" Yuta answered

"Why are you helping her? Are you close with her? If you are. Wow. That fast? Since when?" Johnny

As they finished giving papers. They went back to their classrooms. Lia didn't showed up and Johnny quickly texted Yuta.

Johnny is staring out of nowhere and still can't forget the Dr. Luna's face. The way she talked earlier sounds like a melody to Johnny's ear. The way she looked at him, it's still on his mind. After a couple of minutes, they finally finished their three hours class for that day. Everyone is getting ready to go home.

"Where is Jaehyun?" Taeil asked him

"Why ask me? I'm here all day" Johnny answered

Taeil sighed "The driver won't pick us up today. I guess we need to part ways"

Johnny nodded "I'm out!" he said and got out of the classroom

He left the University, not even saying good bye to his friends. This is the first time they are going home alone without being picked up by their driver. The first time they will try to ride public transportation. He stood at the bus stop and waited for the bus to arrive. There's a bus coming but it's not the bus he was waiting for.

He turned around and saw someone familiar sleeping at the waiting shed. He smirked and walked to her "It's you again, Dr. Luna. I guess we are meant to be"

Luna is getting out of balance and her head was about to hit the pole when Johnny quickly caught her head and let her sleep quietly. He used his hand to let Luna sleep comfortably like she is sleeping on a pillow.

A big truck suddenly horned so loud that woke Luna. She was waking herself up so she won't be sleepy on her way home. She was about to yawn but then she saw Johnny smiling at her.

Luna was shocked, she stood up and was about to cross the streets. A car is coming towards her.

Johnny quickly pulled her using his ability as a vampire. He is holding her waist while their faces were pretty near to each other "I saved you from an accident, Dr. Luna. What can you do to pay me back?"

Luna isn't talking at all and was staring at his face.

Johnny smiled at her "How about, save me too?"

"Save you?" Luna was confused

"Save me from falling for you" he said and winked at her, he let go of her and started walking away

Luna was left dumb founded.

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