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Jieun's POV

"Jisung! I swear, I didn't know. You know I would never join anything like that"

"Stop with the nonsense, Jieun. It's already there. You joined the competition with Jungwoo" Jisung said and started walking away

"I promise. I don't know anything. I was confused when he said my name but after that I don't know anything anymore. I don't remember anything after that"

"Just go inside" Jisung


"Go inside. I'll wait for you after class then we will go home together. Don't ever try to approach Jungwoo or his friends" Jisung said and left me

I entered the classroom and saw Yoonah waving at me. I looked at Jungwoo who's sitting in front of our seats. He is not paying attention to me, he is just listening to some musics. Why would he drag me to that competition?! I never tried any competition in my life. Agh! I'm so annoyed right now.

I annoyingly sat beside Yoonah "I can't go with you later. I'll go home with Jisung"

"Jieun" Winwin called and went to us while holding something "Kun wants you to have this" he gave me the thing he is holding

"What's that for?"

"I don't know but he told me to tell you to go home right after class with Jisung. You too, Yoonah" Winwin said and went to his seat

Yoonah looked at the paper bag that Winwin gave me "Open that"

"Why are you more excited than me?"

"Hahahaha Kun is your first love. We all know here that your brother always stops him from sending gifts to you or even getting near to you. But it's a miracle that one gift from him arrived here. What is happening?" Yoonah whispered

"Just be quiet" 

I opened the paper bag and saw chocolates, with a little box and a letter.

"Wow. Sweet"
Yoonah said and started eating the chocolates "Read it out loud"

"I don't want to" 

Yoonah opened the small box and showed it to me "Oh, Kun bought you a necklace. Is he planning to court you?"

"Ssshhh, will you?"

I opened the letter and read it. NOT LOUD, because if I will let Yoonah hear it. She will probably scream so loud.

Jieun, I know you didn't received my gifts before because your brother is against me or should I say US. It's been a long time since you confessed that you like me and I also like you but your brother is the problem here. Anyway, it's already in the past now. What matters right now is you brother is now okay with us. He already let me court you, I'm just waiting for the right time to ask you. I bought the necklace for you, although I know you never wore any necklace but still, I want to give you that as a present and celebration.


"OMGGGGGGG!!!" Yoonah screamed so loud that I almost drop the letter "Oh my gosh!! Your brother let you and Kun date each other! Oh my gosh! Is this really true?! Finally!" 

Everyone is looking at us while talking. Probably, gossiping about me and Kun. Damn it. This girl never shut her mouth, that's why I'm always the topic. She should be thankful that she's my best friend or else I will really bring her down.

"What? Jisung accepted you and Kun?" Jaemin asked and ate one of the chocolates "Thanks!"

"She already announced it. What can I do?"

"Congrats! Finally!" Jaemin smiled and took a lot of chocolates and started eating all of it

"He will probably ask you on a date tom-"
Yoonah stopped talking when Jungwoo suddenly faces us

"We will be doing the shoot tomorrow. Make sure to be ready. I'll pick you up" Jungwoo said and turned his back on us

I tapped his shoulder "I never said that I will be doing the funstagram couple. You know, I'm not really interested. You can just ask Yoonah to join you instead"

He didn't even turned around to face me and said something "You already signed it" 

He is really weird. How can he be so calm? that was a complete accident. I would never join something like that. Argh! I'm so annoyed right now. This will be a mess once Kun found out about the list. I don't want a trouble. Oh my gosh. 

"What now? This is a mess" Yoonah whispered to me

"I don't know"

"How about you ditch Jungwoo tomorrow?"
she whispered right to my ears

Jungwoo suddenly turned around "Can I borrow your pen?"

"Sure" I answered and handed him my pen

He took the pen from my hand and took a glance of me "I'll give this back tomorrow" 

I nodded "S-Sure"

Jungwoo turned his back. He is kinda weird. 

"He scared me. I almost shit, damn"
Yoonah calmed herself

"What's taking our teacher so long?" Jaemin yawned

"How about you give me back my chocolates?"

"I already ate it" Jaemin smiled cutely and winked

"Ew, get lost pretty boy" Yoonah playfully hit his head

I opened the small box and saw a necklace with a small pendant. It's a heart and it has a small pink inside it. It's kinda cute. I like it but I never wore any necklace before, aside from the necklace that Mom gave me before.

"Your phone is ringing"

I quickly looked at it and saw Kun's number

Kun calling...


[How was it?]

"The chocolates? My friends loved it"

[Your friends? Hahahaha how about you?]

"Ah, I like it. Anyway, thank you for the necklace and the letter"

[You already read it?]

"Hmm, that's the highlight of your gift"

[Yeah, so...]


[Are you free tomorrow?]

"Yes-" I dropped my phone when someone suddenly entered the room that made everyone scream so loud

"Hi, sweet blood"
Jaehyun smiled

What is he doing here?

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