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This chapter is dedicated to S-SEUNGPUFF for Yuta and Lia's part.

Yuta's POV

"Ya, Haechan. What's wrong with you?" Mark asked

Haechan shook his head as an answer "Where's Jaehyun?"

"I don't know. Why are you asking me?" Mark

"Where's Jungwoo? Taeil? Taeyong? Johnny?" Haechan

"Aren't you going to ask about me?" Doyoung

"Where are you?" Haechan


"Are you really fine, Haechan?" Mark asked him but he just nodded as answer

"Is there something you want to tell us?" Doyoung asked

Haechan looked at us one by one "What if I tell you that we are not the only vampires here, I mean there's someone, what are you going to do?"

"You mean Hwang Yoojin? Yes, we already knew. She own this school and she even suggested us to stay in the hideout" Doyoung

"No, it's not her" Haecan said and sighed

"Just tell us, will you?"

"What do you know about Hwang Yoojin? Anyone?" Haechan asked

"She's the daughter of a female human and a male vampire. She's a dhampir, became in a relationship with a male human, she went to abroad and they broke up. She became a professional fashion designed and even owned this school. She went back here and she found out something. Seungjin, the adopted child of the vampires Bang Chan and Claire, forgot everything. What more?" Mark asked

"You mean Hwang Yoojin isn't in a relationship with Seungjin after all those happenings?"

Mark nodded "That's what I know"

"I heard from Johnny that Yoojin once in a relationship with a vampire too before she came back here but she left him, not even saying goodbye. Then, she tried to make Seungjin remember everything but the rankers did those to make him forget about them. Yoojin did everythint but, it didn't happened" Doyoung

"That's it?" Haechan

"Are you expecting more?"

"Did Johnny mentioned that she ended up with a male moroi?" Haechan asked

"What are you saying?"

"No, Johnny didn't mentioned anything" Doyoung

"Argh, I am so confuse" Haechan stood up and started walking back and forth in front of us "Are you all sure about what you heard?"

"Just spill the tea, will you?"

"I left the classroom then the ssg president caught me. She brought me to the detention room. She kept forcing me to say that I am planning to skip classes. I told her I am not and I tried hypnotizing her. I thought I succeeded but she is still normal and even played with me" Haechan

"You mean you hypnotized her but it didn't work? What's that supposed to do with Hwang Yoojin and her life?" Mark

"That girl knew that we are vampires. I thought she was joking, I was about to leave the room but then when I turned around she's right in front of me. That's when I thought something is not right. She said she knew about us, and she's a dhampir" Haechan

Doyoung dropped the bag of blood "What? There's a dhampir here?"

Haechan nodded "She knew about this hide out, she knew about the marriage between vampires and humans. She even said that we should be careful. Also, she said her Father is a male moroi"

"Woah. You think she's the daughter of Yoojin that's why you kept asking?" Doyoung

"She is really the daughter of Hwang Yoojin. She said it to me. She looks so serious and there's no way she's lying" Haechan

"What's her name?" Mark

"Hwang Heize, I think she used her Mom's surname and not her Dad" Haechan answered

"This will be a big news to the rankers in Aersha. Are we going to tell them?" Mark asked

Doyoung nodded "We should but for now, let's find the others"

We went to the cafeteria to find them but we only found Jungwoo, Johnny, Taeil, and Taeyong. I wonder where Jaehyun is? His wife is with Jisung, Jaemin, and Yoonah.

"Let's go" I told Doyoung

He quickly took some snacks from our friends and got out of the cafeteria. We went to the entrance part of th school, Jaehyun's car isn't here.

"Where did he go?" Doyoung whispered

"Do you like Yoonah?"

"I- What?! We, vampires, don't have feelings. We may feel attached or what to a human but we can't feel any emotions. You are saying nonsense" Doyoung rolled his eyes

"Why do you always wait for Jungwoo in front of their room? You never done that before"

"I was just being nice to him. You are so annoying. Whatever. I'll leave you here" he said and left the snacks with me, he started walking away

Why is he so defensive? I was just trying to ask.

I looked around and a girl with round eye glasses, her hair is tied into a messy bun, she has fair skin and pink lips. She's giving some papers to students but little did she know. They are throwing the papers when she's not looking.

"How can humans acts so rude?"

I stood up and started picking up the papers everywhere. She kept giving it and people kept throwing it, while me I kept picking up everything.

As I finished picking up everything I walked to her, but then she got out of balance. I quickly held her waist to prevent her from falling.

Her eyes were wide open when I met her gaze. She looks so shock. Should I say this or not? But she's beautiful, not my type. Still, she's beautiful.

"A-Ah, y-you are touching m-my bruise" she said

I quickly let go "I'm sorry. I didn't know about that"

"Of course, I just told you. Anyway, thank you" she smiled

I gave her the flyers "People kept throwing them, so I picked them"

"Thanks again. I owe you a lot" she said and smiled again

I saw her jacket fall from her shoulders, there, I saw her bruises.

"What's that?"

She quickly covered it "Nothing"

She has bruises on her waist, shoulders, and where more? This is so wrong. I held her wrist and started dragging her to the clinic.

"What the hell are you doing?" she asked and tried to remove my hand

"I'm going to bring you the clinic, don't be so hardheaded"

"You don't even know me!" she said

"You are Lia, part of glee club"

Of course, I know her. Who wouldn't?

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