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Leeteuk's POV

"Why are we here, again?" Doyoung asked Haechan

"How many times are you going to ask me?" Haechan rolled his eyes

"I just asked for the first time. What the hell is wrong with you?" Doyoung

"Stop fighting, this is not the right time for that" Taeyong

"He started it" Haechan

"What's taking her so long?" Eunhyuk

"Shindong, did you already ordered the food before she arrive?" Siwon

"Yes, he already did ordered a lot of foods. I bet we won't finish everything hahahaha" Heechul jokingly said

"Oh, shut up" Shindong

"Did you texted them?"

Haechan nodded "Yes, she said she's on her way here"

"Is she alone?"

"Oh, there she is!" Haechan said while looking somewhere

"And she's with someone unexpected" Shindong

There, Hwang Heize, the new member of their vampire group. She entered the restaurant with a girl we never expected to come. She's smiling at us. Still beautiful.

"Hey" she greeted

"It's been a long time since we last saw you" Heechul greeted

"They are Taeyong, Haechan, and Doyoung, the new members of our group" Siwon introduced the three

The three vowed to her as a respect.

"I should introduce myself" she smiled at us and finally looked at the three "I am Hwang Yoojin, the first dhampir of Master Bang's vampire group"

"Yeah, she's also the owner of Stonehill University, she's also a famous fashion designer" Eunhyuk added

The three vowed again.

"This is my daughter" Yoojin said

Heize vowed "I am Hwang Heize, the daughter of a female dhampir and a male moroi"

"I see, you look exactly like your Mom but has the eyes of your Dad" Siwon

Heize just smiled. We all finally sat, the order of the seat (round table) is, Haechan, Doyoung, Shindong, Taeyong, Heechul, Eunhyuk, Me, Yoojin, Heize then Siwon (besides Siwon is Haechan).

"So, how are you?" Shindong started the conversation

I know what he wants to ask.

"I'm fine, Heize and I are both fine" Yoojin smiled

"You are a dhampir, you still have emotions like humans, since your Mom is a human" Shindong added

"Ah, yes but I am really fine. If you want to know about my parents and also the members of Master Bang's vampire group, just ask me" Yoojin

"I thought Woojin is the new master? What happened?" Heechul

"He stepped down, and gave back the responsibility to Master Bang" Yoojin

"Ah" Heechul nodded

"Are you okay if we will ask you to tell these three about Master Bang's vampire group? Your family."

I know that Heechul, Siwon and Eunhyuk will never ask about THEM. It's a tragic one. None of us expected that to happen. Although we tried to help them, but it ended that way.

"It's fine" Yoojin smiled

"Mom" Heize called

"It's okay" Yoojin smiled at her daughter and looked at all of us one by one, then she looked down "It was really a sad one for us vampires to lose them, especially me. It's been a long time but the memory is still fresh on my mind. I got back from states, but then I found out about what happened. The family I have were all locked inside a coffin at the grand highest ranker's place. It's because my Dad and the others were involved with humans. The grand highest rank found out and locked them. I had a deal with him, I told him to let them go, I will do everything. He wants me to bring his daughter with me, and help her socialize with humans. Everything went back to normal, we came back to Aersha, together with my own family. But then, I thought everything is fine. I lost one of my human aunt, she died, the past principal of Stonehill University. Then, my another aunt, and their adopted baby, they left without any memory of my family. Also, the guy I love, he also lost his memory of us, even the parents that adopted him. I tried to win them back, and I did. But then, I really thought everything is fine. The daughter of the grand highest rank got into trouble, she killed a human, they haunted her and killed her inside a church. The grand highest rank got mad and got his revenge, not to humans, but to me. He killed everyone I have, Mom, Dad, Chan, Jisung, Minkyu, Changbin, Minho, Felix, Seungmin, Yeji, Chaewon Master Bang and Jeongin. He didn't end me because he wants me to suffer and remember that I lost everyone because of my stupidity. After that, I lost the guy I like, he died due to a car accident, Aunt Claire also ended up dying because she's old. I only have Amaya, the baby that Minho and Aunt Claire adopted. I lost everyone. I lost them all and I think I also lost myself" Yoojin sighed and looked down trying to avoid everyone's gaze

"Yoojin, don't blame yourself. You did everything to help them" Eunhyuk

Yoojin just faked a smile at Eunhyuk.

"At least you have Heize now. You finally got yourself back. You just have to start new. You have to be strong" Siwon

Yoojin nodded and smiled "Yes, I am lucky to have Heize with me, also the four of you who kept eyeing on me and taking care of me when I lost them. I sincerely want to thank you all"

It's been a long time but we know Yoojin is still having a hard time. She left Aersha to live a new life, to be happy but she will never forget those vampires who made her happy.

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