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Jieun's POV

"C-Can I borrow your car?"
I asked Yoojin

"Do you know how to drive?" Heize asked worriedly

I nodded "I know how to drive. You don't have to worry. I just need to talk to someone"

Yoojin gave me the car keys "Make sure you'll be fine. I'll call you and will ask where you are. Update me"

I smiled and nodded "Thank you" 

I quickly left them and got in the car. I started driving to the apartment. This will be a long drive but I have to go there. I need to get the necklace. I need to rip all the contracts between me and Jaehyun. I need to ruin everything. I don't want to leave him but I have to. I'm not just going to save Heize but I'll be able to save Jaehyun too. I want to be selfish but I can't. I know I'm not a vampire and I know I shouldn't be making decisions but how can I not? I don't want to lose anyone. This is better. 

We're going to be fine after this...

I am going to be fine...

After an hour of driving, I finally arrived. I parked the car and rushed to my apartment. I just need to get the necklace and go to Leeteuk. That's it and everything is done. He will be no longer your husband he will no longer go after you. 

As I opened the door I saw Suho standing there. 


He nodded "I'm here, again"

"What do you need?" 

"I don't need anything from you. You are the on who needs something from me. I already knew it because of my vampire instincts. So, tell me, what do you need?" Suho asked and stares at me

"I-If J-Jaehyun's Father is the highest god rank before. Then, Jaehyun is going to be the highest god rank after E-Eynol?" 

He smirked "I'm glad you found out on your own. When Jihwan left his position, Eynol took over the whole group. The only way to kick him out of his position is: Jaehyun needs to take over. It's time for Eynol to go but no one will take over, so he stayed" 

"Is Heize going to be saved if Jaehyun will be the highest god rank?" 

"Of course, Eynol is the only one who kept sacrificing dhampirs so he will be stronger. Also, Jaehyun is a dhampir and he is stronger than Eynol that's why Eynol is hungry for more skills to beat Jaehyun"

I nodded a few times and took a deep breath "What do I need to do? I-I mean Jaehyun w-won't leave me alone just because I tell him to. You know him.."

"The contracts between you and Jaehyun needs to be gone. Also, you need to surrender the bracelet to me just to make sure he won't ran away" Suho said and looked at me 

I nodded "Wait here" I went to our room and quickly took the bracelet. I left this here when Jaehyun lied to me. I thought it's better for him to find out but he is not going here ever since they left. I gave it to Suho "C-Can I ask a favor?"

"Of course" Suho

"I-I want to spend one more night with him before I finally say good bye. I promise it won't take long. I just want to be with him for the last time" 

"Do what you want. Just remember our deal, human"
he said and left the apartment with the bracelet 

Why am I like this? Why am I deciding on my own? Why did I never asked for Jaehyun's decision? How about him? What if everything will become worse? What if he will ruin everything? My plans will go to waste and we won't see each other again...

I left the apartment and drove to Aersha. The last thing I need to do. Remove all the contracts that serves as our promise. After that, everything will be fine. But...

I am doing all of these. I have the strength to do everything on my own. I gave Suho the bracelet and I'm going to remove the contracts but how am I going to remove Jaehyun in my life? Can I do that? I hope I can...

I parked the car as soon as I arrived and quickly entered Aersha. There are some students who are looking at me. 

"Jieun?" Heechul called

I vowed "I want to talk to Leeteuk"

"But-" Heechul

"This is important" 

He nodded "Follow me" he said and I quickly followed him to Leeteuk's room. He opened the door for me and we saw Leeteuk reading some papers "Jieun is here"

"I know" Leeteuk said and stood up

Heechul left us. 

I entered the room and closed the door "H-How did you know?"

"I'm a vampire, Jieun" Leeteuk said and showed me the contracts "Is this what you want?" 

I nodded slowly "Y-Yes, I want the contract to be burned and not be seen again"

"As a promise to Jaehyun's Father. I did what I can do. I did made him marry a human. I succeeded but what's making you stop all of my plans?" Leeteuk

"The thing is-"

"No, let me ask you something" Leeteuk said as he stood up and sat on the table while facing me "Are you sure about your decision? Think about it carefully, Jieun. He also wants to be with you, he wants to spend his life with you. He wants to live a normal life with you"

"I already made my decision. I want to ruin everything that connects us to each other" 

Leeteuk nodded and ripped all the papers in front of me "You are now free from Jaehyun"

Is this what I really want to happen?

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