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Jieun's POV

"Jieun?" Jisung called as he entered my room


"Isn't it weird?" Jisung asked and sat on the sofa beside my giant teddy bear

"What's weird?"

"Kun, Winwin, Yangyang, Lucas, Ten, Hendery, and Xaiojun-" Jisung

"What about them?"

"After they talked to Jungwoo yesterday-" Jisung

"Why would they talk to Jungwoo? For what?"

"I told them to" Jisung

"Is that why you accepted the thing between me and Kun because you asked him a favor? Jisung you are so crazy. What are you up to?"

"I was just worried about you. I don't want you to ge close to those new students. You know, I'm your brother and I always care for you" Jisung sighed

"Alright, what are you saying earlier?"

"They saw Jungwoo with Hayoon last night then when they are about to talk to them. Jungwoo said leave his wife alone or he will kill them" Jisung stood up and crossed his arms in front of me "Isn't that weird? Why would he say he is the husband of Hayoon? Do they know each other? I mean he kept approaching you then he suddenly said that Hayoon is his wife"

"So, what if they are married? What's that supposed to do with you?"

"Argh, you are really useless when it comes to gossiping. I just find it weird, I mean maybe he is a playboy who's trying to play with girls in our University" Jisung

"Let him do what he want. What matters right now is, Jungwoo isn't bothering me anymore"

"Jieun" Mom said and started knocking on my door

"Why is she here?" Jisung asked

I shrugged my shoulder and opened the door "Yes?"

She gave me a dress "Wear that tomorrow. We will be meeting the relatives of your soon to be husband" and smiled

"A-Ah, yes"

"Good night" she smiled again and left

"What's that for?" Jisung asked

I closed the door and went to my bed "She told me to wear that. I'll be meeting the relatives of that guy I'm going to marry"

"You mean your husband already?" Jisung

"Husband? Already? Why?"

"You already signed the paper and it says there that you two are already married. So, you are husband and wife now" Jisung

"There's even no wedding? You know that I want to experience getting married in front of the two families, wearing a white gown, everyone congratulating us and more"

Jisung smirked "Go to rest. You need to leave tomorrow" he said and left my room

I closed the door and lied down on my bed when suddenly my phone received a random message from unknown number.

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