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(I don't want to offend anyone with this part. I apologize in advance)

Jieun's POV

I opened my eyes as I felt someone touching my cheeks "D-Dad..."

"Ssshhh, don't make any sound" he whispered and started playing the knife on my cheeks "You are so beautiful. Your skin is so soft, I wonder if someone tried to enter-"

"Dad, p-please..."

I felt my tears started falling, I can't even move a bit. I am literally froze lying on my bed. I want to scream but I can't. I never expected him to do this kind of stuff. He is my Father. Why would he think of this?

"Don't even dare to scream or move. You will literally die in here. I just want to taste you before moving in with Jaehyun" he smiled creepily while looking into my eyes


"What do you mean no? It's going to be nice if I am your first" Dad smirked

"H-How can you do this? Y-You are my F-Father. You are s-supposed to protect me not do this kind of things"

"Before I start let me tell you one fact, honey" he smiled at me and pointed the knife on my lips "I am not your Father and I will never be your Father. I won't feel guilty after this because we don't share the same blood, baby. Don't move..."

He started kissing me on my forehead, down to my nose, to my cheeks, slowly. I feel disgusted. Someone please. Help me. Please. Help. I want to scream but I am scared.

He played the knife on my collarbone and started kissing it slowly...

Jaehyun. Help me. Please. Jung Jaehyun...

"Jieun" someone called and entered the door "What are you doing to my sister?!" it's Jisung. He punched our fake Dad nonstop "You fucking evil! Don't you dare touch my sister again!" he shouted and continued punching him

I quickly stood up and went to him "J-Jisung! S-Stop! Let's go!"

"Let go!" he shouted and pushed me "You evil! How dare you! You are our Father! You fucking shit! You are really disgusting! She is your daughter-"

"N-No, he is n-not our Father"

"W-What?" Jisung whispered

"H-He is not our Father"

"Hahahahahaha!" he laughed and wiped the blood on his lips

"What is happening here?" that familiar voice...

The one I've been wanting to save me, he finally came.

As soon as I saw him entered I quickly hugged him "J-Jaehyun..."

"Why are you crying? What happened?" he asked nonstop

"This bastard! He tried to rape my sister!" Jisung shouted

"What did you say?" Jaehyun asked and removed my hands from him

I turned around and saw Jaehyun walking towards him. The blood. There's a blood. "Jaehyun!" I shouted and held his hand

He stopped walking "B-Bring your sister out of here. I'll take care of this" he whispered

Jisung tried to drag me "Ya!" he shouted

Blood Lust | Jung Jaehyun |Where stories live. Discover now