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Jieun's POV

"Get in" the guy named Minho said as he opened the door of the car

I quickly get in and sat quietly, Minho is driving the car while the other one is sitting on the shotgun seat, and the other one is sitting beside me.

"Who are you?"

"Just text Jaehyun that you're fine but don't ever tell him if we're going somewhere" the guy beside me


"We're not going to do anything to you" Minho said as he started driving the car

I nodded and quickly sent a message to Jaehyun but I received a reply right away.

To : Jaehyun

Jaehyun, don't worry about me. I am fine. I'll just go home when I am ready. I guess Leeteuk and the other ranker told you about what happened. You don't have to worry. I'm safe. Just rest. I'll see you tomorrow. 

From : Jaehyun

How can I not worry? Where the hell are you?!

I know they saved me but damn. How can I not be scared? They are taking me away and told me to text Jaehyun that I'm fine. I can fucking hear my heart beat right now. I admit it. They are handsome but that doesn't matter right now. I have to make sure I'm safe. I'd rather get killed by my own Mom than these three guys.

"S-So, uhmm... Who are y-you?"

The guy beside me didn't answered and just looked at me. I quickly looked away. They look so pale just like Jaehyun. They are not vampires-

"We are vampires" the guy beside me said

Fuck. They can read my mind. Shit. No wonder they are silent. It's because they are reading my mind?! UNTIL NOW!!! Stop thinking, Jieun! Stop! Oh my gosh. I'm scared. What if they are Jaehyun's enemy? What do I do now?

"We're here" Minho said and parked the car at the side of the house

The house is pretty big. I wonder if there's vampires inside too? Shit. What if they will eat my flesh and drink my blood?! No!!! Jaehyu-

"Follow us" the guy who's sitting at the shot gun seat said and got out of the car followed by Minho and the guy beside me

I quickly got out of the car and followed them inside the house. It's pretty big and beautiful. It's bigger than my Father's house. Wow.

"Who is she?" a girl asked

"She's Park Jieun, wife of Jung Jaehyun" Minho introduced

I vowed "G-Good evening"

It's not bad to greet them even though I'm scared. Minho said they are not going to eat me. I have to trust them. They saved me from danger. Not all vampires are scary.

"You know we're vampires?" a guy with a dimple asked

I nodded.

"Kim Seungmin" a guy suddenly introduced followed by everyone

"Lee Minho"

"Bang Chan"


"Yang Jeongin"

"Seo Changbin"

"Lee Felix"

"Han Jisung"

"Hwang Yeji"

"Lee Chaewon"

"Min Ye-eun"

A guy came out of a room "Hwang Hyunjin"

Ye-eun? Hyunjin? I think I heard that somewhere. Fuck. Where did I heard that? Damn it. It's sound so familiar.

"Who do we have here?" an old man asked

"Master" Jeongin vowed

"She's Park Jieun, wife of Jung Jaehyun, under ranker Leeteuk" Minho

"Oh, I see" Master??

"U-Uh... I am confused. Why did you b-brought me here? Y-You should've left me-"

"We want to tell you something" Chan

I nodded "W-What?"

"Are you familiar to Aersha? and Stonehill University?" Changbin

I nodded again.

"How about the owner of Stonehill and those who are living at Aersha?" Chan

"Jaehyun and the other vampires are living at Aersha but the owner of Stonehill University is Hwang Yoojin? I'm not sure about the name but-"

"Yoojin is my daughter" Hyunjin


"Do you know Heize?" Ye-eun

I nodded "A dhampir and the school's president"

"Are you close to her?" Yeji

I shook my head "Nope, I am not really close to her. I just talk to her when she's assigned to something related to my class"

What the hell is this about? Hwang Yoojin is the owner of Stonehill University, she's Ye-eun's daughter. Then, they are asking now for Heize?

I covered my mouth as I remembered something. Damn. Heize's surname is Hwang. Shit.

"Yes, Heize is Yoojin's daughter from a moroi" Jeongin

"M-May I ask something? W-Why do I have to know about it? I-I don't understand"

"We don't have anyone to ask for a favor. We need you to do a favor, a very important one" Chan

"W-What kind of favor?"

"Yoojin, Heize, Leeteuk and those who are under him. They know that we don't exist anymore. We badly want to protect Heize but we can't go near them. We want you to take care of Heize. You can't tell anyone about us. You can't" Hyunjin


"Heize is the chosen one to be sent to the highest god rank of vampires. No one knows about it, even Yoojin and the other vampires" Yeji

"I don't have any powers-

"Powers doesn't need here. We just want you to keep an eye on her. You're job is going to be easy since we already have one person who's also keeping an eye on her" Minho

"Who? You already have one but why ask me-"

"Amaya" Ju-hee

"Amaya? Who is she? A vampire?"

"She's not a vampire" Jisung

"Then, what-"

"I'm home!" a familiar voice shouted as the door opened

"She's Lee Amaya" Ye-eun said

I turned around and didn't expect someone.


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