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Jieun's POV

As I entered the classroom, everyone is looking at me. Why do I feel like it's because of the vampire thing? But I am sure it's all about the picture between me and Jaehyun. I don't care about the issue. I am worried about them, those vampires, especially Jaehyun. 

"Jieun!" Yoonah smiled at me as soon as I sat on my seat "I knew it, you will end up with Jaehyun. I wonder if you two already kissed-"

"Jieun? Someone wants to talk to you" one of my classmates said

I nodded and stood up. Jungwoo entered and he completely ignored me like he didn't saw me. Does he think I told everyone? I wouldn't do that. I sighed and went outside. 

"Jieun-" Kun


"Can we talk? At the rooftop" he quickly left as soon as he told me that

I saw Jaehyun looking at me. He was about to go near me but I smiled at him and shook my head, signaling him not to go near me. I quickly left and went to the rooftop where Kun is waiting for me. 

He is standing there while looking at me.


"Why him?" Kun asked

"W-What do you m-mean?" 

Kun smirked "Stop acting like a fool! You said you like me! You gave me high hopes! I waited for you and when everything is completely fine. You fucking turned your back on me. I thought you like me? What happened? Why did you suddenly started ignoring me and- Fuck!" he shouted and kicked something so hard "I fucking waited for you! Why are you doing this to me?! Is it because I'm a damn trouble maker?-"

"Kun, it's not like-"

"Then, what? Tell me"
he said while looking straight to my eyes 

How am I going to tell him everything? How? He will probably think it's such a small reason for me to suddenly started to like Jaehyun. 

Kun kneeled in front of me "Please,  tell me" 

"Kun, don't do this, please" 

"Tell me that you still like me. Can you tell me that you are just using Jaehyun? Please, I'll believe and I will pretend like I didn't know about the issue"
Kun said and held both of my hands tightly 

"Sorry, Kun." 

"Please, Jieun. I will give you one more chance. Tell me that you still like me and you're just using Jaehyun for fun. Please?" Kun begged

"Stop it, Kun. I need to go" I said and was about to leave but he held my hand tighter this time "Kun, let me go. You're hurting me" 

"I guess sending everyone the picture of you and Jaehyun together is a good idea. I wonder what will be your Father's reaction?" Kun smirked and looked at me "Good luck" he let go of my hands and left me, alone.

He sent it to my Father? He did it. Kun did it. How did he know about the argument between me and my Father? Who the hell told him? 

My phone started ringing.

Dad calling...

"Yes, Father?"

[There will be four body guards to pick you up and your brother-]

"Father, what is this all about? I-I don't understand"

[Go home right away. We need to talk. You disobeyed what I told you to do. How dare you, Jieun? You are like your Mom]

"C-Can't you just let me and Jaehyun be together? Why are you against us?!" 

[He is a vampire! And he shouldn't be marrying a human! He should marry someone like him! You are putting yourself in danger, Jieun!]

"Dad, let me do what I want. Let me be with someone I like-"

[You like a vampire, Jieun! Can you even hear yourself?! I'll hang up now. Let's talk when you get home]

He ended the call. 

I thought I will be free once I started leaving with Dad, but it turns out that he is controlling me too. Can't they see where I am happy? Isn't it obvious? Jaehyun is my comfort zone. He is my safe place. And I know he won't let me be in danger. 

"Did something happened?" someone asked behind me

I know who owns that voice. Damn. Even his voice can make me feel safe. 

"Yes,  why are you here?" 

Jaehyun smiled "Are you really asking me that? I will always be where you are" 

"Jaehyun, I'm sorry" 

He playfully hit my forehead "Sorry? Did you cheat on me?" 

I sighed and looked down "I can't even believe this. My own Father is putting my husband in danger. I thought those parents who are against their child's relationship only exists in dramas. I was wrong, it turns out that they also exists here" 

"You forgot something" Jaehyun 


"A perfect husband also exists in front of you" he smiled and quickly hugged me tight "It doesn't matter if your Father is against us, or even if it's the world is against us too. What matters right now is, we both know what we want" 

I looked at him "I don't know what you want" 

He once again hit my forehead, playfully. "I want to be with you, beside you, forever"

I smiled. 

"Can you do me a favor?" Jaehyun asked while looking to my eyes 

"Sure, what is it?" 

"Can you promise not to leave me? Once you promised, I will keep it and will always remind you" Jaehyun

I nodded "I promise" 

"Can you also do me another favor?" Jaehyun asked once again but this time, his eyes were different. 

He is showing me an emotion that I never saw from before. 


"Stay with me, while I'm fighting for us. Just stay, I'll do the rest"

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