One: The King Likes Men

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This title is inspired by a BTS Namjin fanfiction! It's called The King Likes men. Such a great book!



"They say...blood for the blood god---"

"That sh#t isn't real!" He sighed. "You killed your queen!"

"I don't love women and my parents should've realized that years ago!"

"You need them! How the h#ll are you supposed to have children!?"

"Two percent of men on the planet can give birth! I want one of that two percent! You will have this kingdom find me a suitable man to be my new queen! Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, your majesty." He bowed.

"Go! What are you waiting for!?"

And so, the kingdom went miles and miles across the United land which stretched out far. Along the green trees and brown paths, they knew, there had to be...the perfect one.

They went from cottage to cottage, gardens to gardens, ponds to ponds, trees to trees, and ditches to ditches.

Of course, the nymphs, pixies, frogs, mermaids, mermen, and so many other creatures, didn't have what the kingdom was looking for. Half of this land was full of 'mythical' creatures. This only led for fifty percent of humans left living on this land.

If two percent of men on earth can give birth to children, and the kingdom takes up 0.03 percent of the world, then that leaves about a 0.0000001 percent chance of there being a man in the kingdom that can give birth.

Though, what if that man that took up the percentage of 0.0000001 wasn't the king's type? Welp, guess they better get their traveling gear ready, because they WILL find the king's match. Otherwise, guess they're getting their heads chopped off.

"---King Techno."

"I don't understand---" the woman said, confused.

"The king is searching for a spouse somewhere in this kingdom---"

"I have four daughters!"

"Ma'am, we need a man."

"A-A m---A man?"

"Did I studder, stupid b#tch?" One of the knights said.

"Nick!" The other said.

"Why a man!? I have four---"

"I heard what you said! We! Need! A! Man! A boy! Male! Non female! Get that into your skull! Get it, or not!?"

"I-I do...I have a son...but...that's my baby!"

"As the scroll states, "the family may occupy three bedrooms---"

"You may have my son! He even has a thing for"


"Now, for the confusing part...does your son give birth?"

"Unprofessional, Tommy---"

"Says the one who called her a dumb b#tch!"

"I said stupid b#tch!"

"Same difference!"

"Oh shut up---!"

"My son can carry children!" The lady interrupted.

"He can?"

"He does?"

"Yes. His name's Clay. Though, he prefers Dream. He is twenty one years old. Gorgeous, he is. Would you like to meet him?"

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