Chapter 64

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POV: Toshinori

Kimberly raises her hand. "So All Might was demoing this on an actual student?"
"Actually." I ran outside, and picked up the knocked out Y/N. I put her in a chair. "The student before you is actually a projection from her mind." Pointing at them.
"Besides being a very convincing act, I'm not actually here." She smiles.
I can't believe it's working.

"So that loud thud in the halls wasn't you two getting it on?" Kimberly smirks.
The students start to talk again. How they heard that too but didn't think about it. I look back down at Y/N. "Yes. Our acting on. See All Might here had cold feet. He was scared you would all take it wrong. Thinking the Number One hero would do such a dirty act. He was embarrassed. I had to give him a prep talk."
"You talk with your hands. You didn't have to slap me. Not that it hurt but still." I see the crowd of students start to calm down.
Suddenly Kimberly raised her hand. "CAN I SLAP ALL MIGHT?!"
"No!" I'm offended.
Then Kimberly popped in front of me. She slapped me. Then she whispered. "You guys love is killing me." She then popped back to her seat. Why does she know so much. Why is she everywhere.
"Thank you for that." I try to hold my smile. We really need to leave this place.
"The most important thing you need to take away from this, if you or someone you know wants to hookup with a teacher. Stop them. Everything has a way of coming. Don't risk both of your life's."
"Well with that. We really should be going." We turn to the door. When it opened. The teacher of the class stopped and stared at us.
"All Might? Why are you here?" They ask.
"Just giving an important message to the kids. I must really be going now tho." I picked up Y/N, and quickly left.
Once we got into the hall. We went around the corner before we stopped. "Well now that we got out of that..." She leans in. Wanting a kiss.
"No. You need to wake her up, and go away."
"Oh come on, just a little...." She pulled me closer.
I put my hand over her face. "Now."
She stopped fighting me. "Fine. But not because you said so." She turned away. Pouting.
I need to control myself. We almost didn't get out of that. "Anytime now."
"Toshi." I froze. "Sorry. All Might... The stuff we just said to that class. Do you feel like we are wrong?"
It took me a second to answer. I know what we are doing is wrong. But I don't feel that way. "No."
She turned back to me. Big eyes staring at me. "You mean it?"
"Well. We met at the store. You didn't start out as my student. I feel like our relationship is different."
"It is.... I mean you definitely improved as a kisser."
"What does that mean?!"
"Oh. Something you don't remember. And either do I. Well real me."
"So does real Y/N know who I am?"
"As her projection, I have certain memories that she 'lost'. It's like how I run off of her emotions. She might not even be aware of what her feeling are. But no. She hasn't figured it out. But when she does she will probably slap you."
"Why would you say that?!"
"Well two men toying with your emotions or having them be the same man and doing it. That hurts."
"Point taken. Wake her up."


I open my eyes, and I see I'm in All Mights arms..... I quickly stumble back, karate chop in the air. "What's going on?!"
"Well you fell... Asleep."
"While I was walking?!"
"Well your projection was here."
My face starts to burn. "What did I, no she do?" I bury my face into my hands.
His face was red now. "You can ask Kimberly."
"Oh!" I stood there blank face. Shocked. "Well maybe I should go and kill myself now." Then my phone started to go off. Probably like a hundred texts came in.
"As far as I can tell. Only Kimberly understood what was happening. Everyone else..."
"Everyone." I squeak out.
"Ahh. Yeah... So." Just then the bell rang, and all the classes came into the hall. "If Kimberly doesn't tell you. I will later. Goodbye." With that All Might was gone.
I kinda was frozen there. I listen to the students around me. One girl tells her friend how she wants to fuck a certain teacher, but All Mights message really hit her hard..... Ok! What's the message?! I pick up my phone and look at what was said. Kimberly. And probably over 75% of these messages are just OMFG. Suddenly she appeared next to me. She grabbed my shoulders and started to shake me. IM FREAKING OUT FOR YOU!" She shouts.
I feel like a rage doll. "Could you at least tell me what I did?"
"What. Do you not remember? I thought you had worked on your projection?"
"Yeah. Well she still does what she wants. And apparently she likes to knock me out during the day now."
"So you don't remember her having a hot and sexy make out season on the teacher desk."
"I'm sorry what?"
"Yeah. I'm sure you guys started out in the hall. Kissing and all. Then you came into an 'empty' classroom and were getting really into it. So I stood up and shouted. You stopped and turned in it into a freaking lesson. Then I got to slap All Might."
"Oh.... Yeah, I'm going to go and walk off the top of the building now."
"Don't do that." She turned me around, arm around my shoulders, and walked me to the cafeteria. "I'm upset no one got my Mean Girls reference."
"Kimberly I just can't with you."
"Not many can. So I got a message from my mom. And I guess I have to met my grandma at the hospital today."
We grabbed our trays, and started down the line. "I thought both of your grandparents where dead."
"Yeah. Me too."
"Well are you excited?"
"I'm not sure. I guess she just reached out after a long time. She has been in the hospital for a while. So most likely I'll met her then she will die."
"Kinda morbid."
"Sorry. I've been kinda distracted lately and meeting family isn't too high on my list."
We make it to a table. "Well what is?"
"Ok. So remember that dude that corrected my story." She was all bubbly now.
"Yeah. Well we have been talking a lot. I'm starting to think he isn't real but I really want him to be."
"Your telling me you have a crush on someone you don't know."
"I guess. Even if he doesn't like me that way. I want to be his friend."
"Well do you have an actual name?"
"He is shy and doesn't want to give it to me."
"Then tell him you need proof he is real. Demand a selfie."
"But what if he ant cute."
"Does looks really matter. And what happened to wanting to be friends."
"Well Eye candy is a bonus Jonas."
"Just stop."
"Ok. I'll ask."
We ate our food silently. I kissed All Might in front of a class. This is why he couldn't tell me. He was embarrassed. I'm embarrassed, and it wasn't me who did it. I have to have a serious talk with myself. "Any reply?"
"Nothing. Maybe he is a fake guy that is actually 67 years old and is jacking- HE SAID YES!"
She stares down at her phone waiting. "Do you want to finish that other thought? Or are you just to excited."
"I can't believe I every doubted him. "We are soulmates."
"Kimberly. Maybe they are already in a relationship and are looking for a friend."
Her phone pinged. "He is beautiful." She showed me the phone.
"Why does it look like someone else took the photo, and it's not even straight."
"He is in a suit. What more would I want."
"Wait. I'm not here a lot. But isn't he a student here. At the very least I've seen him. I'm not sure where tho."
"What if he is a teacher. And we have to have a Secret love."
"Hey. Remember the message I gave your class. Don't fall for teachers."
"Yeah says the girl that has two teachers after her."
"Yeah. I guess I can't really be one to judge."

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